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Looking for Hawaiian surname with specific meaning?

I'm writing a story where the main character is a teenage girl who's a Japanese-American (Japanese mother, Hawaiian father) who moves to a small town in Alabama, and discovers she has amazing powers (it's still in the planning stages). I like my character's names to have a meaning relating to their powers (for example, another girl who has wind powers will be named Skylar Crestmere. Get it?) I have her Japanese name, but I would like a Hawaiian surname that relates to music (since her power is music/sound). Something that has 'sound' 'music' 'singer' or 'song' in it? I appreciate any help.

3 Answers

  • 10 years ago
    Favorite Answer


    nvi. Sweet-voiced, as in singing; sweet-toned, as music; a singer. E mele mai ana nā puʻukani kaulana, the famous singers will sing.

    pronounced = POO-oo-KAH-nee

  • Anonymous
    5 years ago

    Don't worry about it. I am half Korean and half Caucasion and came to this country in 1963 at age 3yrs after being adopted by a wonderful caucasion couple who had already adopted 3 other mixed race children. All through my childhood, I got asked by kids if I was Japanese or Chinese. I got called names by kids and also by adults who should have known better. Even growing up and now being a certified grown up, some people have no sense of manners and will walk up to me and ask " Just what are you ?" Throughout the years, when I feel the person was just being an ignorant racist, I would just make things up, like I told one guy I was French, another that I was Swedish. I have ash blond hair and look mildly polynesion, espcially when I get a tan in the summer. People asked me if I was Hawaiian, and I just said , "Heck yeah! I'm from the big island. How about you? What are you?" Some strangers/people just feel like they have the right to ask everyone their nationality or they just do not find anything rude about going up to a complete stranger and ask them what their ethnicity is. It's just a lack of manners. On papers that ask what your nationality is and then they list White, African American, Asian, Hispanic and then a blank that says "Other." That is the one I check and I don't feel like I need to explain. Most of my experience with these questions came from when I lived in VA, NC, and the midwest. Now I live in California and for some reason, I just blend in here and no one feels the need to ask me "What are you ?" Know that you are beautiful in your own right and be proud of what and who you are! And when someone asks you questions like that again, unless it is official business, heck, have some fun with your answers. Be creative--nosy people can just guess if you're telling the truth!

  • Kono
    Lv 7
    10 years ago

    Sorry, not gonna be much I can do gonna be "Haolesux", it have very hidden meaning, very subtle, ok? Only most perceptive people gonna know what it mean, but kinda prevailing feeling hea Hawaii, ok? Sorry can not help, but Peace and aloha to you, ok?

    edit: maybe mobetta one gonna be, "Allahaolesux", sound more pseudo Hawaiian, yeah?

    Source(s): kapaakid
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