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Does God answer all prayers?

Has anyone had a prayer answered by God recently? Can we control what prayers he answers?

16 Answers

  • ?
    Lv 7
    10 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    Yes. Likely, yes, but not sure. No.

    Forgive others as I have forgiven you.

    I’m not here to win a popularity contest, but to witness to and speak the TRUTH.

  • You are here on this earth for a purpose and it is not my will but thy will which has to be done; everything which we go thru in this life is to help us fulfill our purpose, and we may pray for something which has nothing to do with our purpose.

    The big picture is more important then the little desires that we may have. When we are fulfilling our purpose we are totally fulfilled and desire nothing else. It is only when we are not fulfilling our purpose that we desire to be fulfilled.

    Each human being is born into a puzzle which they must put together and we will try all sorts of pieces to complete that puzzle before actually finding the piece that actually fits. Sometimes we pray for and receive stuff that has nothing to do with our purpose just so we can learn that it had nothing to do with our purpose.

    I used to think that I was going to be a happily married millionaire but I have since learned that is not what God had planned for me. When I feel the overwhelming, intoxicating, unconditional love of God all of my needs are fulfilled and all of my prayers are spontaneously answered in that one experience.

  • 10 years ago

    He absolutely does! You may not like the answer, but He has a plan to prosper and not to harm you. Take the Bible's Word for it... no pun intended. ;) Also, take the Bible's command for a life's mission. "Seek ye first the Kingdom, and all these things shall be added unto you." Seek ye FIRST the Kingdom. Go ahead. What have you REALLY got to lose? Run after God!

  • 10 years ago

    God or the Creator is expressed through nature as a force of bestowal or giving. We cannot attain His essence, hence we can only relate to this force by what it gives to the entire creation and how this force of bestowal keeps everything in balance and harmony. We, as human beings, also receive everything from this force, as it created our human nature, DNA structure, place and culture we were born in, external situations we encounter every day, etc. Yet, our essence is only to receive as we derive fulfillment from receiving, and our human nature is egoistic and self oriented, as we can only perform actions that will (at one point or another) give us pleasure or satisfaction in return.

    A prayer should be aimed to be equal in properties to this force, being equal to the property of bestowal. Hence, a true prayer means that we want to rise above our egoistic nature and be able to bestow and give to others, such as the Creator does. Prayers that are "heard" by the Creator are only the ones that are oriented toward the spiritual well-being of everyone and to be closer to this form of perfection in bestowal. If we ask for the Creator to change our inner nature in order to be able to love others (loving thy neighbor as thyself), then this prayer is indeed heard by Him and answered.

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  • ?
    Lv 5
    10 years ago

    No God doesn't answer all prayers because it may not be in his will to answer them. No we cannot have control over what prayers God chooses to answer. We cannot manipulate or bribe God to get our own way. Nor am I a member of the Unification Church which is not truly Christian.

    There is only one way to get saved and that is through the "Grace of Jesus Christ who died on the Cross for our sins". Whether you choose to agree with me or not that is of your own opinion but I will stand by what I believe!

    You Do The Math

    How can all these men all claim to be Jesus Christ? I believe there is only one Jesus Christ and I don't believe that Rev. Moon is he.


  • 10 years ago

    1 Peter 3:12 "For the eyes of Jehovah are upon the righteous ones, and his ears are towards their supplication, but the face of Jehovah is against those doing bad things."

  • ?
    Lv 4
    10 years ago

    ‟God helps those who help themselves.”

    When I pray, it is not so that some invisible being can do all my work for me. When I pray, it is so that I can listen to the true feelings of my heart, so that I can see what my soul really is. We do not control entirely what happens to us, but we DO control entirely how we THINK about the things that happen to us.

    For instance...

    ‟Dear God,” someone might pray, ‟Please do the dishes for me.”

    The hopeful guy watches the sink apprehensively.

    ‟Please!” he’d beg. ‟Please!?”

    The hopeful guy watches the sink apprehensively...

    As opposed to this:

    ‟God, be with me as I do the dishes.”

    The contented guy scrubs the plates without much fuss and stands back, admiring his handiwork and praising God.

    See the difference?

  • Anonymous
    10 years ago

    He answere in 1 of 3 ways. Yes, no or wait

  • ?
    Lv 4
    10 years ago

    Proverbs 28:9 (KJV)

    9He that turneth away his ear from hearing the law, even his prayer shall be abomination.

  • 10 years ago

    Good idea.

    Control God.

    Are you, like, 3 years old?

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