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When did perception become Truth?

When did a person's perception become Absolute Truth?

I do not understand this.

Catholics are *perceived* as worshiping Mary

Catholics are *perceived* as never reading the Bible

Catholics are *perceived* as mindless followers

Catholics are *perceived* as not believing the Bible is the Word of God!

And no matter how much a Catholic will say these are not true, we keep being told that it IS true by non-Catholics!

So, when did perception trump truth?


Canadian Atheist: I AM Catholic. I am a convert to Catholicism and therefore studied Catholicism and her teachings, these perceptions are not true at all, not even by 0.0 1%. I am also a very strict Catholic. If any of these things were true I would not be Catholic.

Update 2:

Canadian Atheist: I AM Catholic. I am a convert to Catholicism and therefore studied Catholicism and her teachings, these perceptions are not true at all, not even by 0.0 1%. I am also a very strict Catholic. If any of these things were true I would not be Catholic.

Update 3:

No Chance: I was using Catholicism as an example because it is what I know about. You did not answer the question regarding perception becoming Truth in any way. As for the 4th perception about Catholics, it's is YOUR perception that it is a complete fallacy and again, YOU are deciding by your perception what is true and what is not. I have had over a dozen people tell me this, in person and on Answers and I am just 1 Catholic, I'm sure I'm not the only one.

12 Answers

  • ?
    Lv 7
    10 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    A recent report found that Americans believe what they want to even when facts contrary to their belief are handed to them.

  • 10 years ago

    Reading the answers here, all I can perceive is that many have never attended a Catholic Mass, and those that have harbor a hatred for anything Catholic.

    That is my perception. Does that mean it is true?

  • ?
    Lv 6
    10 years ago


    "Those perceptions are the 100% truth.

    I know, I grew up in a VERY strict catholic family, and went to catholic school."

    I have heard of lying for Jesus, but now we are lying for Atheism as well.

    Just like Aleria, I am also a strict Catholic. None of those things are even a little bit true!

  • Anonymous
    10 years ago

    To be honest , As me being a young 14 year old Maronite just joining the church , I'm forced to go to a non - denominational Christian church which I don't enjoy at all .

    But I have to go to honor my father and mother correct?

    But my mother talked to a non denom priest about my faith and he says how were very wrong during the eurchurist.

    He said we kill Jesus everytime we have communion because it's the actuall body and blood of Jesus.

    But Jesus says " Who ever eats my body and drinks my blood will have eternal life "

    So everywhere we go people are going to critize the Catholic Church but not know anything about it.

    And it's sad and ignorant. Just stay strong and ignore all evil. Jesus warns us people are going to Judge his church.

    But Jesus says who ever Judges will be judged.

    So when you hear all this negitiveity about the Catholic church , Just be kind and smile , it will really make a difference.

    And when you said people say we don't read the bible , do they know who wrote there bible?

    God bless you

    Source(s): My personal Experience ( Maronite )
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  • Anonymous
    10 years ago

    Hitler and the boys needed an enemy too. I think, though that the people who "perceive" as they do simply have been taught that anything they do not agree with is something that needs to be blasted.

    Obamarama suggested, in front of the entire world that (and this is a quote) "Libya is a fine example of international cooperation" . . meaning, I perceive, that anything he does not agree with should be bombed? I hardly think so.

  • 10 years ago

    Let me suggest that there will be exceptions to any rule.

    My personal experience: I have four neighbors who are Catholic. There are two shrines to Mary in their yards. Their behavior is indicative that they have likely never opened a Bible. They have no interest in studying the Bible when invited, telling me "no thanks, I am Catholic". They are quite comfortable calling me a "Christian", and themselves a Catholic ( as one stated, "I grew up a Catholic, not a Christian like you") I attended a "Bible study" at the local diocese (it was actually the catechism study). When I asked several questions about what the Bible meant on a subject, I was told that "we need to ask Father about this".

    Is my experience the exception, or the rule? For me, is it this the exception, or the rule?

  • Anonymous
    10 years ago

    Exactly.. when did people start perceiving good feelings as god? why do people perceive the universe as being gods creation.. its funny isnt it

  • Anonymous
    10 years ago

    I never trying to label a whole group as anything

    But there are trends, and exceptions to the trends

    Overall catholics pray to and venerate mary

    Overall Catholics receive their scriptures in the 3 reading snippets on sunday

    Overall when asked to choose between God and their Church....they can't

    and the fourth one is a complete fallacy


  • Anonymous
    10 years ago

    Ignorance is bliss.

  • Anonymous
    10 years ago

    Those perceptions are the 100% truth.

    I know, I grew up in a VERY strict catholic family, and went to catholic school.

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