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What are the best, cheapest ear buds?

I have an ipod touch which came with the white apple ear buds, i’ve gone through 5 pairs of those in the last year and a half. One side of the ear buds always ends up breaking. I need quality but relatively cheap ear buds. Any suggestions?

2 Answers

  • Stuart
    Lv 4
    10 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    I like Sony MDR12LP's. They're cheap but have excellent sound and surprisingly even some bass response despite being a set of $10 nonpowered ear buds. And I always loose them before I ever break them.

  • Anonymous
    10 years ago

    Listen to me, I have bought $5 ear phones and $50 ear phones, they all end up eitehr having the wires pulled out or the ear buds falling apart or just stop making sound for some unknown reason. The only thing that sets them apart is price and brand name, on the inside they're all the same cheap crap so you might as well find a pair you like and stock up on them.

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