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If your friend is cheating with a man/woman and you knew the husband/wife would you let them know?

18 Answers

  • 10 years ago

    Very difficult to answer and it would depend on this "friend" and just HOW GOOD a friend, he or she was.

    Let's say, for example, it was one of my 3 very best friends of many, many years - indeed I would reveal in the least harmful, gentlest manner possible, what I knew. The caveat? I'd MAKE CERTAIN I had some sort of PROOF before I opened my mouth - PERIOD.

    I've known this to occur with several acquaintances throughout the years, but because I didn't know for certain all the facts? I didn't say anything. Eventually, it always comes out dear, someone slips, someone else speaks up, etc., etc., etc.


  • 10 years ago

    Honestly, I have informed several spouses/friends about cheating partners.

    When you do this you become the focus of anger from both sides. (for telling and being the messenger)

    I myself will continue to "rat" (if you will) out cheating partners, as I do not believe in this behavior.

    Opposed to my old method, I now inform the other via anonymous methods. It is the best way to do what I personally believe to be the right thing without getting caught up in the mess that will follow.

    BUT be sure you know this to be a fact and not just a rumor, before you take any measures to protect a friend.

    Nobody likes to be cheated on...

  • 10 years ago

    I say no way! It is none of your business and in my experience the person usually stays in the relationship and then your friendship stops and they have misplaced anger towards you. If you feel like you MUST say something then I would say it to the person cheating. Something like, "I thought I should tell you that I have seen what you are doing and if I see it then other people are." Just to let them know that they have been caught. And honestly, I am sure the other person knows and if they don't have suspicions yet they will soon.

  • 10 years ago


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  • 10 years ago

    I'll let my other friend knew that indirectly, by creating that sensible moment as i don't want all of them to end their lives by messing up with things as they aren't the way they're practically.

    If you have any more doubts, feel free to contact me

  • DM
    Lv 6
    10 years ago

    I would let me friend know that I don't find it acceptable, s/he needs to make a change and live an honest life and that I will not cover for them.

  • 10 years ago

    It depends.

    I HAVE told friends off over their cheating, dropped acquaintances....

    Most likely, I'd talk to my friend & think about it from there.

  • 10 years ago

    No. I would go to that cheater and let them know what I know and how it would effect the spouse if and when they find out. I would advise them to quit or fess up or I will tell.

  • Anonymous
    10 years ago

    My loyalty would be to my friend first and their spouse second .

    Besides that ,,, there is a line as to what becomes peoples " personal business ".

    Source(s): Yeah , you're right Bruce ! the girlies love to blab , huh ?
  • Anonymous
    10 years ago

    his wife would know he was cheating before he did.

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