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I don't know what to do...?

lately our health teacher has been telling us to do stuff that you are interested in and people keep saying what they want to be when they're older, I feel so behind, I know i'm only 15 and in 9th grade and have all highschool but everyone just seems to be pushing stuff about what to do for jobs, etc. My parents aren't but i hear my friends say they know and our guidance teachers are already getting us into it, im just not interested in anything, either its too hard or not enough money, ya know? I just don't understand what the big deal is... I mean yeah I like stuff but im not OVERLY interested about it as much as other people...

2 Answers

  • Anonymous
    10 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    You aren't alone. I'm in college now but I still am not absolutely sure about my major. You're free to have the time that you need. If you let peer pressure get to you, you may go into a major that you're not at all interested in.

    If you want to look, think deeply about the things you like to do, not what people want you to do. Finding something you enjoy doing is a bit difficult, which is why you should go out or research different things. When I went to college, I enjoyed sociology, so I took an introductory course. I didn't like it so much, but through the class I learn about philosophy. I love French, but when I researched what the major offered, I made it my minor.

    Bonne chance!

    Source(s): Experience in high school, college
  • 10 years ago

    Not being interested is normal but there is time later but just to keep the teachers from giving you grief.Start by thinking what would be interesting rather than some task like job.Say a physical therapist.It might be something like Graphics designer.Even if it means just for the school project.

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