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  • Certain noises make me snap?

    Ever since I can remember, I hated the sounds of certain things. I would get so angry (still do but I try to control it) when I heard a certain sound like when people snap their fingers, I just cant stand it. My parents would do it just to get me going and thought it was funny but I honestly just get really angry and sometimes start crying because of it, I just hate certain sounds. I am also very sensitive to sounds, and any sudden loud sound makes me have an anxiety attack.

    2 AnswersOther - Diseases7 years ago
  • I don't like physical contact?

    Okay, well, I don't know where to start. Since I was young, I never liked physical contact with people I'll gladly go up to a stranger and hug them, or my friends, but the minute I think about that hug, or think about how my friend is laying on me, I either get anxiety (to the point of throwing up sometimes), or uncomfortable. With my parents whenever they try to put their arm around me or hug me, I just get uncomfortable and move away. I'll hug family members if they want to, but I just kinda turn it off in my head. When I like a certain person more than a friend, I get really bad anxiety, whenever they would cuddle with me (as friends even, but I liked them more) I feel like I have to throw up, and so I end up leaving and going to their bathroom. I don't know why, it mostly started that I can remember when I was in 8th grade, I am 17 almost 18 now. I just want this feeling to go away but I feel like I'll always have this weird feeling with me. Trust issues? I don't know.

    3 AnswersSingles & Dating7 years ago
  • I love a friend I'm not friends with anymore...?

    It's honestly a really long story, but to make it short. I was friends with her, she was an *** hole and ignored me a lot because of peer pressure, she knew I liked her (maybe a way to get rid of me cause i liked her...?) And I haven't talked to her in a year, now shes in one of my classes, and we end up starring at each other once in awhile, it gives me anxiety just thinking about her and writing this. Honestly I don't know how to deal with this situation, I'm confused af... My heart literally aches.

    1 AnswerFriends8 years ago
  • How does the saloon get hair so soft?

    I have frizzy hair, the hairdresser told me that I got fine hair, but its just really frizzy, they can make my hair so damn soft and perfect, then when I go home and use my own its so frizzy, I can only use certain products too because I get dandruff, and I DO NOT, straighten my hair, its really curly and I don't like straightening it. I'm also on a tight budget, kinda poor... But it'd be great if you guys can tell me what to use! So far Pantene (however you spell it) makes me get dandruff and makes my hair frizzy, so does any tresseme stuff, makes it ten times worse. lately I've been using this macadamia oil shampoo and cheap top care conditioner which makes my hair itch, macadimia oil doesn't leave me with dandruff tho. please help, I love my curls but its so damn hard to find something!

    2 AnswersHair8 years ago
  • Dominos pizza makes me sick?

    Ever since I was a kid Dominos pizza made me sick, every time I ate it I would throw up in the middle of the night, I'd eat it for dinner and around 2 am I'll be sick. For the first time in 7 years I ate it and I know they "changed" to a new recipe but I had it for dinner and now I am sick. Does anyone else get like this? Mind you I'd ask you another question, does anyone think its weird that they can text you now if they want? After they came by the door the guy said that the tip wasn't already in the order (which is bull crap cause we checked later and it was) plus he didn't even have to drive cause my friend lives right next to them, and so my friend gave him a dollar tip. The delivery guy then texted saying how we gave him a horrible tip, etc.

    2 AnswersOther - Dining Out8 years ago
  • I get anxiety every time I like someone?

    It literally effects my social life and I start thinking I'll never be able to like someone because I get panic attacks whenever I'm around that person and it ends up ruining the friend ship. I've changed my sexuality because of this, I am bisexual but for awhile now I've been calling my self asexual because I don't want to be with someone and have a relationship with them because of this anxiety. I've tried to calm my self down but every time I'm near them, think about them, or talk about them my heart starts racing (not in a good way) I get nausea, and feel like I have to go to the bathroom every minute. Please help me, I know theres the meditation and stuff like that, and theirs medication but I have no clue how I would tell my parents about it, I've tried hinting about it but I don't know what they think about it. Anxiety does run in the family also... I'm 17 if that matters at all :/

    2 AnswersMental Health8 years ago
  • I feel gross after I masturbate?

    Emotional wise by the way. I don't mean this to be an inappropriate question either. It's not religious wise either. I have no guilt about it religious wise an know its normal. But I just feel depressed and stuff after I do it... I mean, what if I get like that when I have sex some day? Ill feel like **** after? I dont know any more

    6 AnswersWomen's Health8 years ago
  • Is it wrong for a 13 year old to like a 17 year old?

    They're both girls... Of that matters

    7 AnswersSingles & Dating8 years ago
  • Dream about hugging my friend?

    Well, for more understanding I am a girl, and I used to have a "crush" on my friend who is also a girl, well, I had a dream that I hugged her and it was for a long time... I get really bad anxiety, like a fear of liking someone, I say I'm part of the A-Grey umbrella, meaning asexual/demisexual, so I don't know what that dream was telling me.

    1 AnswerDream Interpretation8 years ago
  • I can't straighten my hair?

    I can't straighten my hair. When I get it straighten professionally it only lasts for a day or two because I have to take a shower. When I try to do it my self it ends up being ten times worse by becoming frizzy, thick and just every where. I've tried different products for making it easier to straighten but it doesn't work, reason why I'm bitching about this is that I can't put my hair in a ponytail or bun when it's curly and frzzy, when it's straighten, I can.

    8 AnswersHair8 years ago
  • What should I study in college?

    I'm only in 10th grade but our school pushes us to think ahead and all that crap... But anyways I was wondering what you guys can tell me what I should focus on just by my interests:

    I'm into history, any type of history. I honestly don't know why, it's just interesting. I also like studying why people act the way they do, so I guess psychology is a big thing I'm into. I also like astronomy and photography. Astronomy I like is also "I just find it interesting" and photography I guess everyone is into these days, but I don't go and call my self a photographer cause I have a Instagram.

    So ya that's what I like, sorry if this is long. I'm just sitting here worrying and freaking out cause I really have no talents or interests in things that much..

  • Foot hurts after long walk?

    I walked from my friends house to a park and back to my friends house, I'd say that's about 1.5 but I did walk around a lot before and after that. Since then, the arch of my foot has been hurting any time i stand up and walk and I have no clue what it is, I can't run, jump, just kills where ever I go so I have to limp.

    1 AnswerInjuries8 years ago
  • Where should I get this tattoo?

    I wanna get a tattoo that says "Sempiternal" meaning never ending. But I don't know where I should get it, I can't get it on my wrist, seems too long..

    4 AnswersTattoos8 years ago
  • Songs about someone you can't have?

    Songs about someone you like but you can't have cause they're already with someone. Thanks, I prefer rock btw. anything like ADTR, Sleeping with Sirens, Of mice and men, three days grace.

    4 AnswersLyrics8 years ago
  • see through my teeth?

    I hear its from bad enamel or something, but I never drink soda, and never eat candy..

    2 AnswersDental8 years ago
  • Songs about hating someone?

    Songs that you want someone to go away because they were *** holes, something like that. Maybe in the genre of hard rock/pop rock

    ex. A day to remember

    8 AnswersRock and Pop8 years ago
  • I don't know what to do...?

    lately our health teacher has been telling us to do stuff that you are interested in and people keep saying what they want to be when they're older, I feel so behind, I know i'm only 15 and in 9th grade and have all highschool but everyone just seems to be pushing stuff about what to do for jobs, etc. My parents aren't but i hear my friends say they know and our guidance teachers are already getting us into it, im just not interested in anything, either its too hard or not enough money, ya know? I just don't understand what the big deal is... I mean yeah I like stuff but im not OVERLY interested about it as much as other people...

    2 AnswersOther - Education10 years ago
  • Should I tell her? (I need more answers and soon)?

    Ok so im a girl... I want to tell my bestfriend (whose a girl) that I love her... Like, I would do anything for her, and I trust her with my whole life but at the same time IM not lesbian an that I just want to do anything for her and that I would stop what ever the hell im doing just for her and i dont even know how I feel in a way... Like my heart aches without her but the thing is... she has a boyfriend who she cares a lot for she even tells me her secrets but i dont even know... Im not sexually attracted to her either im just personality attracted? Im afriad that if I do tell her this stuff that she wont want to be my friend and we will slowly stop becoming friends and truth it id rather not tell her at all then stop becoming friends with her because i seriously deeply love her... but i want to tell her cause it hurts me inside... How should I word it? i dont even know...

    Im not lesbian either, im attracted to guys but..

    Also i have told her that she truly is my best friend, but I still feel this thing in my heart for her it seems like its not enough...

    1 AnswerFriends10 years ago