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Should I tell her? (I need more answers and soon)?

Ok so im a girl... I want to tell my bestfriend (whose a girl) that I love her... Like, I would do anything for her, and I trust her with my whole life but at the same time IM not lesbian an that I just want to do anything for her and that I would stop what ever the hell im doing just for her and i dont even know how I feel in a way... Like my heart aches without her but the thing is... she has a boyfriend who she cares a lot for she even tells me her secrets but i dont even know... Im not sexually attracted to her either im just personality attracted? Im afriad that if I do tell her this stuff that she wont want to be my friend and we will slowly stop becoming friends and truth it id rather not tell her at all then stop becoming friends with her because i seriously deeply love her... but i want to tell her cause it hurts me inside... How should I word it? i dont even know...

Im not lesbian either, im attracted to guys but..

Also i have told her that she truly is my best friend, but I still feel this thing in my heart for her it seems like its not enough...

1 Answer

  • Hannah
    Lv 4
    10 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    I think you should tell her. It's nice to hear that you have a real friend and if you think that you would want to hear it from her, then tell her.

    Say: "Hey... I just wanted to let you know that you are the best friend that I have ever had and I really appreciate you and our friendship. I would do anything for you, and I hope we can be best friends for life. Thank you so much for always being there for me, and I just want you to know that I will always be there for you because I love you."

    She'll really appreciate that

    and it's not creepy it sounds fine

    I say go for it

    you'll be glad you did

    good luck!

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