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Angela asked in Beauty & StyleHair · 8 years ago

I can't straighten my hair?

I can't straighten my hair. When I get it straighten professionally it only lasts for a day or two because I have to take a shower. When I try to do it my self it ends up being ten times worse by becoming frizzy, thick and just every where. I've tried different products for making it easier to straighten but it doesn't work, reason why I'm bitching about this is that I can't put my hair in a ponytail or bun when it's curly and frzzy, when it's straighten, I can.


I also don't have the skill to straighten my hair, I can't get the back, I end up burning me self, I'm just an idiot who can't do ****.

Update 2:

I have done the stupid "into sections" I just can't straighten it, I don't have the moter skills to get behind my head and under hair and all that crap. I'm also poor so I can't get anything too expensive.

8 Answers

  • 8 years ago

    I would suggest investing in a straightener that goes up to 450 degrees, and getting a heat protecting spray for your hair. You can ask your mom to straighten your hair for you, or you can look up some videos on youtube about how to straighten your hair. I also suggest you do it in layers, which means clipping some of your hair up, and then straighten a section, and then letting down the hair in the clip, and then straightening that section. You can also ask the hairstylist for suggestions and good products that you Can use.

  • 8 years ago

    Salons tend to use straighteners that have a higher heat option. But the most important thing to straighten your hair correctly is to take very small pieces not thick chunks start underneath and work your way to the top

  • 8 years ago

    Try flipping your hair forward like standing wit your head down if that makes sense so your hair hangs downwards.Then with a brush section by section straighten by brushing the brush through and following it up with the straightner.Maybe try a brazillian blowdry heres what it can do and it lasts around 3-6 months

  • 8 years ago

    My hairs naturally very straight, only slighty wavy, so I'm not sure if I can be much help but I'll give you some advice. You may have already tried this product but I love it's a 10! It smooths out your hair, prevents damage, it's a heat protectant, and untangles your hair. Also, brush it out thoroughly before.

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  • 8 years ago

    That is just what my promblem was. I would try to straighten it but it would just get really poofy,frizzy uhh i just what i did was i went to a hair salon and asked for products that are good to help straighten. They gave me a super skinny serum & this other foamy product.So you sould go to a hair salon and ask them which producs work for you.

  • Anonymous
    8 years ago

    I had the same problem. It's probably that you have a crappy straightener also you should hairspray it after

  • 8 years ago

    use a brush when you blow dry it and when you straighten it part it is small part's that's what i do and i have really thick hair

  • 8 years ago

    ask the salon people how they do it and for some tips

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