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Dominos pizza makes me sick?

Ever since I was a kid Dominos pizza made me sick, every time I ate it I would throw up in the middle of the night, I'd eat it for dinner and around 2 am I'll be sick. For the first time in 7 years I ate it and I know they "changed" to a new recipe but I had it for dinner and now I am sick. Does anyone else get like this? Mind you I'd ask you another question, does anyone think its weird that they can text you now if they want? After they came by the door the guy said that the tip wasn't already in the order (which is bull crap cause we checked later and it was) plus he didn't even have to drive cause my friend lives right next to them, and so my friend gave him a dollar tip. The delivery guy then texted saying how we gave him a horrible tip, etc.

2 Answers

  • 8 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    Yea thats ridiculous when they behave like that over a tip u didnt have to give in the first place. Next time I see those jerks I make sure I dont insult em by offering a tip. Fyi usually when I give a small or no tip its cause I feel they didnt deserve it

  • Anonymous
    8 years ago

    I used to be a delivery driver so I know about this first hand. A good driver won't expect a good tip, but will follow the following in hopes to get one:

    - be respectful

    - be attentive

    - be professional

    - be on time

    I never did this out of greed but simply because I grew up with the motive to always do your job well, no matter what it was. I was then promoted to assistant manager but have left the company since. A lot can be learned delivering pizza and it is regularly overseen in how much actually goes into pizza delivery, aside from the wear and tear you put on your car to bring people lunch and dinner

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