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Angela asked in HealthMental Health · 8 years ago

I get anxiety every time I like someone?

It literally effects my social life and I start thinking I'll never be able to like someone because I get panic attacks whenever I'm around that person and it ends up ruining the friend ship. I've changed my sexuality because of this, I am bisexual but for awhile now I've been calling my self asexual because I don't want to be with someone and have a relationship with them because of this anxiety. I've tried to calm my self down but every time I'm near them, think about them, or talk about them my heart starts racing (not in a good way) I get nausea, and feel like I have to go to the bathroom every minute. Please help me, I know theres the meditation and stuff like that, and theirs medication but I have no clue how I would tell my parents about it, I've tried hinting about it but I don't know what they think about it. Anxiety does run in the family also... I'm 17 if that matters at all :/

2 Answers

  • 8 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    Listen. I think all you need is just a little confidence and learn how to chill out. Screwing up while talking with a girl will not change your life. Don't worry about screwing up or rejection and you will be totally fine. Message me, If you still need help. I would write a long answer but my parents are bugging me too much,,,,:)

  • 8 years ago

    I think that's pretty natural I have the same feelings but at the same time to make things easier ignore your feelings and say what's on your mind to someone that you like I do it all the time and it helps me out and I think it can help you out to just try it what do you have to lose I believe in you take care my friend

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