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I don't like physical contact?

Okay, well, I don't know where to start. Since I was young, I never liked physical contact with people I'll gladly go up to a stranger and hug them, or my friends, but the minute I think about that hug, or think about how my friend is laying on me, I either get anxiety (to the point of throwing up sometimes), or uncomfortable. With my parents whenever they try to put their arm around me or hug me, I just get uncomfortable and move away. I'll hug family members if they want to, but I just kinda turn it off in my head. When I like a certain person more than a friend, I get really bad anxiety, whenever they would cuddle with me (as friends even, but I liked them more) I feel like I have to throw up, and so I end up leaving and going to their bathroom. I don't know why, it mostly started that I can remember when I was in 8th grade, I am 17 almost 18 now. I just want this feeling to go away but I feel like I'll always have this weird feeling with me. Trust issues? I don't know.

3 Answers

  • ?
    Lv 5
    7 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    Did you have a bad experience in 8th grade, that could be why?

    I feel the same unless the hug is for a special occasion

  • Anonymous
    7 years ago

    I would think this could be something from your life that you didnt want to have physical contact but had to too many times and now just repelling from it. or just some type of mental block that you have. I heard that hypnosis works but not too sure how effective it is, and if you can just ignore the consciousness that you have before you hug someone, I think that would help if you could do that.

  • Azazel
    Lv 7
    7 years ago

    Just tell them :) there's nothing wrong with that!

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