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Lv 7

Opposition to same-sex marriage on religious grounds?

There's an issue regarding religious opposition to same-sex marriage that I'm hoping some people who take that position can clarify for me.

When you say that same-sex couples should not be allowed to marry because it's a "sin", or because "God opposes it", or any other similar argument, are you *unaware* that your personal religious beliefs are not a valid legal justification for denying groups of American citizens the Constitutionally-guaranteed equal rights that the 14th Amendment affords them?

Or do you simply *dislike* this fact?

Being unaware of this fact, or pretending that the fact doesn't exist simply because you dislike it, are the only two logically possible explanations for proposing religious arguments against same-sex marriage. Bear in mind, I am referring here to marriage, the secular legal contract between two consenting adults and the State; the kind performed by a judge in a court of law. The religious matrimonial union that most churches refer to as "marriage" is a completely separate issue and is both entirely immaterial to and beyond the scope of this question.


Jason Jackson - "When the Federal government decides, we are a democracy and i oppose it."

America is not a democracy. We are a constitutional republic.

The law exists to protect the rights of the minority. This is why laws against interracial marriage were ruled unconstitutional, and why we could not reinstitute slavery, even if the majority were in favour of it.

Update 2:

Dr. Bob - "Alexis, your assertion that same-sex couples are entitled to marriage rights based upon the 14th amendment is simply false. If that amendment covered the issue, this would have been decided a looong time ago."

No, it isn't false. I'll get to this point in a minute.

And, yes, you'd *think* that it would've been decided a looong time ago. Someone in 1966, prior to Loving vs. Virginia, might have though the exact same thing about laws against interracial marriage.

"No one likes to hear it, but it's true: everyone is entitled to marry anyone they choose of the opposite sex. In that we are all equal. There is no denial of rights to those who are homosexual or an addition of rights to those who are heterosexual."

Thank you for bringing this up. Prior to 1967, everyone was entitled to marry anyone they chose of the same race. In that, we were all equal. Which is to say, we weren't.

Please read the following article:

"Same-Sex Marriage is NOT a Gay-Rights Issue": https:/

Update 3:

And, the link didn't post correctly for some reason. Let me try that again:

23 Answers

  • ?
    Lv 7
    10 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    God made rules 4 His house (which never change)-defy him eventually u r thrown out=God's love ISNT unconditional-no1 is automatically God's child b/c of sin. We cant know whats right w/o right personal relationship with Jesus (only Jesus can rewire our brains 2 accept whats right/true). U cant b gay & Christian(can fool urself but not God)but ppl CONFUSE TRUTH[offends many]/HATE. Any1 who sleeps with/marries their own gender is in effect sleeping with/marrying themselves=abominations [the real VALID REASON=right vs wrong love]-distorts/merges/blurs God's male/female creation characteristics/attributes/purpose (Lev 18:22/Rm 1:26-32/1 Pt 4:3-4/Gal 5:19-21). Even 1 man/woman marriages cant b rightly put 2gether w/o knowing God's/Jesus' purpose 4 it.

    All men r capable of same sins (no1 can live w/o breaking God's eternal Law=sin-punishment=death). No its not easy 4 believers given world's approval of sin(hardwired/by choice) but we cant remain in sin & b Christian (we must make effort 2 try not 2 repeat sins-only possible thru Jesus/Bible).

    God created Adam&Eve(1rst chosen ppl not 1rst ppl) not Adam&Steve. God does nothing w/o a purpose/created: woman 2 help/serve man/2 procreatenot 2 teach, except 4 children)/man 2 lead/teach God's way 2 family/others. God/His purpose never changes-He cant make a mistake (only 1 God can occupy infinity, God of Israel-only fully proved b/c Jesus is God's Son/wasnt speaking out 2 nor 1000s of sides of His mouth=no confusion.

    But God can 4give sinners=why Jesus died 4 our sins. B/c God did this most loving thing & Jesus fully obeyed God all must go 2 Jesus 2 b saved (Jn 14:6/Acts 4:12). Only Jesus (perfect Physician) can change us 2 what God accepts-CANT CHANGE OURSELVES b/c we cant know God's purpose 4 us w/o Jesus(Jn 3:3,5/5:39). Accept/promote/do sins like being gay r against God. Ur innocent child sees 2 men holding hands (CHILD THINKS ITS OK/normal 2 do it=copy adults like 4 pot use-1 sign 4 end-times=disasters will increase).

    God cant look upon sin (2 remain perfect)-separates us from God-only way 2 get past this eternal barrier required 1 2 b perfect sacrifice (Lamb of God w/o spot/blemish) 2 fulfill God's eternal Law-4 this God gave Jesus full authority over all things in Heaven/on earth(Mt 28:18). 2 b healed of our sins we must b Born Anew (Jn 3:3,5-Nicodemus was very religious but Jesus told him he missed most important step-1 must b Born Anew=being very religious/good in man's eyes cant get u in2 Heaven).

    Reading the Bible (religious/not) u cant find Jesus w/o His Biblical directions (Jn 5:39/10:1,7). Only a Bible cant b properly known w/o Jesus (Jn 14:6/II Cor 3:14/Is 29:11-12-If Jewish ppl cant unveil OT w/o Jesus all gentiles cant=why many interps exist/called fairy tales).

    Why most religions r built on gods man likes/impose human limits/labels 4 knowing things 2 God's abilities-cant all b right(only 1 Bible-why so many interps? II Pet 1:19-21). Religion cant teach much about God (cant teach what u don't know). Who knows more about a house the Builder/ppl moving in later?

    In history only Jesus said He's the way/truth/life/cant know God w/o Him(Jn 14:6/5:39)=whole truth is complete in Him or its a lie=no God(knows all or not God). All claimed new/other beliefs/from self-proclaimed prophets/teachers r false/godless or He's 1 more false prophet 2 ignore.

    Jesus couldnt hv done whats in NT w/o knowing whole OT (impossible w/o God/NT didnt exist yet/Apostles couldnt write NT w/o Jesus having them remember all He did(Lk 24:25-27,45).

    God knew ppl would [un]intentionally twist His Word so He used an unchangeable system (like God/Jesus-more visible in word 4 word [with right amnt of literal method] Bible versions [best is ESV]-Prv 30:4-6).

    Many/churches r on wrong paths=dont believe everything told 2 u. Many ways seem right but its end=death (Pr 3:19)--1rst pray 2 Jesus, then carefully search the Bible 4 the truth. Churches knowing Born Anew process/making every effort 2 follow the Bible might help but cant save u. Salvation is thru Jesus/His word). Carefully think over what I say. Dont just believe/dismiss what I write--might save u from getting in2 godless religions (poisoned tree/its fruit). U must know Jesus/Bible 2 know if a church is on/remains on right path.

    Religion (& spirit of) is about a generic god not what Jesus taught about God. God hates us b/c of our sins--being judged as good by men/religion cant save u but God also loves us (why He sent His Son 2 die 4 our sins--so thru Jesus our sins could b 4given if we sincerely turn 2 Him=Eternal hope is only in Jesus Christ/His Bible). Whoever seeks Jesus with all his heart&soul will find our real God/His Kingdom (u'll know the truth/sets u free). U can lead a horse 2 water but u cant make them drink. Why should God want u 2 live with Him 4ever if u dont want 2 know Him His way (free will=Jn 1:12-13)?


    Source(s): If Jesus is God's Son Quran/islam (contradicts Bible); LDS/BoM/mormon (no another testament); JWs (NWT/Watchtower/Awake=false)/Catholics; most Protestants/SDA/moonies/C Scientists/Scientology, Buddhist/Hindus others r wrong on Jesus, demotes Jesus 2 prophet/good man (1 way/another). If He isnt God's Son (false prophet) Bible/all named above r wrong (false prophets). Cant hv it 2 ways. 1 Jesus=1 true Gospel (2 Cor 11:4). Many believe in but dont know Jesus (even Satan knows Him/can b angel of light). Wrong teaching foundation cancels all ur claims=house built on sand-when final biggest storm hits ur house/all u add/fix 4 it 2 seem better/its foundation r washed away. Whats loosed in Heaven is loosed on earth still must adhere fully 2 Bible truth. God's truth is 4ever unchanged but man's religions/man-made gods die with him. Click my ID, read answers/hv ?s post/notify me or email ?s 2 me/YA cut post text amnt.
  • 10 years ago

    Alexis, your assertion that same-sex couples are entitled to marriage rights based upon the 14th amendment is simply false. If that amendment covered the issue, this would have been decided a looong time ago.

    No one likes to hear it, but it's true: everyone is entitled to marry anyone they choose of the opposite sex. In that we are all equal. There is no denial of rights to those who are homosexual or an addition of rights to those who are heterosexual.

    Far from being unaware of that "fact," I think it's clear that you're misapplying the law here.

    You're also making the error of insisting that this is purely a religious issue. It most certainly is not. While there are indeed religious reasons that people object to changing the law to permit something they disagree with, there are also reasons for not wanting to change the law that have nothing whatsoever to do with religion. A good friend of mine, an atheist, thinks that there should not be homosexual marriages. I assure you his reasons are not religious.

  • Anonymous
    10 years ago

    The bible says that it is immoral in the face God I don't know the exact scripture where it says it is but this is what I've been taught. I personally don't agree with the concept of same-sex marriage and the Catholic Church teaches it is wrong, however God teaches us to love all of his children. Yeah that's hard sometimes but I think it's wrong but God does not want us to hate those people for what they do. Although if God would have intended for a man to be with another man he would not have originally created Adam and Eve. It definitely is a difficult subject but the Catholic Church does disagree with it most strongly.

    Source(s): I go to a private Catholic school and am a Catholic
  • chris
    Lv 7
    10 years ago

    Well what fact or you stating? in my state the legal definition of marriage is that of only between a man and a woman. There are civil unions that allow for same sex partnerships that have all the same benefits of marriage without calling it marriage. Its like calling a sedan a truck they both provide transportation to and from the same place in the same way but they are two very different vehicles.

    Like wise as a constitutional definition of marriage goes foreword so does the defense of the 14th amendment as there is no mention of sexual orientation in the 14th amendment. This does not mean that sexual orientation was not meant to be included by it's writers only in that man is to be equally free of bondage and in particularly from slavery. Not by coincidence, sin is often referred to as being in bondage to slavery. In contrast the constitution was established like the ten commandments written in stone so that we could all understand what direction our government should go and any deviation from that is considered a violation just as is sin.

    So what the real issue here is the right to same sex marriage or partnership morally just? and is homosexuality a just right or immoral? Society is who defines what is moral and the majority of society draws it's morality from religious values. The Constitution is full of references towards God and so is the declaration of Independence. As long as the society leans towards a faith in God homosexuality will be considered a sin and immoral as well as same sex marriage and partnerships.

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  • ?
    Lv 5
    10 years ago

    Equal rights to what? There are some things that should not be such as homosexual marriages, polygamy, adults marrying children, etc. According to you all of them have the right to choose for themselves but, most will currently say its wrong. Over time these things can change but, does a calloused heart make it right?

    BTW - if the 14th Amendment meant what you said there would be gay marriage throughout the entire US backed by every state. This is not the case is it?

    Christians are never going to support this because the Bible says its wrong. Atheists and homosexuals are going to do whatever they want and disagree. We all have freedom of speech. That's my first Amendment right acknowledged by all 50 states.

    God doesn't care what either me or you think about anything. His standard is the one used for entrance to heaven. We are either in line with His plans or go about it on our own. Do whatever seems best to you. I am not responsible for your actions, only mine.

  • ?
    Lv 7
    10 years ago

    Your comment, "The religious matrimonial union that most churches refer to as "marriage" is a completely separate issue and is both entirely immaterial to and beyond the scope of this question."

    So, your question is a legal one which means you're in the wrong forum. Or should I just assume this is a rant?

    If I may summarize, your comment boils down to the old adage, "You can't legislate morality". Au contraire my dear, that is PRECISELY what laws are intended to do. We agree as a people that murdering someone is immoral and impose penalties. We agree as a society that sex between an adult and a child (whether consensual or not) is immoral and those caught generally spend time behind bars.

    We used to agree as a society that God intended marriage to be between a man and a woman. It was understood. Now, the law has been "revised" and somehow the Christians are the ones refusing to budge. We stand firm in our belief that it is improper and say that we are all beholden to a higher law than the current law of the land.

    Using your admittedly weak argument, why should a man be prohibited from marrying an animal, the mere thought of which should sicken any normal person.

  • 10 years ago

    You're absolutely right that their creepy, medieval beliefs are not a valid justification for denying them the Constitutional rights that straight people have. It's clear and distinct discrimination.

    As long as gays aren't stepping on straight people toes, that is, compromising or removing their rights to marry or right to anything else (which of course they aren't), then there should be NO problem whatsoever, religious dogma from 2000+ years ago be damned (har har ;)

    That's called Morality. Which rests on Logic and Reason, not dogma and that heard it through the grapevine Sh|t.

  • 10 years ago

    First of all what the scripture actually condemns is the sex act being performed by homosexual couples because sex is supposed to be saved for marriage and by that I mean the religious kind sanctified by God and that kind of marriage can only be between a man and a woman. Being homosexual in and of itself isn't a sin. My personal thoughts are I don't personally like it and will never actively support it but as long as it stays away from the church I don't oppose it either

  • Anonymous
    10 years ago

    Without the institution of marriage, we would breed indiscriminately, the family unit probably would not exist as it does today, S.T.D's would be rampant through all of us and we'd be constantly fighting over living property. Marriage is essentially simply a way to bring people together in the long term. The prevention of violence, jealousy and disease are what marriage is for. I do not care, not one bit, if one person loves another and wants to marry. It's not my life, it's theirs!

  • 10 years ago

    What does a religious standpoint have to do with legal justifications? I don't see the point of your question, religious people will always be opposed to same sex couples.

  • 10 years ago

    While I support same-sex marriage 100%, I wanted to point another important fact out to opponents. Americans have used religion to support slavery and the banning of interracial marriage, too. And, the Bible only makes direct reference to homosexuals in Leviticus which is rarely used by present day Christians and also condones eating shrimp and cutting your hair.

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