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Am i wrong ...............?

it looks like a message is being sent to me ....

2 of my best friends who were married after big love stories complain from their partners now ? "the only 2 love stories i know of that succeed to get to marriage "

which made me think if something called love really exist or we did invented it

nothing seems to be working as its theory is telling

" treat people as you would like them to treat you "

you treat people right .. they abuse you and treat you badly and ignore you

" love cannot be created where it didnt exist or killed where it did "

really !! .. no body loves anyone and everything look fine ... only those who are in love who are suffering

" Money cannot buy happiness "

in real life money have bought every thing ... happiness ... pride .. love .. you cant find someone happy without money ... maybe you find someone rich is happy too ... but at least the rich can be sad without suffering

" to find a perfect friend you have to be one "

i never knew friendship ... people always appear so bright and good and pure until they want something you have ... then they may crash you and kill you if it was necessarily to get it

there is no love or justice or any reason or help for anyone who would like to live by all the noble ways .. everything is turned upside down ... everything is unfair

please tell me that i see things darker that it is .. and there is something good that i dont see

sorry if the question is so negative ... but i passing through alot .. and i needed to ask that ...

in case you dont know what they question ... here it is .. should i give up my thoughts and live like others ... work hard for money and then more money and then choose my wife using my mind ... and keep quiet when i see something wrong , fake my friendships and hypocrite people .. till life passes and die .. !!

13 Answers

  • Anonymous
    10 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    i hope this answer doesnt get deleted cuz i really wanna help u..

    u have so many points here i will try to tackle them one by one...

    1. " treat people as you would like them to treat you "

    first of all..u cant act like others cuz it will be like tearing urself from ur skin..u r what u are..

    u wont be able to keep up'' act'' for long...

    believe me...what goes around ,,comes around...

    2" love cannot be created where it didnt exist or killed where it did "

    ofcourse u cant create is an intangible thing.u cant will urself to love some or not...

    killed where it did,,yes it can be suffocated.. love is a feeling between 2 that needs to be if 1 is not doing his share by time ''u fall out of love'' ...definitely

    u can fall out of love...

    3." Money cannot buy happiness " no it cant,,

    like they say it is better to cry in ur Mercedes than stand in the street crying ahhah lol

    so yes it solves a lot of problems but it doesn't buy happiness...

    4." to find a perfect friend you have to be one "

    yes .. but here is a point ..u have to chose ur friends wisely..i... for instance i am very picky on who is around me,,i chose them 3al faraza like they say...there is ''something'' i look for in a person..and i sense it ..ya3ni i have many acquaintances..but the closest inner circle to me are like the sa7aba to sayedna mohamed keda...

    u said..

    i never knew friendship ... people always appear so bright and good and pure until they want something you have ... then they may crash you and kill you if it was necessarily to get it

    then they werent true ya IAD..u thought they were friends...bas u thought wrong....!!! think again...

    u are just feeling u see everything dark and negative..

    even thu EP is like my son /buddy but dont take anything from what he said as true.....

    EP reminds me of a typical 1970 generation...that believes ;;elli me3ah ersh yesawy ersh..wel samak el ker yakol elso3' forget EP da 5ales...

    now about the general divorce rates has increased bt the newly weds in egypt...there are many factors..

    1.they are spoilt

    2the woman's income gives her a sense of security

    3.they are immature..not the is the brain!!

    4.most of them lived with their dad in saudi making money so they have no sense of family

    5.they believe''papi haygebli elli a7san''

    6.their choices was based on looks n wealth not on whats 'inside'

    7.both act things they are not in real life ....both act mr and mrs perfect

    8.changes in the social culture and ideas

    about ur friends..elso7obeya is different than marriage,,,when u marry... u marry a person b seluku ,teba3u, 3adatoh..basically to have a good relationship..

    1. u have to know and acknowledge that persons defects even b4 his merits....look for that persons faults and love him with these him for the human he is... with all his shortcomings....

    2. compromise,,,people dont want to meet half way.....

    3..each person wants to take ,,no one wants to give

    each wants his one wants to do his duties......

    i hope i helped u...cheer up

  • ?
    Lv 4
    10 years ago

    well,,,, i feel ur struggle ,,, our world has fe3lan become a difficult place to live in . But i want u to know that ,, although now , u ronly seeing the dark side ,, there is a bright , shiny side out there ,, and it WILL come u r way ,, this seems to be a phase that u r going thru ,, because of what's happened to the people around u .

    Be proud of what u r . You r right . Stay that way . These rare traits r what make u a good person . And , believe me , even if doesn't look like that to u ,, kol wa7ed rabena beyedeele elly yestahlo ,, welly ye2dar 3aleh .

    So , keep in mind that all those negative thoughts u have now , are temporary . They will fade away .

    What's important is that u hold on to what u believe in . Don't try to lose that good person within you . God knows what u r ,, and will bless u with something very good in the end ,, u better believe it .

    Read what Fnh had to say carefully. She analysed the whole thing for u .

    And don't forget ,,,, cherish who u r .

    ay that way . These rare traits r what make u a good person . And , believe me , even if doesn't look like that to u ,, kol wa7ed rabena beyedeele elly yestahlo ,, welly ye2dar 3aleh .

    So , keep in mind that all those negative thoughts u have now , are temporary . They will fade away .

    What's important is that u hold on to what u believe in . Don't try to lose that good person within you . God knows what u r ,, and will bless u with something very good in the end ,, u better believe it .

    Read what Fnh had to say carefully. She analysed the whole thing for u .

    And don't forget ,,,, cherish who u r .

  • G. #2
    Lv 7
    10 years ago

    " Money cannot buy happiness "

    What if you are really really sick and suffering and money cannot be cured?

    Sure, money may help in making someone happier by buying him material goods, but maybe someone who is poorer (not extremely poor, but just poor, or poorer) but is content with what he has, he is happier than someone rich who is sick or who always wants more and more.

    " treat people as you would like them to treat you "

    This I agree with what you said, just 1 major difference, which is I believe that if I treat people right or good, this is how I will be treated by God isA after I die, and not actually looking for a better life or treatment on Earth, but after Earth.

    As for the love and friendship quotes, sure, life is not pink or systematic, so because something maybe happened to someone doesn't mean it's a rule to happen to everyone.

  • 10 years ago

    "in real life money have bought every thing ... happiness ... pride .. love .. you cant find someone happy without money ... maybe you find someone rich is happy too ... but at least the rich can be sad without suffering "

    They may be suffering, but they are so grateful for what they have. Gratitude = Happiness

    And a big yes LOVE EXISTS, I love ice cream!

    "treat people as you would like them to treat you" ----"dah quote 7yaty" :D

    If they abused/ignored you, you will find 100000 "gherhom" who will not

    Source(s): I believe in Karma.
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  • 10 years ago

    Well, there's something u have to know : just be urself and don't expect anything from anyone even the close's not pessimism that I call for, bs it's like a shelter u have to put around urself in order not to get hurt ! yes u have close people in ur life, which is good..but don't put too much hope on them..always be at a distance ,u will feel much better...but believe me, msh kol el friends by7ebok becoz they want something from u, there are good ones, but maybe u haven't met them yet.

  • Anonymous
    10 years ago

    i understand wat u mean...u be nice, u do the right thing and others [mainly] don't do that towards u...

    but wen i do something, i do it because of god, conscience, morals etc. i do it and im happy with myself...i don't expect others to do it...

    friendships..i learnt don't trust too friends but just friends unless something has happend that shows ur friend is like a brother/sister

    money is important...but it is not the be all and end all..:D

    and true love exists...its rare but its out there..and its worth waiting for [if ur the patient guy]..ive seen the way my highschool teacher and her husband would was so sweet ud be fighting not to cry...

    Source(s): why so glum chum? :D
  • Anonymous
    10 years ago

    Happiness is very subjective!

    Money does make us happy!

    But it's not everything!

    Sex is fun but do you live for sex only? No, right?

    Friendship come and go, change, etc... *sigh*

  • 10 years ago

    No, you shouldn't give up your thoughts because everyone has different experiences in life and no one can persuade to change your thoughts based on his own life experience.

  • 10 years ago

    Maybe you are just thinking way too much. f3ln as Roji said , dun expect much from people and you will be happy.

  • Eman G
    Lv 6
    10 years ago

    Just be urself and live for what u believe in.

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