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Lance asked in Politics & GovernmentPolitics · 10 years ago

What is Operation Fast and Furious, and what is the controversy?

8 Answers

  • Jim R
    Lv 5
    10 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    Our Government supplying Guns to the Mexican Drug Cartels, Raising the violence in Mexico and Blaming it on American Gun Ownership; All to help push their Anti-Gun Agenda then to use that as an excuse to disarm America.

  • ?
    Lv 5
    10 years ago

    The U.S, government does what it does for a long time start things behind the scene, use their power to manipulate and overthrow governments, interfere with foreign affairs and interfere with other countries affairs, policing the world all this for their own political politicians self interest, cause riots, buy the media to be bias and produce lies,using fear mongering to keep the wheel of war propaganda turning to feed the politicians in Washington's pockets of money, in this case obama told holder to do this operation to manipulate people that guns are bad for americans as a excuse to take away the constitutional right to bear arms against a tyrannical government and that happens when government is bigger than the people[they can more easily control the people ,the more they depend on the government], when PEOPLE are Bigger than the government its called LIBERTY.

    Source(s): You see guns are bad for america its killing americans the government knows whats best and will take away our arms just in case they revolt against the government controlling their lives.thats what government wants to do, but it was blotched and sacred obama will use holder as a fall guy
  • 10 years ago

    Jim R, best answer.

    I wonder how people can possibly support Obama and his cronies after this?

    This is the ultimate of manipulation. They want it to look like gun owners are at fault here and they perpetrated the entire thing. It backfired and one of our finest officers was laid to rest over this with one of those guns.

    I have always wondered why liberals find it so important to disarm good Americans. The average gun owner is not a criminal and wants to protect themselves, hunt and is just your average citizen. I think, after this, we know quite well who the criminals are and who is the dishonest party.

    By the way, I defend to the death your right to bear arms, though I am not a gun owner. I have never even held a gun in my hand and have no interest. But, to disarm us means we would be reduced to pitchforks and torches? It's an effort to try for the ultimate control of us.

    Our founding fathers gave us all the right to bear arms. One of the things that drove many to come to the "new land" in those days was freedom from tyranny. We had to bear arms to gain our freedom and we still fight for freedom to this day. Looks like the fight is still quite ongoing with this kind of manipulation going on.

  • Di
    Lv 7
    10 years ago

    Jim R nailed it.

    It was the Obama Administration carrying out an illicit operation - kind of like Iran/Contra, but which got Americans killed. Obama's ATF under the DOJ flew under the radar and got caught.

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  • Anonymous
    10 years ago

    The far right says it was an attempt to overthrow the government of Mexico.

    Or it was an attempt to drive illegals over the border to vote democratic

    Or it was an attempt to abolish the 2nd amendment.

    Or it was an attempt to stary a civil war in Mexico.

  • 10 years ago

    It was a program set down by the obama administration and carried out by the ATF to have gun shop owners along the mexican borders sell as many guns as possible and not use the normal gun selling procedure. It was basically just giving guns away to anyone who had cash.

  • ?
    Lv 7
    10 years ago

    Ever see the movies?

  • Anonymous
    10 years ago

    I've got a need for some speed....

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