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The feds are going to shut down Medical Marijuana in California?

what's up with that ?

I thought Obama was going to leave the dispensaries alone ?

They pay taxes and provide jobs, in our current economy I think that's a really good thing.

If the feds kill Medical Marijuana in California you know all the other States that have it will be next.


most do pay their taxes.

One dispensary in San Fran should not be held up as an example for all others.

and if they don't pay their taxes, that's what the IRS's lawyers (and jail) are for.

Update 2:

" The federal actions could have significant consequences in California where medical marijuana transactions are estimated at $1.5 billion or more. The state of California receives an estimated $100 million in sales taxes on dispensaries. Several cities, including Sacramento, have sought to infuse depleted coffers by taxing medical marijuana at local dispensaries. "

6 Answers

  • 10 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    yeah what the hell

    Source(s): pro-weed
  • ?
    Lv 4
    4 years ago

    it is an govt action, not legislative, yet what the President promised is to not intrude with people who complied with a state's scientific marijuana regulations. The assertion being made in California is that the focused marijuana dispensaries at the instant are not in compliance because of the fact they are not non-earnings collectives. there has been no exchange interior the area of the feds, they're basically working with a some distance better profile these days, for in spite of political reason they see to accomplish that.

  • ME!
    Lv 5
    10 years ago

    The federal government actually isn't allowed to shut them down. Regardless of what the subject in question is, the states have the legal right to govern themselves. Whether a state decides to sell crack on the street corner, or, like in parts of nevada, have legal brothels, the federal government has no jurisdiction over it. It's a bad sign of things to come, when the government decides it can officially do whatever it wants, despite the way the government is set up to run.

    A government becomes a dictatorship when it starts running things, and not the people. That was the point of having a republic-democracy. The democratic part is run selectively, from amongst us. We choose who represents us. At least that is what it was meant to be. Now it's like choosing between getting shot in the leg, or shot in the shoulder.

    The states actually are almost completely separate from the federal level. The main reason for this, lies in the second amendment.

    "...shall be deemed requisite to garrison the forts necessary for the defense of such State; but every State shall always keep up a well-regulated and disciplined militia, sufficiently armed and accoutered, and shall provide and constantly have ready for use..."

    It's not talking about defense against just other threats, it's talking about the threat of a tyrannical government, and of other states. The problem is, it used to be that congress only had the power to fund and supply these state militias. Now they own them, and so, the federal government has complete control over the states. This is true in most aspects of federal government. Slowly, every aspect of the government has gained more power, and more control. For instance, the president was never meant to have any real power. He was the highest Representative of the republic. He came out and said what just happened, and what was just agreed on between the states (by the elected Representatives). Now he actually makes decisions. Congress was given a lot of power, but now, they own everything, and run everything. They aren't Representatives of us anymore, they are a group that runs itself, funds itself, and is like a tumor on the chest of the country. It's self sufficient now, it doesn't need us. There is a pendulum of power, there always has been. It goes back and forth, each time getting more and more extreme, from on view point, to another. Like the way we keep electing Republican after Democrat, each time getting more and more radical. Eventually, the pendulum either breaks, or reaches the top, falls back to the bottom and starts over again. If it breaks, we have anarchy, and a reset. If it starts over, we come up with a new ideal that will break us down the road, but works for now. We've had 2 pendulum breaks in our countries history, and one account where the pendulum restarted itself. We are approaching that critical mass now. We will either break or reset soon.

    In short, the states are supposed to be self sufficient, but the federal government is now under the impression, that it runs the states, or has influence over them. The reality is, we are a union. A group of sectors, united under similar guidelines, put together for the advance of the whole. The government has taken upon itself to decide what is allowed by everyone in the union, and what is actually best, and it's not good. A union cannot be run by a head of state. It succeeds with the help of the individual, and who's the individual? We are. The people. If we don't take back our own right, to run our own country, then it's just as bad as having our country run by another country, because we have no control over the place we live.

    A government should fear its people.

  • Anonymous
    10 years ago

    On tv last night they said one dispensary near San Fran owed almost 2.5 million in back taxes. So much for your tax claim.

    Source(s): Medical Marijuana is a joke,
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  • Anonymous
    10 years ago

    An election is coming up Mr Obama knows he has Calif in the bag Hell they would vote for a pygmy lesbian if it had a D following He wants to tell the rest of America he is a law and order kind of a guy

  • 10 years ago

    " Medical " marijuana my eye !

    Source(s): Don't do drugs.
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