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Have you ever thought about this?

that you want to live your life as simple as possible

like i dont feel like that i should work very hard to get the highest salary i can get .. or the highest position i can get ... i dont want to be an owner of a big business or have alot of possessions

that doesnt mean that i dont want to work at all or stay the same stage for my whole life ... i just dont want to feel that i m in a race .. because i know very much that its not worthy ... but i ll keep working not to reach the best .. but to fulfill my needs .. and about 20 % more for my entertainment .. my goal wont be to be better than my friends .. or get more paid than them ... because the way i see it is that we are on some kind of a floating ball in an enormous space ... we dont know why are we here .. and if there is anyone else there ... we live for a certain time .. and the end can be at anytime .. and there is no way to know when is that ... so you can spend alot of time or very short time ... then we die ... but there are many ideas about what happens next ... some say you come back to life .. some say its the end .. so some say you ll get punished for your sins then you get to heaven ... then ... there alot of religions .. and point of views about them ... and proofs that they are right and proofs that they are wrong .. and proofs that we created them ... and then comes our way of living .. we work hard to get money to buy things we dont need just to impress people we dont like ... and we keep on doing it .. and teaching the kids that the more you have and the better you have the worthy you are ... so we waste alot of time working and spend alot of movie but still most of the people are not happy and feel empty ...

what i mentioned was to let you imagine how complicated is life and not understood ... and purposeless ... or at least this is the way i see it ...

so the question again because i think you were lost in what i said :D

did you ever thought of living your life as simple as possible ... or you this is this lack of ambitions .. or that we should be working hard and what everything they do because its a better life ... whats your opinion ?



EP : ana nfsi akbar dmaghi .. bs feh moshkla .. en feh nas tania msh 3yza tkbar dmaghah fe nas kol dmaghha ezay t3knen 3lek 7yatak .. kol dmaghahom enhom ezay ykahlo el 3alam makan gamel lehom we aswa2 lel kol 7d tani ... ana lel asaf msh ader at2klm 3la el wad3 dh ... we nfsi aghyar hagat kter gdan ... we zy m2al 3m Einstein ra7mat alah 3leh .... " The world is a dangerous place to live, not because of people who do evil, but because of those who see it . . . . and do nothing."

Nihal ... i ve been through hard time for alot of time now .. maybe 3 or 4 years :D .... all i m doing is tracing happiness and trying to feel it .. because it looks like its rare thing ... many people laugh but you can feel sadness clearly .. makes me wondering why is everything the way it is and why no one tried to change it .....

Mostafa : i think so too .. but what is better ... trying to reach heaven .. or just staying in hell for the sake of everyone else .. we have to try .

Update 2:

Hazem : i agree with you in most of the points ... but i dont agree that humans is the main cause of their problems ... because all about religions salaries and ideas and brands and expensive things came from a few people on those planet who actually taken education from their lifes and distorted their analytical skills for their benefits .... and humans like any other animal can be predicted and redirected ... i think the problem is somewhere else ...

Update 3:

Nemo : awa ymkn el other feeling hwa ele lead me to this one .. ana en kn 3lia nfsi el nhrda abl bkra .. bs aho hn3ml eh .. adina a3den lghyet lma nshof akhrtha eh :D

12 Answers

  • 10 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    kolona haza alragol ,,we want to live as simple as possible bas 5aly balak da might lead you to another feeling,, elly howa matb2ash 3awz t3esh-ha asln .

  • 10 years ago

    First. I don't think life is purposeless.. It's just to difficult for us too reach it's purpose that we get lost and frustrated in the way. and we make it that difficult and complicated. For instance, the religions matter. What if you didn't attack any religion? what if no one shouted that a certain religion is wrong, waving his proofs in the faces of it's followers. Thus pushes the followers to shout themselves and show up their proofs the religion is right. Then hatred comes and wars are waged on. You may think that your religion is right and mine is wrong and vice verse. we should call each other to our religions, if we care that much about others, in a peaceful way. Just saying what our religions are all about without offending each other or attacking each other's religion. Let others be what they like and you be what you are.

    The same about many other things. Money, for example. if I get 200$ month and you get 100$ a month. this 100$ satisfy all your needs. what will make you try harder to make them 150$ or 200$ or 250$? Nothing. unless i came to you saying i have more money than you, so I'm better than you. Or you look at my salary and say he's no better than me to have 200$ a month. We create most of our problems and complications. If we both accepted our salaries and didn't look to each other, only then life become pleasing and easy.

    As you said the end can come anytime. so we should enjoy life. Not by laziness and stuff. by accepting what we are and not looking to others. Yet we can improve our life and enjoy it at the same time.

    As for salaries and positions, for example.

    1. Life becomes hard and difficult when you try to get more salary or higher position because of someone you think/he thinks he's better.

    2. Life becomes pleasing when you work a bit harder and get higher salary or be in higher position. that makes you enjoy life more because you feel the joy of achieving something and proving yourself in front of yourself, regardless of what others did and achieve.

    If everybody minded his own business, life would be so good. Our duty towards others is only to advise them and try to change "bad things" -not what we THINK is bad- as much as we can.

    Source(s): Humans are the main causes of all their problems.
  • ?
    Lv 4
    10 years ago

    i think u r just going tnru a hard time , that's all .

    U complicate things if u want them complicated .

    Live by the rule ,, ''elly ma3housh , mayelzamhoush .''

    Just do ur best , so u feel achieved , we 3amel elly 3alek , 3ashan de mas2ouleya , if u have kids , and a family , god will ask u , enta did ur best walla asart ??

    Don't look at what other people have , and DO NOT , ever compare .

    Ask god for ne3met el REDA ,,, if u r rady ,, u'll feel that u have more than u need .

  • 10 years ago

    about the 'end of the world' part..

    i think.. we be 'research' maybe we can find a way to that we can prolong our stay on this planet, maybe we can make if forever.

    Now, about living simple part, I really support you. We spend our life in 'luxurious useless things'.

    We buy LCD TV to impress other and not because we want it.

    By what you've written, I recalled a book 'The Monk who sold his Ferrari' I haven't read that book, but I think that monk would have thought exactly what you've written here.

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  • ortiz
    Lv 4
    4 years ago

    Yeah... extra advantageous than from time to time. Then I understand that if i do no longer care, no person else is going to so that's as much as me to kick myself in the butt. and that i additionally think of roughly... if right this moment replaced into going to be my final day, could i could prefer to spend it having a pity occasion, or could I particularly merely make it the superb day i can make it? now's there something extra appropriate than YA.... maximum easily. Have a super weekend Mr.T :o)

  • Passio
    Lv 6
    10 years ago

    Yes I always dream of having a simple life. But some people always have a complicated life, many people actually.

  • 10 years ago

    I don't believe that one can live a simple life because the rest won't let you.

  • E.P
    Lv 6
    10 years ago

    I think that " da netag el ra2s maleya we el imberyaleya el tawso3eya el shofaneya el masoneya el 3alameya el mot3afena"

    Source(s): kabar dema3'ak ya 3am :D
  • 10 years ago

    I'm already living it to the simplest.

  • G. #2
    Lv 7
    10 years ago

    I do. (want to life simple).

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