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Is Wall street collapsing 10,000 lost?

Potential jobs lost in 2012

Is Wall Street not just America is living on borrowed time not just money

What are your thoughts

3 Answers

  • 10 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    Welcome to the real world.

    Maybe now those folks will get the picture and stop ignoring reality.

    Now if only we shareholders could convince the boards to face the fact that outrageous paydays for CEOs are over and get back to the basics of running their industries rather than using them as tools for extravagant lifestyles that alienate the vast majority of Americans.

    Rome fell over such excesses. I won't shed a tear for those who ignore history.

    Source(s): A student of history.
  • 10 years ago

    Though Bank of America and Citigroup may be in big trouble. Mostly it is the support staff like admins, accountants, IT guys, marketing, middle managers that are getting the axe. There will be some shearing of executives though. I'd say more of major haircut.

  • 10 years ago

    My thoughts? Eh.

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