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? asked in Society & CultureHolidaysRamadan · 10 years ago

Am I too Young to convert to Islam? I have seen questions like this but...?

They did not seem to really answer what I was looking for, so I have been thinking about this for a while now, maybe even a little too long, but there are many things that worry me, such as how my peers at school will think of me, and my family, but I know my family will love me no matter what, but might be disappointed with me.( and could reject the Idea at first).

I have done A LOT of research regarding whether I should convert and I have gone to many websites which all say I should convert now and ask questions later, but I feel as though I should not jump head first into something so important.

To give you some background:

-I am already in a monotheistic religion ( Christianity)

-I am only 15 years old (so it will be difficult to get to a mosque)

-I do already pray daily many times a day, and have started reading the Holy Qu'ran (But I have a bad memory, so I will have trouble memorizing it)

-I am ready to wear a hijab and cover up if I do convert ( but I cannot currently afford to get a whole new wardrobe so I need advice on that)

-I don't really have any muslim friends that I can ask for advice.

-Also Will I be accepted by other muslims


And I have so many other things, like can I still watch movies?, listen to music?, and watch T.V.?

I have read it is not Halal to do so.

but some others say it is fine.

And again regarding the age issue, Do you think I should wait till I'm 18?

Many people have said no don't wait ( You could die Tomorrow! and such, which is true but then again...) Maybe I am not mature enough to make such a choice yet, obviously I am not going to auto matically be mature when I am 18 but I will have more freedom (hopefully this makes sense).

Anyways, I am only trying to follow gods word, and make the right choice.

May god bless you all, hopefully someone can help me.



Because A person said I didn't give "Reasons"

-I am not spiritually fulfilled with my current religion.

-Islam is a religion of logic.

-I want to find gods word.

Also to those who think otherwise Islam is a religion of peace not war.

And I am not ignorant of Christianity I know what it is because what have I been going to on almost every sunday of my life? Church, although I do still believe in Jesus, what am I to do if I know Mohammed (peace be upon him) is the prophet of god?

And to the age thing, does anyone know for sure that there is a certain age? I don't see any evidence saying so, in all of the research I have read nothing that has said there needs to be a certain age in order to enter a Islam.


I know I sent this in before, but it was in a different section, but someone suggested I send it in this section instead.



21 Answers

  • 10 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    Assalamu'alaikum Warahmatullahhi Wabarakatuh.

    In the name of Allah, the Compassionate, the Merciful, Lord of All Creation.

    "YES". You can converted to Islam.

    Saidina Ali bin Abi Tholib was at the age of 10 years convert to Islam.

    Zaid bin Harith was young Boy converted to Islam.

    The first four in Islam are:-

    1. Khadijah binti Alwalid Wife of Prophet Muhammad bin Abdullah SAW the first person to be Islam.

    2. Ali bin Abi Tholib, cousin of Prophet Muhammad

    3. Zaid Servant boy of Khadija binti Alwalid

    4. Abdullah later know as Saidina Abu Bakar Al-Sidiq (The First Calif of Islam)

    Therefore you are not young because you are 15 years.

    Wabillahhitaufiq Walhidayah Wassalamu'alaikum Warahmatullahhi Wabarakatuh

  • Anonymous
    4 years ago


    Source(s): End Times Prediction
  • 10 years ago

    Never too young! Islam is for everyone...young and old.

    MOSQUE:- as a female it is not compulsory for you to pray at the mosque- praying at home is better and more rewarding- try to establish your five times prayers...if you need any help please ask i have a few websites r.e. salah for beginners. Do not worry about memorising the'll take time and it is not necessary to learn it all (just parts required in salah.

    CLOTHES:- you can adapt your current wardrobe- make sure you cover your arms/ wearing dresses/trousers/longsleeved tops/skirts...and make sure your clothes are not tight or revealing.

    FRIENDS:- if you do go to your most local mosque you will find many people happy to help- ofcourse you will be accepted...and you have the users on yahoo answers who would answer questions.

    MOVIES/MUSIC Music is should stop listening to may take time but you'll get over it...the themes in movies can also prove harmful to our faith

    AGE:- there is no age that is not right- better sooner than later who knows how long you will live

    PROPHETS;- both jesus and Muhammed (pbut) were prophets of God.

    May Allah guide us all.

  • 6 years ago

    no one is young to convert to islam or going to mosque , 7 years old go to mosques, islam make sense , we have brain we must think

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  • 10 years ago

    Going to web sites is your first problem, you need to seek with your heart and soul!

    Read about Mohammad, Islam, read about the Christian Jesus and the Bible in detail, word for word.

    Never got to web sites to find God, it the wrong path and all religious people have biased opinions.

    This is a walk between you and God, not you and some people on the yahoo answers forum or web sites, why would anything we say be of importance when only God can lead you to the path!

    God will guide you with prayer and seeking honest answers, don't be afraid to ask difficult questions, speaks to ministers, priests or Imams for the difficult questions, in the end it is between only you and God

    God Bless you in your quest to seek God almighty, our savior!


  • Anonymous
    10 years ago

    You probably should convert asap but if it is difficult for you to follow some of the things in islam right now, wait till you're older BUT keep going forward in your religon weather you're memorizing the Quran or gathering knowledge.

    Allah knows best.

  • ?
    Lv 4
    10 years ago

    Praise Be To ALLAH -The Glorious and The Almighty-,

    Well, There is nothing called too young to embrace Islam as ALLAH -The Glorious and The Almighty- guide those whom HE wants to guide.

    and Do NOT care about what your friends or your peers at school will say, Remember the following verses:

    So when the Deafening Noise will occur, (33) The Day when one will flee from his brother, (34) And from his mother and father, (35) And from his wife and sons, (36) Every one of them will be too engaged in his own affairs to care for others. (37) ([[ Chapter 89 // Verses 33 : 37 ]])

    And (Be mindful of) the Day the wrongdoer will bite his hands saying, “Would that I had taken a path along with the messenger! (27) Woe to me! Would that I had not taken so-and-so for my friend! (28) Indeed he led me astray from the advice after it had come to me.” And the Satan is man’s betrayer. (29) ([[ Chapter 25 // Verses 27 : 29 ]])

    So Do NOT think about them as every one is on his own, no one will ever carry the sins of those he misled and misguided.

    And about clothes, you do NOT need to buy new ones but you must wear somethings that cover your body and does NOT show it or show how it is like, this is the right dress of a Muslim woman.

    I hope that those answered your questions you asked above.


    So This is my E-mail (( )) if you want to learn Islam and ask as many questions as you want in order to get right answers through the Holy Qur'an and what Prophet Muhammed -Peace Be Upon Him- said, DO NOT hesitate about e-mailing me and If ALLAH wills you shall be answered.

    And May ALLAH guide you and your heart to the right path and the right way and make your heart comfortable with it, Amen.

  • 10 years ago

    wow, mashallah, you are extremely mature for your age, i wish i had the confidence you have.

    i am so proud that you have the confidence to go out and push your self to follow what you believe in, and not fall into peer pressure. im 17 so only a little older than you, and a muslim girl living in America, and yes it is difficult, just a caveat dont get frustrated at first, and dont put your self down because you did one thing wrong, ive been muslim all my life and STILL make mistakes, just say Astagfurallah and carry on. It is good that you come from a monotheistic background because Islam and Cristianity share some similarties, for example you can believe and Jesus, just not as Allah's child, he is a prophet just like Muhammad (peace be upon them both) also i would reccomend doing things step by step or little by little dont pressure yourself into reading the entire Quran in one day or abstaining your self from having fun, you can have fun, and still practice Islam modestly, just be aware of the things you do. since your just begginging and you already want to wear the hijab i think that is amazing, if you want you can ease your way up like wearing jeans and shirts in the begining until your comfortable into wearing long dresses or skirts, for friends , there should be a mosque around were you live and the Muslim community is always welcoming, surely you'll find other girls that can help you, and give you advise for reaching your full potential, for other things, i mean i watch movies, and listen to my ipod and tv, i just tried to avoid music and tv thats risque dealing with sex and drugs and all. just putting it out there lupe fiasco, muslim rapper but still famous withing america, talks about real issues not girls and love. i really love him. If you have anyother questions are concerns i would be SO happy to answer, just email me .! gooooood luck, best wishes .!

  • 10 years ago

    Salam No you are not regarded as too young to convert to Islam ,but I think you must avoid to show demonstratively in front of your parents because you have not a financial independence. You can show it when you have an independence such as you have passed your college(18) and you can get a good job.

    Now you can continue to learn and understand the qur'an and hadith as muslim life guide,do prayers ,dzikir and duas silently Alhamdulillah Allah has guided you into the right path and true religion of peace. Christianity in Islam is not a monotheism religion,because its followers recognize Jesus as the son of Allah while in Islam he was only a rasool or messenger of Allah Jesus would not bear all of sins of his followers Only Allah who will forgive our sins You can enter the mosque as you like and all muslims will help and greet you gladly if you come in to the mosque in a muslimah clothes with hijab.

  • ?
    Lv 6
    10 years ago

    You are old enough to convert if you feel like you want to convert, there is no "magic age" and 15 is definately old enough in my mind. I'd not worry about everything and just get in touch with a mosque, even if you can't go all the time at your age, you can at least make some Muslim friends :D

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