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Is christianity really just...?

About saving your own backside from hell?

I can't see why there would be any incentive to be a good, decent person if you can commit heinous atrocities and then just ask for forgiveness from god. Especially since we apparently all carry 'original sin' even if we don't sin ourselves, so we are punished with hell for other people's sins.

Does anyone else agree? What's your take on it? I'm an ex christian, now atheist.

13 Answers

  • 10 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    Yes, often it is. Christianity is the most immoral, anti-human, anti-nature, life-wasting philosophy ever foisted upon humanity.

  • 10 years ago

    No, neither Christianity nor any other religions are about saving your own backside from hell. Consider this: Why does any person, in any job, work? Is it so that he does not get fired? No. It is for the reward that a person works. In this case, the reward happens to be the goal of the job, not the escape from the consequences. The reward, here, is the paycheque. The punishment, is being fired and being banned from the reward. So, in a sense, yes, you are trying to save your backside from being fired but your not driven by that. Gratification is what you really seek.

    Unfortuantely, as I am not Christian, I cannot offer an intelligent and informed opinion on the whole idea of original sin. What I can claim though is that Islam states that you will be held accountable for every singly thing you ever did. Other than Messengers of God, everyone sins. But not all sins are of equal consequence no one will ever be punished for the sins of other people.

  • 10 years ago

    christianity is about being faithful, believing in god and yes being saved. and no u cant be saved go out and commit a heinous crime and expect to be forgiven just like that! there is a difference between killing someone and just like lying to someone. god say after your saved u r not to sin no more! any ways a good decent christian wouldnt go out and commit a heinous crime, they would keep their faith in god, forgive other people and go on with their lives!

  • 10 years ago

    When people are first "born again" or whatever, they go around talking everyone to death about God and how great he is and all that. Christians call it the honeymoon period. It's really annoying, but eventually the person calms down and mostly shuts up.

    The same thing happens with new atheists. When they first "see the light" and leave their religion, they talk about the problems and contradictions of religion nonstop. And it's just as annoying, especially to those of us who have already been through it.

    This is where you are now. Your question is about something you've realized, and you think it's a great insight because you're just seeing it, but it's old hat to the rest of us. So enjoy your honeymoon, but don't annoy us with questions about religion.

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  • 10 years ago

    Dear Friend,

    Yes, we all are born with the disease of "sin." Separated from communing with God which is what He had with Adam and Eve "before" their disobedience. They didn't have to work. They didn't have to worry about clothing, etc. "ALL" their needs provided for them by an Almighty "loving" God.

    It wasn't until "after" Adam and Eve sinned against God ...did He have to remove them from the Garden and basically saying, "You have broken the covenant between you and Me. You have broken our communing, our fellowship. Now, you have to go and fend for yourselves."

    Man and woman now had to work for food, clothing, shelter, etc.

    But, God in His mercy...Knew, that the only way back into "right" relationship with Him was to clothe Himself as Man to become the sinless perfect Lamb of God, Jesus. To pay the debt of sin that man cannot.

    Yes, when we initially ask Jesus to be Lord "and" Savior of our life, He will clean us up from all our past sin. However, being a Christian does not give anyone "permission" to sin and then just say, "Sorry Lord, forgive me." God examines our "heart and motive."

    If God gave us what we deserve, we would "all" go to Hell.

    And you know what is frightening? We "all" possess that SAME horrific sin that can commit the most heinous crime imaginable. It is only by the Power of the Holy Spirit that convicts man, convinces man, and then they repent (stop committing sin).

    The Holy Spirit is slowly being removed off this earth. And when He is completely gone, total chaos for all mankind. You think what goes on now is bad? Just wait until man has absolutely "no" conscience. Think about that.

    As for me and my household, we will serve the Lord. Joshua 24:15

    Jesus loves you my friend. Even the thief on the cross... was a bad man and deserved to die and go to Hell, but it was his 'heart'...that Jesus "saw."

    And you that I have been reconciled back into right standing with a holy God... I love that He is my Provider and I no longer have to want for anything. Psalm 23


  • Anonymous
    10 years ago

    The Bible condemns in the strongest terms sinning in with the idea you will be forgiven. The OT is strong on that. And it is unanimous in the Christian tradition that repentance IS NOT at your command.

    Did you never read in your whole life as a Christian Jesus statement that some would be sent to Hell for that very sin !! Here, read it:

    20 Then Jesus began to denounce the towns in which most of his miracles had been performed, because they did not repent. 21 “Woe to you, Chorazin! Woe to you, Bethsaida! For if the miracles that were performed in you had been performed in Tyre and Sidon, they would have repented long ago in sackcloth and ashes. 22 But I tell you, it will be more bearable for Tyre and Sidon on the day of judgment than for you. 23 And you, Capernaum, will you be lifted to the heavens? No, you will go down to Hell

    " Why we know not, but God, who shows mercy and gives grace to all, shows greater mercy and gives more abundant grace to one man than another. To all He gives grace sufficient for their salvation; to all He gives far more than they have any right to {31} expect, and they can claim nothing; but to some He gives far more than to others. He tells us Himself, that, if the inhabitants of Tyre and Sidon had seen the miracles done in Chorazin, they would have done penance and turned to Him. That is, there was that which would have converted them, AND IT WAS NOT GRANTED TO THEM."

  • 10 years ago

    Yeah that is what it really is about - there is no other reason for religion than saving yourself from Gods wrath at original sin.

  • Shaman
    Lv 7
    10 years ago

    That is not how it works....

    Someone who goes out intending to do bad things and then thinks "I'll just ask for forgiveness at the last minute" isn't being sincere in The Way.

    P.S. - Don't be arrogant. EVERYONE sins. Usually when we don't THINK we are sinning.

  • 10 years ago

    I don't believe in any life after death. So the same thing happens to all of us, in my opinion. You say you are an atheist but your message sounds like Christian.

  • Christianity is about that one hippie who got murdered and came back from the dead...

    Your argument is anti-Islam and Judaism as well..

    Of course it's about not going to hell.

    Source(s): Muslim
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