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Fellow Christians: Why?

Dear Fellow Christians,

As I go through R&S and see some of the questions/answers, I see a lot of us trying to convince non believers through faith and the Bible. Not to say using these are wrong, but can you not see that your faith and the Bible are not proof to them at all.

How about using other methods, data, information, reasons, etc in your answers along with your faith and Bible verses?

I'm just not understanding what's so hard about that. I mean if they ask for verses, go for it! But when they are asking "why do you believe in God", "how do you know God is real", etc... just saying because the Bible says so isn't going to cut it.

Just a thought.



@IndigoWo..(sry cant see the rest of your name)

Wasn't attempting to be rude. It just seems to be the truth and has been said by many people on here. If I didn't believe, it wouldn't convince me either!

Update 2:

@ 4Him Christian Love

"The Bible is our proof. FAITH COMES BY HEARING." The issue is that many people believe the Bible is not credible. Some people need to have proof that the Bible is true before they will hear what's in it and have faith. Just saying read the Bible doesn't work a lot of times. How are you going to prove to someone that the Bible is true?

Update 3:

@ Tony C

I agree.

Update 4:


Thanks! :)

I prefer apologetics myself. (the branch of theology concerned with the defense or proof of Christianity.)

if you check out you might see some stuff that interests you. Some of it I don't agree with 100%, but they do have some good info.

13 Answers

  • 10 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    You rock. Faith is a personal choice. I believe in God and seek the truth because of my personal experiences. No one shares all my personal experiences with me. Scripture can't convice people who already don't want to read it, that's true. I struggle with the Bible a lot, mostly because it IS...a book.....paper and ink, and not even in the original language. Plus, it was penned by men who were sharing their personal experiences...God didn't come down from heaven and pen it himself. So...there IS no tangible proof, there's no solid scientific evidence. And I get very annoyed with people who, when asked for evidence, spew the Bible at's like, really? I've heard that -literally- ten thousand times already. You got anything else? Thanks for posting.

  • Tony C
    Lv 4
    10 years ago

    I agree with you. However, I understand why others do it. After all, if there was a book that claimed to give people eternal life -- wouldn't you read it just out of curiosity? Perhaps that is what these Christians are trying to do; persuade atheists to give the bible an opportunity.

    That said, since all of the evidence for God is inductive, a person will always need faith to believe in God. If there were completely solid proof, getting close to God would not take any effort, and therefore not filter out the people who aren't willing to put in the time. So part of the reason Christians may resort to just using the bible, is because if they did use data or information, those that reject the bible would reject the inductive arguments just as well.

  • 10 years ago

    I haven't seen that answer anywhere on these postings. Truthfully what I've noticed is that logic doesn't win on any of these boards, nor does truth. The reason being, most people don't come on here to get answers, they come on here to hate. There are very few people earnestly seeking truth but due to the high number of atheists who want nothing more than the destroy pearls of wisdom, there are like 30 responses of garbage/nothing before a Christian can post a single thought out reply. As Jesus said, "Don't cast pearls to swine," so what do we do?

    And you know what... Here's a better question... Considering that atheists believe in plato, aristotle and other historical figures who have nearly no evidence compared to Christ and His miracles, why do they still believe in them? Considering that Christ and His miracles, if judged from a historical/judicial standpoint as courtrooms do, would legally pass, why think people are guilty in other cases? It's inconsistent. So when you think logically, there's no reason to not believe in the Bible.

    Source(s): Majored in Humanities: Philosophy Emphasis with a minor in Bible. I've read, analyzed and debated all of the arguments held in highest esteem. Go read Philosophy of Religion by William Lane Craig if you want some serious apologetic material. Unfortunately, the people on here won't care, no matter how profound it is. This just isn't an academic environment.
  • kaz716
    Lv 7
    10 years ago

    I don't use the bible as proof of God for that reason. I know God is real and I refer to the bible and use scripture to back-up my answers (when needed). I don't try to prove to anyone that God is real. I only tell people about God as we are asked to do in the bible. After that, the ball's in their court, and they can either seek Him out or ignore Him. I believe anyone who is sincere in seeking Him out with an open mind and heart will find Him. Most non-believers on R&S are just here to mock and ridicule; them I can only feel sorry for and pray for.

  • How do you think about the answers? You can sign in to vote the answer.
  • samuel
    Lv 6
    10 years ago

    Most Christians will give answer based on Bible, But most Non believers think it as a fairy tale .

    Most of them think Christ is a imaginary character.

    i like to quote examples from history like AD, BC, comparison of other religious books, scientific and astrological facts in Bible,

    While preaching Bible, there should be a work of Holy spirit in the mind of the listener other wise we just wasting our time.

    There are people here in R&S who really radiating Demon, also there are Christians who really have less tolerance limit .

    When you answering a question remember you are in war with a heavenly army , who is blinding the spiritual eye of non believer, But most Christians love to report them only


    The Best Gospel is your life, If A christian live with Good testimonial life , People will come and ask you, and people can see Jesus through you

  • 5 years ago

    I suppose that every person is entitled to their opinion and that i suppose that this isn't what God deliberate to occur, however you're obviously nonetheless a Christian in case you aid homosexual rights. Its type of like pronouncing that persons who...feel cussing is fine are not Christian. That's ridiculous, I recognize plenty of Christians who cuss! So I feel you're nonetheless a Christian in case you aid homosexual rights. God will regularly pass judgement on you relatively.:-)

  • 10 years ago

    The Bible is our proof. FAITH COMES BY HEARING.

    ROM 10:17: So then faith comes by hearing, and hearing by the word of God.

    The Bible was written by God. Many men were used to script His words. This took place over 1600 years and the evidence is in the events and the purpose of the scriptures. The purpose of the entire Bible is to tell us about our condition of being separated from God because of our sins, God's plan to bring a Savior to die in our place for our sins, Jesus' birth, life, death and resurrection, that God's prophecy has taken place and about our invitation to belong to God as His adopted children through acceptance of Jesus Christ as our Lord and our Savior.

    The Bible is God's written Word to us.

    It was written by human authors, under the supernatural guidance of the Holy Spirit.

    “Above all you must understand that no prophecy of Scripture came about by the prophet's own interpretation. For prophecy never had its origin in the will of man, but men spoke from God as they were carried along by the Holy Spirit.” 2 Peter 1:20-21. (New International Version)

    Breakdown of the Bible

    36 human authors inspired entirely by God over 1600 years.

    66 separate books

    39 Old Testament

    Genesis- The creation of the world, sin, flood and birth of Israel

    Exodus to Esther- History of the nation of Israel

    Job to Proverbs- the books of poetry and wisdom

    Isaiah to Malachi- Prophecy or foretelling of the future events to come.

    27 New Testament

    Matthew to John - Four Gospels representing the life, death and resurrection of Jesus Christ now with all authority in Heaven and earth.

    Acts- Birth of the Church (The Bride of Christ)

    Romans to Jude - Letters to the Churches

    Revelations - The ultimate future plans for: The Church, Heaven, Hell, a New Heaven and a New Earth.

    Here are some Bible Study Resources for anything you may want to look up:

  • 10 years ago

    We do all those things. Thee are many who just aren't chosen by God. So we, in order to preach the Gospel, suffer them so that those who are responding to God through His Spirit, and may not know it, may satisfy what they are craving.

    John 6

    65And he said, "Therefore said I unto you, that no man can come unto me, except it were given unto him of my Father."

  • 10 years ago

    Every legitimate answer that is given to them - will in turn be used against them to heap the witnesses against them when they stand before God.

  • J
    Lv 7
    10 years ago

    Christians live sheltered lives.

    And they don't really understand how things work in the real world.

    Like the fact that there are different world views.

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