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Lv 6
Brutus asked in Politics & GovernmentPolitics · 10 years ago

What do you think of this theory about the War in Libya?

There is a theory that Libya was bombed, not to save civilians, as officials have said, but to stop Gaddafi from dumping the US dollar. Gaddafi had been planning to stop trading Libyan oil with the US dollar. The US dollar is the standard currency for trading oil throughout the world, and if major oil producers stopped accepting the dollar as payment for their oil it could cause the US dollar to lose its value and even collapse.

Given all the violence against civilians across the globe, doesn't it seem more likely that protection of the US dollar would be a more likely motive for the attacks on Libya? Your thoughts?

14 Answers

  • Anonymous
    10 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    Your link says bull, thats hint one

    The UN asked for US assistance, Obama complied, Cons called it his war, the rebels caught and killed Gadaffi, Cons said Obama had nothing to do with it, and Obama treated Gadaffi inhumane

    Looks like Cons just have issues with facts and will attempt to spin it any way they can.

  • Anonymous
    4 years ago

    i'm greater inquisitive on the subject of the 5 hundred Taliban that escaped the Afghan penal complicated. There are actually not 500 Al Qaeda persons in Libya. That finished portion of the worldwide unexpectedly erupted with the choose to be unfastened. Why weren't terrorists stated in Egypt? suited, Obama had not something to do with it.

  • 10 years ago

    Hussein was doing the same thing. That occurred to me as well but I wasn't aware Libya was not using US dollars.

    Italy, France, the UK, and Spain all had huge oil interests in Libya and they are the ones who pushed for NATO to get involved. Notice the price of oil has fallen since the death of Kaddafi. I suspect that may have been our major interest in joining the fight. Its obvious that humanitarian issues were not the reason or we would be in several other places as well.

  • 10 years ago

    I might give more credence to that idea if Libya's oil exports didn't reach only 3% of total oil exports on the planet. But he wasn't just dumping the USD, he was dumping ALL currency in favor of gold. In Iraq, Hussein was dumping the petrodollar for the Euro.

    However, the fact that had the rebels not started things nothing would have been done makes me less likely to believe that. Even if the rebels were being backed by some country or group of countries, don't you think they would have started out with more than plastic guns?

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  • Anonymous
    10 years ago

    The invasion of Libya was to stop the gold backed currency and install a Rothschild bank of debt . It had nothing to do with human rights OR oil . many of the so - called rebels were hired guns .

  • ?
    Lv 6
    10 years ago

    China and Russia met with the Saudi king months ago to discuss doing away with the US dollar as the global currency for oil, so it would mean more than one want to do away with the US dollar. I think that Qaddafi ticked off the wrong person and they have enough power to get the UN to turn against him. Rumor has it his son burned George Soros with regards to a referral and made him look pretty bad.

  • 10 years ago

    All theories are right. Gadaffi became too powerful and he was going to rock the world even more than it's been rocked. He loved to take the piss out of world leaders with a love and then hate relationship. The bottom line is ££££££ $$$$$$$$$ €€€€€€€€ which is a really precious commodity these days.

    Oil is the glandular vein of the world.

  • meg
    Lv 7
    10 years ago

    It sound alike a paranoid theory by math challenged people who do not look at numbers. Libya was not a major oil producer and had no influence with the countries that are. What made Libya special to the US was the bombing of Pam Am 109, we had been wanting to get him for a long time.

  • Anonymous
    10 years ago

    Sure, Maybe but what is the percentage of oil he exported compared to Saudi Arabia , Canada, South America etc?

  • 10 years ago

    Well for people that like to probe deeper into these matters and not just look at surface and trigger words like freedom, patriotism, dictator, humanity etc. don't dispel truth seekers. I know it was more to this than what nato and usa says. Headlines should read. N.AFRICAN OILFIELD SECURED;LET THE RICH GET RICHER. And the other thing that is questionable is WHO ARE THE REBELS? This is what I have seen and its graphic and disturbing.

  • Anonymous
    10 years ago

    He was going to stop selling oil to France and sell it to China instead. That's what started all this.

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