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? asked in Politics & GovernmentElections · 10 years ago

what do you all think that the Obama is administration is going to do with this?!/petition/l... i think that they are going to say that we don't have time for that or some other just ridiculous excuse they aren't going to say that they are involved with the smuggling but who knows?

4 Answers

  • 10 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    Obama will do WHATEVER WILL KEEP HIM IN POWER, PERIOD. He does not care about you, your little children, whether you can afford your mortgage, or whether you eat or not. He could not care less about whether you have a home, have a bandaid for your booboo, none of it.

    Obama cares about Obama. If he thinks he can get more votes by legalizing pot, he will legalize it. If not, he won't. This "President" cares only about his own power and his own self, nothing more, nothing less.

    This is a man who in the year of his presidential campaign, earned over $4 MILLION dollars on book sales alone, and would not even give his own half-brother who was starving and living in what looks like a badly-built chicken coop, a hoagie. Instead, he asked the Indonisian Govt to arrest the boy if he spoke again to any Western reporters.

    Then Obama went to Kenya to visit his grandmother also named Obama. She lives in a tribal village where it is customary that if anyone "makes it", that they give a gift of some sort to the village. Obama promised to build a secondary school there. The villagers were so thankful that they went WITHOUT FOOD in every hut, to get the money together to actually run water and electric to Mrs. Obama's hut, something unheard of there. Then Obama never returned, never moved one single brick to build any school, right up to this very day.

    The tribe ousted Mrs. Obama and is deciding whether to throw the 92+ yr old woman out in the jungle to die a humiliating death. The villagers believed Obama so much that they bought old used pieces of wood and painted the words "Obama Middle School" on a wooden sign and posted it where Obama promised the school would be built. The sign is still there, but nothing else. Obama never returned. Never answered distress messages from his grandmother. Nothing. He did nothing.

    SO ANY OF YOU WHO THINK THIS MAN WHO WOULD NOT GIVE ONE SINGLE DOLLAR TO HIS OWN BROTHER OR ALLOW HIS OWN GRANDMOM TO DIE IN THE JUNGLE, GIVES A DAMN ABOUT YOU OR YOUR FAMILY, THINK AGAIN. The man is the very definition of despicable. Oh, yeah, some people got together at that time and collected about $2000.00 and sent it to Obama's brother George. They kept it quiet and did it because they wanted to help the boy, but guess who turned out to be the one who organized and sent the money>

    THE HATED HORRIBLE SARAH PALIN, THATS WHO. She cared more about Obama's brother than he did.

    And Michell Obama? Oh yeah, this little angel is no better. When Obama became a State Senator, suddenly her crappy paycheck at the hospital became almost a million bucks a year. What did she do with her new found position (that was pure coinsidence, of course)?? One thing Michelle did was have a van waiting outside the Emergency Room for all those people who only had Medical assistance, and put them in the van and drive them around to clinics who would take tthem. Some of them laid bleeding in that hot van for hours until the driver could find some clinic who could take them. She DIDN'T WANT MEDICAID PATIENTS AT HER HOSPITAL.

    Yeah, she's a real sweetheart, and now she wants to tell mothers and fathers how to parent. She wants to dictate what you eat and do not eat, while she stuffs her fat face with pork ribs and a large Coke.

    But hey, this is the first time she has ever been proud of America. Gee, thanks Moochelle. Have fun in Spain, and all your other trips at the expense of the taxpayers?

    Source(s): Sick to vomit
  • 5 years ago

    sounds just like the left might be making a wide variety of excuses for his or her hero. And fyi; I might be improper however I dont consider any TAX EVADERS in Bush's admin. both. three individuals who had a hand within the KILLING of Americans had water poured of their faces and we stored hundreds and hundreds extra Americans Shoot three knuckleheads in a fishing boat within the head and shop one million hmmmm... we could see what makes extra experience.

  • Anonymous
    10 years ago

    yeah that would be great, but i think you're right they'll just push it aside for something more "important"

  • 10 years ago

    Wow, Monica - racist much?

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