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Is it socially acceptable for a police officer/sheriff's deputy to own a cat?...?

A friend of mine is a sheriff's deputy in the L.A. metro area, and he owns a cat(he's been a cat lover his entire life)...

Recently, he's been threatened w/ a write-up from his Internal Affairs unit for being a "cat lover"--to them, REAL cops love ONLY dogs(and ONLY certain breeds, like pitbulls, doberman pinschers, etc.)...his choice from IAD:get rid of the cat and adopt a "dangerous dog", or you're fired!...what's socially wrong w/ being a cop AND a cat it an "image: thing amongst ALL cops in the US?...or just something regional?

It's just not right...if I was a sheriff's deputy, I'd be proud to brag about my love for cats...and if IAD hates that, screw 'em!




Sorry"Mr. Cool", but you DID NOT answer my Q deals w/ being a cop AND a cat lover, NOT being a retired PD sergeant on patrol in a Chicago-area "housing project"...NO cat was revealed in your for the others, well, same situation...being a cop AND a cat lover was the main reason I asked this question...the last answerer gave a good answer, but I want to hear from more cops(federal law enforcement included)...whether Michigan State Police, Texas Ranger Sergeant, LAPD, NYPD, San Francisco Sheriff's Office, Miami-Dade Police, RCMP, Royal Newfoundland Constabulary, as long as the answers reveal a love for cats...good luck!

Update 2:

Yes, Baldwin, "Mr. Cool" didn't like Jacinto's answer and reported him to Y!A Security and threatened him! DARE Y!A censor the truth about what Jacinto said!...Jacinto was telling the truth and deleted 10 points! it because Jacinto insulted the Chicago Police?


9 Answers

  • 10 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    There have been actual instances where police officers assigned to the "K-9" division have also been proud cat lovers, and the dogs and cats have gotten along quite nicely...

    Take THAT, you cat-haters!

  • Anonymous
    5 years ago

    I don't think so because atheism has never been very reliant on social pressure to push their views. I do think that it will eventually be frowned on socially to refuse education or to isolate children from mainstream society, and other forms of mind control. The brainwashing religions will be more looked down on, as the extent of their damage is better understood. Religion that is non-threatening to progress will always have a place in society. You will never get everyone or even a majority to agree on this topic. At some point the extremists have got to go so we can all get along.

  • 10 years ago

    I noticed Jacinto's answer is missing...did Yahoo censor it?

    Anyway, I have a few friends in the Inland Empire who LOOOOVE cats!...and they unfortunately keep it a secret from their bosses because it's indeed an "image" thing there...NO cop loves cats and gets away with it!...sad indeed...

    Good question though...

  • 10 years ago

    I had one, she recently passed on though after 14 years of a good life. RIP Katy.

    Source(s): 12 years police
  • How do you think about the answers? You can sign in to vote the answer.
  • Anonymous
    10 years ago

    Lol omg yes

    Source(s): Go cats
  • Anonymous
    10 years ago

    Either you or your friend is full of shіt; you don't get written up for liking cats.

  • LAN
    Lv 7
    10 years ago

    When you lie you might want to be less obvious about it.

  • ?
    Lv 7
    10 years ago


    Source(s): I am a retired police officer. I retired as a sergeant, after 29 years, from a very large department, about 12,000 officers. I was a patrol officer for 4 years in a very diverse area. I was a tactical officer in the high rise project areas of my city. We called it vertical patrol in that we walked the the stairways of the high rises most of the time. I did that for 5 years and was promoted by test to detective. I worked violent crime (homicide, sex, officer involved shootings, robbery, kidnapping, serious non property incidents) for 11 years until I was promoted to sergeant. I worked as a street supervisor, a bicycle patrol supervisor and a desk sergeant/watch commander. During my time as a tactical officer and a detective I was a unit representative for the police union. I have a B.A in English and an M.S. in Law Enforcement Administration....
  • 10 years ago

    Please ask another question.

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