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How to write a good love scene?

I really like writing but I'm awful at love scenes or anything romantic. How can I write one that's sweet and cute but not over the top? When I try and write one it usually turns out pretty bland or too corny. Any tips to improve this?

8 Answers

  • ?
    Lv 7
    10 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    Ah, everyone's answers are spot on. Thumbs up for them :) But I would also include a couple of tips. First, a "good" love scene is speculative..varies per person. Things that I find cheesy, personally, are explicit descriptions of the actual sex. It boarders on soft porn for me and doesn't suit my tastes. But conversely, there are LOADS of readers out there who can better visualize that sort of scene and it works for them. So decide who your audience is for.

    Sounds to me like you are more like me and don't want to toe the line between excessive and acceptable.

    So tips:

    1) Subtlety. Drop hints and suggestions of what's to happen...almost like how a movie pans out of the scene as the guy carries his laughing wife into the bedroom and kicks the door shut. It suggests plainly what they'll be doing and does it in a more tasteful way than just describing what particular body part he's kissing..etc.

    2) Avoid cliched, sappy dialogue/monologue/description like the plague. Nothing turns me off more than to read "hair cascading down her back" or "love exuded from her eyes" or "I can't breathe without you, kiss me PLEASE". It makes me dry heave when I read isn't even funny anymore. lmao. So, keep it realistic and don't make your prose flowery.

    3) Show him/her doing sweet things and don't forget to make them human. Give the scene some humor, make them mess up.

    I'd smile if I read about a guy picking her a flower because it was the prettiest one around and sticking it behind her ear only to find out that it was some sort of poisonous species and caused an allergic reaction in her..which then led to their botched date and a sweet, humble "good night" with a crooked grin on both their lips...over...say...a candle lit dinner and her tearfully telling him how special he is to her.

    4) Pay close attention to your word choice. You don't only want to avoid the cliched phrases but you want to avoid using the wrong words...they could seriously ruin your love scene.

    Good luck.

  • 10 years ago

    Take the experiences from your life and put it on paper. Just as an exercise, write down the feelings and emotions going on when you had your first kiss. It doesn't matter if it sounds corny to begin with, still write it down. It's just an exercise. Try for at least one paragraph. After that, re-read what you have. Then take out all the things you think sounds corny. Look at what you have left... not bad right? It doesn't matter if it sounds bland or corny to begin with, it's all about getting the creative juices flowing. Once you get the corny stuff onto the paper, you also get it out of your head and that removes a barrier to get closer and closer to the more creative things locked in your brain.

    Best of luck : )

  • Anonymous
    10 years ago

    The best thing to do is write all you want but then change the subject with things about the sun rising or anything about the next day like an alarm.

    You can do that in a story.

    Unless you are writing a porn dialog, you can switch it up all you want.

    No reason to go into detail about what happened under the sheets.

    We all know what happens when an old black and white film fades out.

  • 10 years ago

    Dont rely too much on the physical aspect, but rather the emotional aspect. A lot of times a good romantic scene has some type of "yearning" or holding back of emotions. If you read Jane Eyre, you'll understand why. I would suggest reading romantis scenes. Google romantic scenes in classic novels. You'd be surprised. A lot of young women actually really like to read classic romantic scenes rather than stuff full of erotica or porn... Good quality really sells to the audience, so read a lot of classic novels to get the romantic elements down right :)

    Source(s): I have read a lot of classic romance novels. English minor
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  • 10 years ago

    Heaving breasts is what I have found in most romance novels... not very emotionally appealing.

    I have always been more moved by the ending scenes in Jane Eyre, Rose in Bloom, An Old-Fashioned Girl, Pride and Prejudice and books like those. They are understated and have such simplicity, and it leaves more up to the reader's imagination so they can inject their own experiences and remember what they felt in a similar situation. I would recommend reading those books and taking a hint from authors long ago who have written books that became successful.

    Source(s): Years of reading books.
  • 10 years ago

    First off don't rely on porn or anything you pick up in a supermarket check out line. Look for inner inspiration either from personal experience or second hand by asking someone that has had a life full of love. They tend to be the people that you know will have lots of people at their funeral when they die.

    Also people that have traveled extensively and independently. Adventure seekers are also good sources of inspiration. They tend to seek situations that fall outside the lines of commonality.

  • 10 years ago

    I suggest you read romantic books. I get my ideas on how to write one from there. Usually I just keep them simple like it's just you and someone talking.

  • Anonymous
    10 years ago

    It's not as hard as it seems, place yourself in that situation and then imagine how you would respnd to this and that. What makes your heart leap;

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