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Does the sense of time seem to be moving faster in relation to our consciousness?

6 Answers

  • 10 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    It would appear so. When you are drawn into something, you may forget what you've been doing for the past few minutes, thus making seem like seconds have gone by when it has actually been minutes or sometimes hours.

    An example: When you're playing a puzzle game that you consider fun, you may take sometime thinking of a way to the next level/area. During that time of thinking and executing your plan, you use more time than you realize.

    Source(s): The Dark Recesses of My Mind
  • 10 years ago

    I definitely think so, but I think it is a subjective function of age as opposed to a universal phenomena.

    My theory is that the 'perceived rate' of time is relative to how long we have been alive. Say for example, when you are four, one year seems to last forever, becaus it is equivalent to 25% of the entire time you've been alive. But when you are 50, a year flies by in comparison, because it is equivalent to only 2% of the time you've been alive, so it doesn't seem like much anymore.

    But what if that wasn't the case. What if you were right, and time is actually moving faster. I mean, its possible, im sure, somehow. There are theories that time changes depending on your position in space, and what if the universe is expanding, and as we are pushed further and further from the center, time literally goes by faster? It would be impossible to tell for sure, because we have nothing to compare it against!

  • 10 years ago

    In spite of consciousness there exist universal laws.

    When we go with them all is well. When we go against them we suffer.

    The world is a stream of energy. Paddling a boat against the current gives the impression that the river is against us and that time is running out. We only need to drop the oars and enjoy the ride.

    Exclusion is not natural and anything which smells of it, like resistance, is doomed.

    Pushing against is a sign of wrong thinking. It is just a matter of time, not in relation to consciousness but in relation to the life which contains it. Ask any rock. Just joking; we can`t ask a rock because we don`t speak rockease.

  • Anonymous
    10 years ago

    I think so.

    I work on a weighbridge and the drivers are in a split second hurry stressing out to get moving but in reality if the took some time there would be less mistakes and things would move quicker.

    The same for city traffic, I see many drivers swerving accelerating and being assholes in general to stay ahead but only end up one car length in front at the next set of lights.

    Humans are mostly stupid ignorant *** holes molded by corporate commercialism.

    The great legacy of Christianity is ignorance to any other thinking than that of the successful white Caucasian.

    Who in these days are rich people with wealth and media stars, we live a sad lie and as we only use 5% of our brain most get by on 3% and will die oblivious to anything else than their own barrow to push.. celebrated and stamped on their gravestone.

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  • 10 years ago

    according to the fly we move in slow motion our sence of time is light years slower then theirs , well mabey not lightyears but years slower . our day is like a lifetime to them , ish,, you know, lifetime - ish . so time is measured according to who's viewing it . the child sees it as a never ending supply . time has no measure that is perfect . because when deprived of its ticks and tocks it finds another measure to reveal itself with . and it is nothing like the first .

    the fly sees us moving and then says to it'self (( I suppose I ought to get under way , seeing as how some moron is thinking " I'll just kill that fly " ,, so ,cheerio ))

  • Anonymous
    10 years ago

    It depends if your waiting for something to happen or your rushing to meet a deadline

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