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Anonymous asked in HealthDiet & Fitness · 10 years ago

Trainers: Is it just this fitness corporation or is it me (I'm a new trainer - not doing well at all)?

I began working as a trainer 2 months ago. There is an onboarding process that lasts 5 weeks where they are supposed to get you started up as a trainer in their company. My 5 weeks didn't go well. I was told to show up 8-8:30 in the morning and would see that the manager nor the fitness manager was there, or was working out, and I had no idea what I was supposed to be doing. The fit manager was gone on vacation for over a week during my onboarding. And, he began the same month as I did. The membership manager even stopped me once or twice to tell me that he didn't think I was getting the direction I deserved, that I should go talk to the manager (there are 4 managers - club manager(top dog), membership manager(membership counselors), service manager(front desk) and fitness manager(personal trainers))

They are on a hiring spree and have hired several new trainers and are still looking. All of our hours were cut down, so the new ones could get their promised hrs/week. That just meant we are not allowed to give free sessions anymore. We are all really pressured not to stay on the clock when we don't have clients (hard to find clients if not allowed to be at work). All new members interested in training are sent to the new trainers (about 5 others). The district is really watching, so they are pressuring everyone to get 12 3packs to each trainer. (Btw, I only received 5 in my onboarding and the other guy who started when I did only received 1-2)

I talked to a lady on the phone about coming in to train with me but she didn't have a membership. She needed to go through a membership counselor first (who are really pressured to get clients to the new trainers). I told her to come in that night, sign up and I would meet her after to put her in to work out with me the next day. I came in to see that she was assigned one of the new trainers. I had a three pack in my schedule, went in tonight to meet her for her first session, got all of my papers together, grabbed the measuring equipment/calipers, and was even stopped a couple seconds by the manager who was in a much different mood with me - very pleasant/smiling. (For the last month he walks by and raises his eyebrows or gives a quick fake smile with attitude and keeps walking - rude as hell) 4:30 came around, she wasn't there, and I checked my schedule. She'd been moved to a newer female trainer's schedule (just finished her onboarding so it isn't required she receives a certain number of clients). They couldn't even tell me. Call me. They let me run around and get all my stuff together and even talked to me like they didn't know. My gas light has been on most of the day. I asked my fit manager and he replied several minutes later that she'd been double booked - which I'm sure is impossible.

I really like training. I hate the sales. I hate how dirty certain employees can be (manager mostly, other trainers). I don't like the way I'm treated. I know I'm a good person. I know members should trust me before certain others. I'm not allowed to give free sessions (great for selling further sessions). I'm not allowed to make business cards. I'm not allowed to go around on the clock if I'm not with a client. No new members are given to me. If I bring someone in to the gym, they'll just have to go through a membership counselor and will be given to a new trainer. All I can do is try meeting new clients on floor on my own time, ask them to meet me when I am on the clock, and pay for sessions. It is difficult because we get mostly the same people everyday, same time. All new members are asked and asked about personal training. All old members have been asked. Membership counselors are now required to walk the floor every 30 minutes to try to sell training. I only have two regular clients now. My recent few attempts at new clients were screwed - jumped at and given to new trainers. I've only been here two months. I don't want to quit. I'm afraid of getting fired. I really want to succeed. I really want clients I can work with. If I could, I would lower the price of my sessions. I honestly don't think twice about the money. Is it just the particular company/club I am working for? Am I being treated unfairly? Or am I just not cut out for it? Is there anything I can do to get around all of this and start succeeding/bringing in more clients?

1 Answer

  • 10 years ago

    I'd get a new job as a book writer - something like War and Peace. ( you're question is a bit long, I don't think many will read it.)

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