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Lv 44,327 points

colly wolly

Favorite Answers16%

open minded, non -religious, cyclist, herbalist, scarcastic, friendly -sometimes,like people in general but no time for moralists,nuts or fruitcakes. Like essentrics and new ideas.. That's all folks -in the voice of Bugs Bunny

  • How to improve my web camera picture.?

    I connect my camera to my desktop by a USB port. While my camera is just a cheap one I feel the picture should be better - it's grainy and no sharp focus. Is it that simple, just get a better camera or any ideas how to improve the picture. I shut down other windows but that's a far as my limited 'understanding goes.

    4 AnswersCameras5 years ago
  • Fibre optic connections.?

    If I get a fibre optic connection to my house and the last bit coming into the house is probably copper cable - at least from the 'junction box' in the street, will this not make a big difference to the speed?

    Also, I live only 10 meters from the junction box, Is it worth getting fibre at all. The thing that I do that probably needs most download speed is streaming movies. Thanks.

    5 AnswersMaintenance & Repairs7 years ago
  • What to do with old ledgers.?

    I inherited some old bound ledgers which are the 'day' books of a Glasgow paper 'The Evening Citizen.'

    Basically they are what were the headlines in the paper over a period of years, 1940's, 50' 60' with the number of copies sold.

    They may be of use historically, but for the life of me I can't bring anyone to mind.

    Any ideas.?

    Ps, it was a Glasgow paper,published by Beaverbrook.

    1 AnswerCorporations7 years ago
  • using apps on my desktop ?

    I see a lot of apps advertised to run on Android, Apple , IOS or whatever but -and this might be really stupid - I really only use a desktop using windows 7. I went to the chrome store and wanted to install Tinder (it's a dating app) but got a message that it was not compatible with my device.

    Anyone help me to understand this...

    I'm a computer newbie.

    4 AnswersSoftware7 years ago
  • Installing a new Hard drive?

    I'm pretty much a beginner in computing and I need to install and transfer my files to a new hard drive. I have managed to install and wire in a new one but I can'd get my 'device manage' to recognise it. My understand is that I have to do it from when I boot-up the computer but here I get into a tangle not really understanding what I see or indeed should be looking for.

    Any dummies guide to what I should be looking for would be mucho appreciated

    I'm using Windows 7 and a SATA drive and if I can get it recognised with the help of some YT videos I can hopefully muddle thru the rest.

    PS, out of interest, is this the kind of thing that remote assistance could do for me, tho I'm pretty paranoid of this.

    4 AnswersDesktops7 years ago
  • what do I need to play computer games?

    I know nothing about computers games but am keen to play them. Can I get by by downloading one, say Empire Total War (my computer meets requirements) and using my keyboard to control/interact with it and other games. Or an I barking up the wrong tree and need another approach is needed. Thanks from and old fart.

    5 AnswersPC8 years ago
  • Backing up computer files.?

    I'm new to computing and doing my first backup of my files -it keeps reminding I ain't done it. I have just put in the cd's and following the prompts. My question is this just my files or will this include what I think is a recovery disc? It's Windows 7 if this helps.

    It's in my mind if the hard drive fails would these re install my OS.

    4 AnswersOther - Computers8 years ago
  • Device manager not recognising new hard drive?

    I'm a bit of a newbie and am trying to clone to a new hard drive so there are 2 HD's in my cradle. BUT, and here's the problem, I can't get my OS (windows 7) to recognise the new one. Not in device manager. I don't know how to check the BIOS to try to help and am starting to think it's it is just beyond my understanding. This I don't like but I gotta be realistic. Any thing else I could try?

    Do I need drivers or such like?

    Sorry if you been here before.

    4 AnswersOther - Hardware8 years ago
  • Toroidal vortices and their energy.?

    I saw a clip of dolphins blowing them underwater. They were able to travel a long distance in various directions -the vortices that is. How could they sustain the energy to do this. As they are air, I would tend to think they would be inclined to 'float' upward. I guess I wonder how they sustain their energy.

    1 AnswerPhysics8 years ago
  • reinstalling windows7?

    I need to replace my hard drive tho it still works. Windows was preinstalled on the one about to fail.I have the license number, so how would i use it to get it on the new HD. I'm thinking it might be easier just to clone the old one to the new. Any ideas.

    3 AnswersSoftware8 years ago
  • what Hard drive to replace?

    I'm a bit of a newbie and my HB is about to pack-up. I see sata drives on Amazon with the same specs but ending in a slightly number, Seagate Barracuda 7200.12 1 TB Hard Drive, SATA, 7200 RPM, 32 MB Cache or

    Seagate ST31000528AS 1TB 3.5 inch SATA Hard Drive. There is a big difference in price. Any advice. Would the cheaper one do ?. I don't need ultimate performance. Thanks

    1 AnswerOther - Hardware8 years ago
  • My Yahoo account was compromised.?

    So I got on to Yahoo help to regain my mail contacts ~ they had deleted them,

    It would have been nice if they could have told me they had reset my mail settings,

    We ain't all IT experts,

    I'm just saying.....

    3 AnswersMy Yahoo8 years ago
  • Kindle and 4g and how, if possible to connect them.?

    I went to see a friend in hospital -UK -and took my Kindle. to keep him amused. To my surprise there was no WIFI signal available and this got me thinking how to connect it. Could you do it thro the phone network? Is this one of the things that 3 and 4 g technology can do. Thanks. I'm not too clued up on this kinda stuff..

    1 AnswerComputer Networking8 years ago
  • Fundamental particles and the speed of light.?

    If particles have mass, albeit it very small how can they travel at light speed which I'm told would need would need infinite energy.

    2 AnswersPhysics8 years ago
  • Best way to put photo's on my computer?

    Hi, it crossed my mind to digitise my photo albums. Any ideas. I don't have a scanner at the moment (tho will get one if needed) I do have a web camera. Is this practical and would the quality be decent.

    Say about 1000 odd photos

    Thanks for any tips/ideas.


    1 AnswerOther - Computers9 years ago
  • When did jet engines become so big?

    The last time I flew, jets on planes were a lot smaller. What engine started of this increase in size?

    5 AnswersAir Travel9 years ago
  • The Higg's field compared to the 'Ether'?

    Are we back to basics in substituting this new field for the outdated ideas about the ether?

    3 AnswersChemistry9 years ago