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what is it with mother in laws !! a bit of help pls?

im currently pregnant after me and my hubby trying two years ive already a son from a pre reltionship and my other half is an only child his mother is driving us up the walls when we first found out i was pregnant we told our parents and said that no one esle was to know as we wanted to wait and make sure everything was ok she persisted in telling everyone and then denied it and fell out with me because of the stress of that i ended up in hospital and she told me dont you dare blame this on me i have a right to tell ppl we also told her when this baby comes along shes not to smoke near it her attitude is if your bringing the baby to my house ill smoke all i want to which our reply was then we wont visit of course shes made us out to be the baddies to everyone and THEN to top it all off shes convinced im going to have a girl me and my other half will be happy whatever we have but she wanted a daughter and constantly tells her son the disappoint it was when he came out instead i got fed up and screamed at her that if i have a boy and thats not good enough then dont bother being invovled were going to find out what were having in the next few weeks and she wants to come i told her no and that she wasnt finding out because she already blabbed now of course to my hubbys family im a ***** and selfish and according to them problay wont let my other half be involved which is crap hes been a father to my son since he was 3 mths old and has a great relationship with him the ***** is trying to sabbatoge our relationship i need help of how to stop her interfering and tips pls !!


bryanj i like your style lol

4 Answers

  • Anonymous
    10 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    well firstly where does your husband stand on this ? because if he is not standing up for you there is a problem. If he is then both decide on when and how she can see her grandchild and rules she must obey, she breaks them once she can no longer be around the child because it may not be safe.

    Now if your husband is on the fence (as most men seem to be when it comes to mother vs partners) or is just not standing up for you or your child at all you need to have a talk with him, if he can't put you and YOUR CHILD first he isn't that great a man.

    And as for the rest of the family i'd say stuff them, They can think what ever they like but in the end you will have a gorgeous baby, that's what you need to focus on now.

    Good luck for the pregnancy and i hope this Mother in law from hell sees that she is only hurting herself in the end.

  • 10 years ago


    she sounds a peach

    well first off, tell her nothing until you have to

    things like the scan to find out the sex

    tell her afterwards WHEN it suits you & hubby to do so

    keep her at arms length as much as you can

    you say your name is mud with his family now?

    chances are they know what she is like and know the truth

    and if the believe her? well good riddance to them too

    your baby, your choices

    and no one blames you for not letting her smoke around the baby

    if that means you dont visit her? then so be it

  • Anonymous
    10 years ago

    OK first of all you should use full stops or something and secondly, if she's only bitching to your husband's family, then just ignore it because they don't know you and they don't have a right to judge you. Hope this helps :)

  • 10 years ago

    It's very simple, cut her out of all information, or better yet, pump her with disinformation, and when she tells every one, she'll look like an idiot, but make it really juicy stuff, and let her over hear it, so she'll think she's being sneeky. Drive her crazy.

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