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I was wondering, why do black people choose to live in bad areas?
I live in a nice area (all white) Like 10 mins away there is a very bad area (all black) Why don't black people live here where its safer and no crime and has good school systems? I can't understand why they would live there when they could live here when its so close. Please help
15 Answers
- Anonymous10 years agoFavorite Answer
I have witnessed brand new apartments built for section 8. Within 6 months the place looked like the ghetto. Windows broke, trash everywhere,junk cars parked, cars driven on the grass, spray paint all over everything. I could go on and on. Blacks live like that because they don't care about their way of life. They have no respect for someone else's property. So they don't choose the ghetto. They turn it into a rat and roach dump. Oh yeah and nice privacy fences were built. I don't have the words to discribe what they did. They were meant to live that way. They wouldn't have any other way.
Source(s): Witnessed - Joel SLv 610 years ago
Many of them do NOT choose to live in those areas, whether they are stuck there from generations of economic instability, and some end up falling there on tough times unexpectedly. On the other hand, there is a growing black middle class in the U.S.! Unfortunately, media does not let you know about this.
- 10 years ago
they dont choose to live ther they are put there by a racial socioty and government who treat them no better than animals they dont go around say oh please let us live in a really bad crime infested area cuz we are black folks jeez your so lucky u aint coloured girl cuz then u would know how the system works and this kind of racist bigitory doesnt just go for black people it goes for every colour your so lucky to be a nice little white girl living in your nice little white area but they dont choose it live there its a fact they have to live there cuz prissy white folks dont want them in their neighbour hoods.
no ricky r your right i am neith black nor white but i know what it i to have racism slamed in your face by the white race thinking becouse ur coloured you wont amount to nothing half asian get it belive it or not or is ur world so sheltered u dont see that being colour makes u a target to being a victim
- 10 years ago
everyone whos saying living in the ghetto isnt a choice is stupid...even the kids can get a education and gtfo of there but instead they would rather continue the cycle...wake up people not everyone is a victim
fiona:... your not even black ur white
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- Anonymous10 years ago
They are called ghettos
Years ago when racism was more common
Black people lived in areas where there were more black people
You can't understand cuz ur white
Imagine not getting a job cuz of your skin color
Imagine cops harassing you for nothing
Imagine trying to turn a negative into a positive
O wait you can't
- 10 years ago
Maybe because they grew up there and they have no money in order to live there. Also, alot of White neighborhoods are NOT acceptable of Blacks living in their neighborhoods. Ever heard of White flight? Yeah, exactly.
- Anonymous10 years ago
Stop generalizing...........God people need to stop linking an entire group or race together. Have you personally been to where every black person in the world lives?
- Anonymous10 years ago
We dont even have a ghetto where I live. There arent any black, white ,etc. neighborhoods. We live in Sugarland and Sugarland is rich and beautiful. <3
- tonadachiLv 610 years ago
William. You think they wanna live there?
Wake up and smell the bank accounts.
If they could go to a better place to live, they would. They can't afford better.
- Anonymous4 years ago
it is an exceedingly mind-blowing and valid element you provided. I believe you wholeheartedly and multiple the solutions others published in responses. i think of black women individuals have been taught to adhere with black adult men and stay unswerving to them even whilst a number of them might desire to care much less approximately black women individuals and how they are being portrayed. yet i think of black women individuals have a call now, black women individuals are turning out to be to be extra helpful, ending college at a larger cost, and making their mark standard interior the yankee society regardless of the unfavorable and hurtful stereotypes and pictures it somewhat is heap upon us countless time. Plus, I' am initiating to work out further and extra black women individuals relationship interracially now. So, I say to black women individuals stay solid, keep your head up and ignore people who think of you're below worth and ideal given which you do no fit some oftentimes happening of splendor given which you're ideal and if black adult men or all and sundry can not see it than screw them.