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i need a quick, simple, free way to transfer 60MB file across the internet from one person to another?

3 Answers

  • Anonymous
    10 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    Filemail is a free service that you can use to send an unlimited number of files up to 2GB each to anyone with an email address.

    With Wikisend it`s simple and free. Upload and download lots of files, big files, small files, data files, media files, archives or backups - any files. Share files with your friends using E-mail, MySpace page, your blog, forums and so on.

    WebAsyst is a suite of online services for group or personal use. All services are tightly integrated and can be accessed from one account that requires single login.

    Many ISP's limit the size of files that can be attached to an email, often as little as 10 or 20 MB's is the maximum size. Or perhaps you've received a large file by email in the past and found that you have to wait whilst it downloads before you can see the rest of your emails? Well, now there's an alternative - and it won't cost you a penny.

    YouSendIt is the one of the leading digital delivery company serving business and individuals on the Web today.

    FlyUpload is a web site which allows you to share video, audio and photos online. You may share anything with FlyUpload. Share files (up to 2GB), Unlimited downloads per 24 hours, Unlimited downloads (2000MB).

    DriveWay allows you to select files to park - 500 MB max for each upload, unlimited total storage, no download limits. Also, create multi-user capable editable links for your office documents for collaborative sharing using Driveway’s patent pending edit widgets technology.

    With you can share any number of files, no matter how large, within seconds. Click on select files. Share the files with your friends. Move on - because you've simply got better things to do.

  • 10 years ago

    Upload the file to Dropbox, and place it in the public folder. Give the person you want to share with the public link.

  • 5 years ago

    get a Gmail account, i think of you may keep as much as 512 MB of information in one digital mail merely deliver the document to your self then log in with the different workstation to the account and save teh document from your self.

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