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ChiGirl asked in Politics & GovernmentElections · 10 years ago

What do you think about a Gingrich/Cain Republican ticket?

14 Answers

  • Nikki
    Lv 7
    10 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    I like Gingrich. I think he would do what conservatives want him to do despite the many "lib-kissing" events he's been involved.

    Cain is OK. I dont like 999 or many of his stances, but VP is a powerless spot.

  • 10 years ago

    Personally, I have not committed to any one Republican candidate. While Newt Gingrich is a seasoned politician and has, much to my surprise, really come back from a state in which I thought his candidacy was pretty much toast, Herman Cain, as much as I generally like what he stands for, is very much a political novice. One post that I would suggest for Mr. Cain in a hypothetical Gingrich administration would be as secretary of commerce. Mr. Cain's long experience in the business world would be greatly valuable there. Besides, as Vice President he would be very much in Gingrich's shadow, having very little power of his own.

  • ?
    Lv 7
    10 years ago

    Cannot beat Obama in the general election.

    Romney, is more in the middle and can attract the independents and conservative democrats.

    without them,a republican cannot win.

    I would prefer Gingrich to all of them running, but he has a lot of baggage that the evangelical christians have a problem with, remember they came out in droves to elect GWB

    The electoral college, favors Obama, He still has a war chest from last election, he has the media behind him, hollywood, 95% blacks will vote for him again.The young and clueless love him no matter what he does or ddoesn'tdo.

    Meanwhile, the republicans are spending money just to get into the primary.They are criticizing each other, and making tons of mistakes.Cain and Perry in particular.

    Source(s): Romney/Gingrich ticket can win
  • 10 years ago

    have yet to make up my noggin,chi g on which of these fellas I want to handle a call on the red telephone,whetever the hell type of sqwawker is in the boss's @ 3 am on monday after a nice party

    @ the WH,,,maybe PBS would do a 2-4 hr debate,among bachmann,perry,cain,gingrich,ron paul,and that the questioners would ask searching questions,,,on the issue of knowledge of US history,the constitution,much experience in government,gingrich,perry,paul,tho paul does not

    reach the right conclusions in light of that knowledge & exp,esp on defence..

    cain has business acumen,steam,,in knowledge of history,,he,like GWB,baraq obama,joe biden,chucky schumer ('3 branches of government,the house,senate,& the presidency'),,,,he's a

    lawyer,whadda maroon.,they all get a D,cept gingrich.

    the democrats have had 2 serial woman harassers in the white house,clinton jfk,warren harding

    (messed with a white house maid in a white house closet),clinton lied under oath,,,,,,horses ssa

    fdr had his squeeze,look it up fellas,not on wiki,draw upon your knowledge of history

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  • 10 years ago

    I think Ron Paul and Judge Napolino would be awesome. It will be interesting to see the reaction from the media, lobbyists, bankers, and large corrupt corporations who rip off the tax payers with their contracts. . We live in interesting times.

  • Anonymous
    10 years ago

    I think that would be would make history, I am sure...

    Obama is likely to win anyway, but a Gingrich/Cain ticket would potentially make it the most lop-sided result in US history! (Perhaps even a greater defeat for the GOP than when Alf Landon lost to FDR in the Presidential race of 1936..."Alf who?", I can almost hear conservatives saying! Precisely!)

  • Anonymous
    10 years ago

    Won't happen. I'd like to see John Huntsman get the nomination. Not likely, but VP would be good.....


  • 10 years ago

    Uncle Newt/Uncle Herman in 2012!

  • Anonymous
    10 years ago

    ...because Cain is what? Competent as president? Jesus you're like a child.

  • Anonymous
    10 years ago

    they would get 100 % of the vote of the 1 % - the zionist agenda of greed of wall street , corporations , and the bankers .

    and obama will get 100 % of the vote of folks who want a president and congress that salutes a flag with FIVE pointed stars , not your six

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