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Does David Cameron really think he really has the answer to EU problems?

With Germany being the most prosperous country in the EU regarding economic growth, how the hell can David Cameron dictate to Angela Merkel what the correct procedure is for the future?

Surely the German government must be doing something right so realistically, shouldn't the British prime minister be taking advice from Angela Merkel?

11 Answers

  • D S
    Lv 7
    10 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    Good question, the answer eludes me.

    Am not sure how British people would take it if Cameron took advice from anyone but the Americans.

  • John D
    Lv 6
    10 years ago

    Germany's rise since the end of the 40's is very impressive. However they realised that this couldn't continue and this is the reason why they push the Euro so much. Without the old Deutschmark being fixed to the other currencies in the Euro they would have ended up like Japan with a currency that was so strong they would have become uncompetitive.This is why they are so paranoid about saving the Euro, that and their banks and Frances are exposed the most to PIGS debt.

    Merkel doesn't have anything to do with the financial affairs of Germany, Deutsche Bundesank dictates the financial affairs.

  • 10 years ago

    I don't think that any of them have the answers to the world financial crisis, least of all Cameron or Merkel. However, it is Cameron's job to make a stand and 'represent' the best interests of this country though, and I fear that he is not making a very good job of it. The clock is ticking and the debt is getting worse, but all the leaders of the EU countries will want their right to question German proposals. It is supposed to be a democracy after all..... isn't it?

  • 10 years ago

    Probably, but as regards to the EU he has got his head stuck up his a r s e.

    Being the second largest economy in the EU he wants to dominate the none Euro member,but the none Euro member have already told him to stick his proposals there, were the sun doesn't shine.

    Cameron is trying to split the EU and no one is listening to him, he's just another, like Churchill, very wealthy, I'm alight-jack Tory politician who thinks that politics is just a game of connivance. Maybe he should take a lesson in leadership from Angela Merkel.

    The Americans would just love a fragment EU.So maybe they have sent their boy out on a mission.

    @ Rich 3

    My family were bombed out during WW2 we are Cockneys and we took the brunt of the German bombing on the London docks, but we hold no grudge to the Germans, they like use, were the victims of nut-case politicians. If one declares war on another nation, like we did, then expect to get you a r s e kicked.

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  • 10 years ago

    To the other EU leaders Cameron is an the last month he has spent more time in various EU capitals than in London..and they do wish he would fcuk off

  • ?
    Lv 6
    10 years ago

    The UKs bunch of shiny-faced chancers i.e the Government front bench are useless and should not be in charge of a whelk stall.

    Punishing the undesrving population while saving bankers from the spanking they richly deserve is just not on as they will soon find out.

  • 10 years ago

    I think he is arrogant enough to believe that we might actually fall for his bullshit. We all know it is over- hell, even the Germans can see the writing on the wall.... Ironic, when they have spend 100 years trying to get Europe, that they actually manage it on the eve of Armageddon!

    They all have the answers and they all know how to avoid this, but they will all try to out-brake each other as we individually smash into the wall in the vain hope that they inherit the riches of each other.

    Source(s): Beer
  • 10 years ago

    + theres every chance they will take your home again,,, not the germans but the tories,, prob put a family from africa in it,,, its coming its happening,,, they cutting everything ,and increasing budget for EU,,,smells a bit

  • 10 years ago

    Who dont have any idea about his problem,how can he solved anothers.

  • Anonymous
    10 years ago

    I am sure he does. The poor man is deluded.

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