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with 50 habitable planets (CNN today) is it not time to find a way to travel to them?

Since our resources on this planet cannot support the future number of Humans is it not time to put more attention to finding ways to travel to these planets?

Warp drive?

Worm hole travel?

other ideas to take less time?

Its naive to think we do not need to colonize at some point, the numbers of people will not decrease unless we have disasters that wipes out large numbers of people. And disasters is not an acceptable answer anyway.

7 Answers

  • David
    Lv 7
    10 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    these planets are not proven to be habitable. we have many, many years before we can even get to mars. light years take a long time to traverse. there is a mathematical model of a "warp drive". all theoretical, but the math works. power source? nothing even remotely close is available, or will be until we redefine physical laws to accommodate this "drive".

    Source(s): i read. science channel.
  • 10 years ago

    <QUOTE>with 50 habitable planets (CNN today) </QUOTE>

    1) You provide mention links. Not good; how are we supposed to check what you read and whether you it interpreted correctly?! Copy+paste of links is more than just for homework.

    2) Almost surely you FORGOT the important keyword -- **POSSIBLE**. Those planets aren't even resolvable on the telescope, and it's an immense challenge to get some spectrometry from them. Therefore, the actual conditions there are manifestly imagined.

    Please provide links. Or read your source again -- and you'll find that it's all very hand-wavy (and if it isn't, the journalist(s) writing the article isn't doing a good job).

    <QUOTE>Since our resources on this planet </QUOTE>

    Wow wow wow.

    This planet has more than enough resources for the current inhabitants. It's how they use them that is the problem. So let's clean up our own room before ruining other houses.

    <QUOTE>Its naive to think we do not need to colonize at some point</QUOTE>

    Yes, and it's also irresponsible to go all "This planet is done for, let's consume the next one!"

    <QUOTE>the numbers of people will not decrease unless we have disasters</QUOTE>

    Disasters are guaranteed to happen. Listen to this (part 1 of 8):

  • 10 years ago

    First of all, no planet has proven to be habitable. However, we've found planets that could potentially be habitable, but we've never seen if they have the right gases/chemicals/etc. These planets are hundreds of light years away. Do you know how much energy it takes to propel something to the speed of light for even one second? It takes infinite energy. And even if we did propel something at the speed of light, it would still Take hundreds of years to get there.

    We currently have know way of tearing holes in the fabric of spacetime to create a wormhole, so if you have any ideas of how to do this please contact a theoretical physicist near you.

  • 10 years ago

    Are much too distant ever travel at them. Theory of Relativity show matter have speed limit. Warp drive and wormhole are fantasies not real science, not feasible. If anyone is naive is you believe fantasy is real. Require huge mass warp time-space, you want carry few red giant stars at your spacecraft, they warp space-time some, not enough however, problem is must accelerate them too, require huge amounts of energy, thus warp drive never work. You not understand warp drive is only crude fantasy of "Star Trek", cannot work at real world, is comparable of "7 league boots" of children's fairy tales.

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  • 10 years ago

    We are trying to build ways to travel through space. There's only so much we can do with the limited amount of money available. Haven't you read today's news article at how the government has reduced NASA's funds again? Technology takes money. And our government likes it's fancy dinner parties, expensive trips to foreign countries, big cars, and thousand dollar haircuts to be bothered with little things like space exploration (but I bet you they'll be the first ones on the ship when the Earth becomes inhospitable for human life).

    Sorry. Little bit of a rage issue today. End of year taxes coming up. Yuck.

  • Alan
    Lv 7
    10 years ago

    What a good Idea, warp drive, never thought of that.

    If you build it, I'll buy it off you.

  • Anonymous
    10 years ago

    this is why you shouldn't re-elect Obama XD but on a serious part we currently do not have the technology or the funds for those but I do agree completely

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