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  • Has Yahoo Mail become unusable with updates in past 2 years?

    I have had Yahoo mail since it started.........I switched from AOL. It was great in the beginning but the past 2 years of updates have made it:



    Harder to navigate at times

    So is it now just plain unusable? I hate it now myself.

    I ask because Yahoo seems to forget it needs us to make money but could care less of what people think, Because of the outages and usability problems I use my Gmail for important mail now, I had a job that would email me assignments and it was yahoo at first but I had so many problems with outages and using the interface I lost assignments and so it cost me money.

    2 AnswersOther - Yahoo Mail7 years ago
  • Hate Hate the new Yahoo mail will Yahoo Listen?

    I have used Yahoo mail since the beginning and its worse now more than ever.

    My computer

    I5 WIndows 7 updated, 6GB of ram High speed cable internet and Gmail works fine

    Backgrounds make the mail unreadable

    Its Slow to use and navigate

    Hard to find folders

    Basic mail is fast but does not work, cannot download or see attachments

    Basically Yahoo mail has these issues too in the few years

    Been hacked

    lots of spam ( I get about 50 a day )

    Been down ( no service) several times

    More and more I want to move all my email to Google for the these reasons

    If this interface continues then I will be forced to leave Yahoo

    The CEO has said "People do not like change in the beginning" Nice but change is not the issue, its the usability and stability of the service that makes us want to leave yahoo in the dust and not see your advertisers.

    I did not like the first change earlier this year and now this one makes it unusable I have to use my Iphone to get mail and not the yahoo app................

    When will you listen to the Customers and give in Yahoo

    Will Yahoo listen?

    3 AnswersOther - Yahoo Products8 years ago
  • If unions are so great why is there so much unemployment?

    If unions make America stronger and better then why are there less jobs in 2012 than in 2000?

    I see less and less jobs and more strikes closing businesses down.

    Since the EEOC and Federal Minimum wage and OSHA do we need unions anymore?

    3 AnswersEconomics8 years ago
  • Is it time to rethink Unions?

    "As Hostess Brands on Friday filed for bankruptcy after failing to win concessions from its striking bakery workers, abruptly cutting loose more than 18,000 employees from the Bay Area and beyond,"

    What good does a union do when going along with it makes you unemployed?

    5 AnswersOther - Careers & Employment9 years ago
  • American Civil War in 2013?

    Are we in danger of a 21st century civil war in America?

    4 AnswersMilitary9 years ago
  • Should the New York Marathon be Postponed?

    Should New York postpone the New York Marathon for a coupe of weeks?

    Right now the city is in a mess

    People do not have homes

    People cannot get around

    Food is a problem

    Power is a problem

    Are not the Police and Fire fighters and Paramedics still needed for the disaster?

    What in the heck is the Mayor thinking?

    4 AnswersCurrent Events9 years ago
  • Should people who do not evacuate be charged for the rescue?

    Should people who do not evacuate and need rescue be charged a fine. Rescue workers are put at risk because people are unwilling to leave areas of grave danger. Its wrong to do this.

    I feel that they should be fined for staying after being told, ordered to leave the area. Its in the public good that they listen and move to safety

    8 AnswersCurrent Events9 years ago
  • To create Jobs why not get rid of Unions?

    To create jobs in the USA why not

    Get rid of Unions

    Raise tariffs on imports

    Tax corporations for using overseas outsourcing.

    Why not?

    8 AnswersOther - Politics & Government9 years ago
  • Is there a conspiracy concerning Fuel cell cars?

    I have read these facts:

    Developed for NASA and used since around 1969 for power

    0 emissions

    renewable energy

    Cars have a top speed of 90 MP ( seems fast enough)

    Can use to power a whole house

    Not really like conventional batteries lasts way longer ( Currently electric cars last over 100,000 miles up to 200,000 miles before new battery)

    I'm really confused of

    1. Where are they?

    2. If the technology worked in 1969 then why in 2012 we do not have Fuel cell cars?

    3. Just read where a break through in processing the cells will cut the cost significantly they are making them now but 10 years to market? WHY?

    4. WHat is holding the technology back? ( Oil companies? )

    Is there a real conspiracy by interest groups to keep us from this wonderful planet saving technology?

    5 AnswersAlternative Fuel Vehicles9 years ago
  • How can there be less Unemployment? A Lie?

    Explain this, the Gov reports less unemployment but I think we are lied to

    Tell me how the Gov is telling the truth when

    People who have lost their jobs in large numbers in the past 24 months have run out of benefits still unemployed

    Some are working 1 or 2 part time jobs and are unstable

    The military has just discharged a large number and there has not been time for these people to claim unemployment yet

    Military is forcing people out due to budget cuts this past month so more will be looking for work

    We have more High school and College Grads again in May to contend with.

    Because of the strange way the US Gov reports Unemployment not counting many unemployed people I have read the real rate of unemployment is 14 to 20% in the US

    I see it getting worse not better

    So tell me they are not lying and its getting better

    8 AnswersOther - Politics & Government9 years ago
  • How is USA stronger and safer with less Military?

    How is the USA stronger as a country and safer with less of a military?

    Why do we need to cut the Military?

    Does not cutting the military destroy the Economy?

    Does not cutting the military create more unemployment?

    Does not cutting the military open the USA up to more war by aggressors?

    Does not the military teach many young people the morals and self discipline they lack in modern society?

    Is the not the lesson in history such as Rome's decline teach us to abandon our military is to fail and fall to others?

    Interested to see what this community says

    10 AnswersMilitary9 years ago
  • Time to DUmp Google? WHats better?

    Google has been getting worse at searches, lots of fake sites, virus sites and general marketing sites when I search. Who is better?

    3 AnswersGoogle9 years ago
  • Military Cuts how does this create Jobs?

    How are these latest rounds of military cuts help the US?

    Understand that Cuts vastly affects our economy

    Job impacts:

    Cutting the military too much causes

    Job loss in private sector:

    Contractors to Military

    Service industry to service men and families

    These businesses must cut workforce ( fire people) to stay in business or go out of business

    = Increase in unemployment

    Direct loss of military service people ( their paying jobs) and discharge into civilian sector

    = Increases in Job seekers and Unemployment

    So Military cuts like these make sense when it closes business, decreases jobs

    increases Job seekers and makes the country weaker?

    (thought Obama was creating jobs not destroying jobs OMG )

    5 AnswersMilitary9 years ago
  • Why does "Where's my refund" IRS not work?

    I read numerous posts it does not work, It worked for me years ago once but it was after 2 weeks then my refund was at home 2 days after.

    Why can't they just update that it was accepted, processed and then refund sent? instead of

    they can't find it?

    Very frustrating

    1 AnswerUnited States9 years ago
  • Help me, if Electric cars are good then how about the power plants polluting to make the electricity?

    Electric cars need electricity made by environmentally polluting Power plants and we will need more of these polluting power plants for all the cars replaced, so how is it green?

    Help me here please.

    Coal burning power plants

    Gas burning

    Nuclear power

    at the moment Solar, wind and Hydro plants are not enough for the current need

    so we would need the polluting plants increased

    6 AnswersAlternative Fuel Vehicles9 years ago
  • Drunk drivers mandatory 3 week boot camp?

    Drunk drivers mandatory 3 week boot camp?

    What about it?

    They have to first time

    and then all others until it catches up

    Instead of Jail

    Boot camp to teach and dry out

    Do it for Alcohol and drugs

    1st time 3 weeks

    2nd time 8 weeks

    3rd time Work release but spend nights and weekends and holidays in program center with Mandatory 8 weeks of boot camp

    Lost the job or no job...... Fine they stay 24/7 at boot camp for the year and part of the program is to train help them get a job, any job.

    People need to produce and give to society not be a waste in some jail and a drain on society

    Drunk/ Drug boot camp what do you think? Yes or no?

    3 AnswersLaw Enforcement & Police9 years ago
  • with 50 habitable planets (CNN today) is it not time to find a way to travel to them?

    Since our resources on this planet cannot support the future number of Humans is it not time to put more attention to finding ways to travel to these planets?

    Warp drive?

    Worm hole travel?

    other ideas to take less time?

    Its naive to think we do not need to colonize at some point, the numbers of people will not decrease unless we have disasters that wipes out large numbers of people. And disasters is not an acceptable answer anyway.

    7 AnswersAstronomy & Space10 years ago
  • Can we sue Apple for updates that ruin the phone?

    I have an Iphone 4 and a 3GS, according to At&t I own them

    So can we as a class action Sue Apple for updates that destroy a function of the phone


    I want to use and buy apps outside of Apple's store and control

    One must Jailbreak to do this

    I want music on my phone that I did not buy from Itunes but other places and CD's I own

    I tunes sync erases the music

    My battery life is poor

    I do not get a strong signal when I hold the phone normally

    If the US federal Gov said Jailbreaking is legal

    then why can't I sue Apple for taking a function away I need to install programs I use everyday?

    Its my phone not Apples

    From 1st gen to current I'm getting sick and tired of Apple playing games controlling what I do with the hardware. Its mine

    7 AnswersLaw & Ethics10 years ago
  • Why do people Worship Apple?

    Why do people worship Apple computers? If you say anything like

    IOS 5 is a nightmare, you get such negativity to the point you must "Be Happy and Thank Steve Jobs"

    Why? Its a device I pay for and it should work right, when it doesn't I get upset.

    Also these same people say that PC's are nothing like an Apple PC, really? Windows has been more and more like if not better than OSX in some ways since XP.

    Windows 7 is stable better than XP yet most in business are still using XP developed in the 90's

    Its not the PC's fault those in business are so reluctant to upgrade to a modern OS

    Yes Apple developed ( others inventions) and then Marketed them to us and yes the Iphone works better in some ways than Android ( for now)

    But its a company selling things to make money

    Why the worship?

    Why the bashing any other view?

    Why the cover up of the real Steve Jobs ( yes a great man but he made mistakes too)

    Why the denial Apple products have flaws?

    Why the constant War?

    I have both Apple products and other products

    3 AnswersOther - Computers10 years ago
  • Why not legalize marijuana?

    Why not legalize Marijuana?


    A motivation

    Lung cancer

    increased Weight




    Aggressive behavior



    Increased Weight


    When I think on it Alcohol has more problems than Marijuana

    So we could save Billions in Law enforcement on catching drug pushers and putting people in jail for possession

    Of course I'm only asking about Marijuana not any other drug.

    So why not legalize?

    6 AnswersOther - Society & Culture10 years ago