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How can there be less Unemployment? A Lie?

Explain this, the Gov reports less unemployment but I think we are lied to

Tell me how the Gov is telling the truth when

People who have lost their jobs in large numbers in the past 24 months have run out of benefits still unemployed

Some are working 1 or 2 part time jobs and are unstable

The military has just discharged a large number and there has not been time for these people to claim unemployment yet

Military is forcing people out due to budget cuts this past month so more will be looking for work

We have more High school and College Grads again in May to contend with.

Because of the strange way the US Gov reports Unemployment not counting many unemployed people I have read the real rate of unemployment is 14 to 20% in the US

I see it getting worse not better

So tell me they are not lying and its getting better


"As far as “discouraged” workers who are not looking for a job, that is total rubbish put out by the government. The real story is the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) simply has stopped counting more than 1.2 million of the unemployed in its report Friday. Williams goes on to say, “The issues here suggest that the headline 8.3% unemployment for January has moved well outside the realm of common experience and credibility, into the arena of election-year political shenanigans.” Williams is such a gentleman. Please take into consideration the government’s “official” or “headline” number is only based on people being out of work for 6 months or less. If the unemployment rate was calculated the way BLS did it in 1994 and earlier, the unemployment and underemployment would be 22.5% (according to "

8 Answers

  • 9 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    "Unemployment (or joblessness), as defined by the International Labour Organization, occurs when people are without jobs and they have actively sought work within the past four weeks.[2] The unemployment rate is a measure of the prevalence of unemployment and it is calculated as a percentage by dividing the number of unemployed individuals by all individuals currently in the labor force. "

    Based upon how the number of unemployed people are tabulated(currently by their participation in claiming unemployment compensation from state and federal government) then technically by federal standards the percentage from their formula is correct, but in actuality the figure is bogus due to the number who have run out of benefits and are no longer counted in the UC database. You would never convince the federal government that their formula is incorrect because it points favorably to their way of doing things. The public however(if they have any common sense) know it is fictional figures currently being supplied by our government.

  • 9 years ago

    Well if it isn't really lying then I've got A factory that needs at least 20 million dollars in federal aid. Yea right, it's a Dam Lie. Unemployment is soaring, people are now negative and some write I can't get a job. Jobs leaving big cities hurt very bad. If a job opportunity in small town America is available, it is either taken or a lot of people have applied for or and it's hard to get. In the City it is probably 10 times as bad. So you tell me if Unemployment go down? Anyone who can say this is not Living in a real life competition for jobs.

  • This isn't something new; unemployment has been calculated the same way for the last 40 years, regardless of who was in power. The same problem skewed unemployment numbers during the recession of 1981 to 1983, at the height of Reaganomics. It seems that the trickle down theory wasn't all it was cracked up to be.

  • Anonymous
    9 years ago

    the real problem is there are now more people (workers) then there are jobs need to produce everything that can be consumed

    the real source of wealth is cheap clean energy and human brains to use it

    our current industrial system is the industrial revolution form early 1700- late 1900s

    Capitalism works fine to concentrate wealth to the "owners"

    a new mixed system is needed to distribute wealth so it can be re-cycled

    In the next century robots will replace almost all jobs that are "unskilled and repetitive'

    then how will be have income for purchases

    Source(s): times change. there were lots of "jobs" in slave and slave wage times 18-1900s
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  • Ruby
    Lv 6
    9 years ago

    It isn't really "lying".

    It is just employing some creative ways of calculating the rate in order to keep the people from hearing the truth.

    If you want a more accurate calculation, go where businesses go to get stats for decision making, Shadow Stats dot com.

    their employment page

  • Anonymous
    9 years ago

    The unemployment rate is dropping because the people who have been on unemployment are not longer eligible to recieve it. Even though they don't have a job, they are no longer "unemployed."

  • Gunny
    Lv 7
    9 years ago

    I KNOW-especially since the G0P has worked so hard to create MORE unemployment...

    Source(s): pay attention
  • Pixie
    Lv 7
    9 years ago

    it's liberal math.

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