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How is USA stronger and safer with less Military?

How is the USA stronger as a country and safer with less of a military?

Why do we need to cut the Military?

Does not cutting the military destroy the Economy?

Does not cutting the military create more unemployment?

Does not cutting the military open the USA up to more war by aggressors?

Does not the military teach many young people the morals and self discipline they lack in modern society?

Is the not the lesson in history such as Rome's decline teach us to abandon our military is to fail and fall to others?

Interested to see what this community says

10 Answers

  • 9 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    Your point on Rome is a valid one and America is for now the New Roman superpower. However Rome collapsed simply because it was unable to continue spending vast amounts on its military to fight numerous overseas wars. I'm British and on visits to the US I find it disturbing how a career in the military is the only way for many to get a promising education. So much is spent on defence in the US at the expense of everything else that America is cracking at the seams with shocking levels of poverty. America can of course continue to have the worlds largest military but at what cost to the people?. Winston Churchill was advised to cut the arts budget in world war two he said "No...If we do that What are we fighting for?"...All the best stealth aircraft cant compare with giving everyone a decent education..........In 10 or twenty years China will be the dominant superpower simply buy buying everything.......It won't go down the route of the US and have such a massive navy makes no sense to......China will simply own places like Iraq, Libya etc.........

    On the point of does the military destroy the economy

    president Eisenhower was Wary of America sliding into what he called the industrial military complex ..In other words so much money is invested in defence industries that these companies need wars to sell their wares and make money. They support the big political parties and thus you have wars when quite often there could have been peace....JFK wanted to curb this link between defence industries and politics but he never got the chance...............

    So yes Defence is good for the economy but not for troops who have to do the fighting.......ideally America should start switching such military spending to more civil projects..

    Does the military teach morals and discipline

    Im in the RAMC (Royal Army medical corps) and it does teach that....However you can only teach those that want to be taught .....If someone doesn't want to be in the Army or is a constant problem then the only option is to kick them out or put them in prison.....and prison achieves nothing...

    Source(s): Serving soldier Royal Army Medical Corps...
  • 9 years ago

    You'd be surprised how much fat they can cut out of the military. lol.. really though.

    My opinion is we need less people and more training and specialization for personnel.

    The Economy will be better with less war, period. War is only good for an economy for about 4 years.

    It will make unemployment higher, but most veterans will be first in line to be hired, sorry guys we fought for it.

    Most War aggressors come from terrorism, not a state, that is really a job for clandestine forces and the FBI with others, and that will always be covered.

    Most military young people grow up a lot in the military, but there are some guys can just don't get it. I don't think that really involves the military, People are people, with or without a uniform.

    Rome fell because they expanded and tried to control to much area, and had a series of bad leaders after bad leaders while the Germanic tribe, Mongols, and other were becoming stronger.

    So your right with Rome, and are own decline. Other course the only one who see this is Ron Paul.

    Vote RON PAUL.

    Source(s): JC is wrong, The best and the brightest get out of the military because of downsizing and get 100k year jobs, because they know what they know. trust me. The only people that stay in are the one clinging to retirement, and the young one that can't make more out of the military. Believe me you get the right job in the military do 4 years and your more set than a college grad with no exp. There kicking people out by cutting benefits and expensive classes and programs that cost up to 5,000 a week to go to. It is just fubar. no looks at the person, it's just a numbers game.
  • Anonymous
    9 years ago

    Well for one thing your analogy sucks because Rome wasn't spending a few hundred million apiece on stupidly expensive aircraft on so on.

    If you spend out the butt to build up a huge inventory of these things, you may wreck your economy paying for them, and then watch them sit on an airfield somewhere for years and years before they're ever needed. By which time they'll be obsolete.

    Not to mention, that wrecking your economy in this way is a good way to create chaos in your own land and conflict with others, or in other words making more likely wars that might never have happened at all, except for your stupidity.

    What is better is to maintain a quick and ready defense force, which doesn't have to be so big, to deal with short term situations long enough for you to build up a bigger inventory if necessary. In this way, you only spend money when you have to. And you spend it on current technology instead of having to use weapons that were designed two or three decades ago.

    And you won't be going into a war with an economy that's already about to collapse before you even begin, which is not an inconsiderable advantage.

  • J C
    Lv 6
    9 years ago

    In a nutshell. The fact is that downsizing the military will bring the best and brightest into the military ranks. After all Iraq had one of the biggest militaries the world. Yet America with a much smaller contingent took them out with greater question.

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  • Anonymous
    9 years ago

    The US does not not have less of a Military. In fact the US Navy is bigger then the top 3 Navies of other counties put together.

  • Anonymous
    9 years ago

    Without a military the US would have been long taken over by other countries. Why would you think it would be safer without one?

  • 9 years ago

    we need a big bad military. the problem is how much should we spend on it , it is a budget type problem...

    if you make 40 k a year do you spend all of it on buying guns. of course not , you have your house payment and gas,electric,cable,phone,utilities,car payment goes on and on.

    we have not reached the point yet where all we buy is food and ammo. we are a civilized society.

  • 9 years ago

    im going to boot camp in the marines im going infantry and one thing i have noticed is that everybody who is in the military but has not been deployed just want to fight but the people who have been say that we don't need to be there

    1. nothing for the infantry dudes to fight

    2. that's why they hate us we just invade there privacy

    if i fight for my country i want to fight to protect it not to oppress a different country for ****** up political reasons and it completely baffles me how many of my countrymen want this war to go on but don't have the balls to pick up a rifle if that is the case quit watching tv your mind is not strong enough to get around political propaganda

  • ?
    Lv 7
    9 years ago

    Technology..Google it.

  • no
    Lv 7
    9 years ago

    It will be neither "stronger" nor "safer".

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