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What was Labours greatest acheivement during their last period in office?

10 Answers

  • 9 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    Grandad... I am struggling with this one, but I have to put my hands up and say, that I am ever so grateful for them for keeping us out of the Euro.

    Apart from that, I have no idea.

    Have a nice day.

  • 9 years ago

    As someone has noted Thatcher started this turmoil way back when she allowed the Trustee banks to go corporate with our money for their profit.

    Gordon Brown actually got rid of the great debt that the UK owed internationally, unfortunately for us just as he had done the deed the greedy sort a method to plug the financial hole now burning in their pockets.

    Thus began a bout of super money shuffling about from country to country looking for the quickest return for lease effort.( As noted in Greece, Ireland, Iceland, and Spain to name just a few).

    As nations plied for this money to be staked in their domain, turmoil of the market ensued as the money had not settled long enough for the markets to become stable, panic fuelled by the greed caused a massive crash at some institutions and we the mugs below are footing the bill.

    The only way forward is to dump the idea of gambling on futures markets and live in the real world.

    Or better still go with the hub:-

    For ease of understanding we will limit the spokes to 99....### In this system we imagine a wheel, at the hub lies an elected government of 99, who's sole place is to oversee the welfare of the system for the exclusive benefit of the whole wheel.

    We started with a hub now we build the spokes to the wheel, at the end of these spindles we have an occupation that is different to the occupations of the other myriad spokes (The number of spokes that can cover every type of job, trade, or service that the population would ever require, all suited to the abilities of the person fitted into their agreed / allotted space at a spoke end).

    In this instance we havel limited the spokes to 99 ...### for ease of understanding.

    Each spoke (Person) is allotted to earn £100.00 per week on the understanding that they MUST spend £1.00 with each and every other individual spoke once a week submitting £1 toward the running of the hub/government; nobody is allowed to save; this system refutes wealth as a control method.

    All conditions of humanity are covered in the system, even if in a hospital bed the patient is paid to be able to pay for his welfare, a prisoner would also have to earn his £100 or be cast away from the wheels influence.

    As you may have followed, to be on the wheel is a privilege and a certain way to have a comfortable working life as everyone gets the same amount of money to spend regardless of their abilities and no one has to work extra hard to feed the greed of another, so long as the wheel 'turns', a living, a holiday and a retirement is assured.(The Hub sorts out the lazy offering help or failing in that... complete and irrefutable expulsion).

  • 10 years ago

    For whom?

    For Blair's employers? Sending British soldiers to die for the American empire.

    For the obscenely rich and world capitalism? They widened the gulf between the obscenely rich and the other 97% of us even further.

    For other grinning public school brats and their parents? They dragged this country back to the 1930s with the re-introduction of tuition fees, in a gallant attempt to restore the social tone of our elite universities.

    For bankers? They gave them a free hand to pillage at will.

    For MPs? Take a look at the buggers' pay and pensions over the years 1997-2010.

    For the other 97% of us? SOD ALL.

    Source(s): Labour Party member, 1965-96. And yes, I voted for Margaret Beckett. Now Green Party member.
  • Trev
    Lv 7
    10 years ago

    Decades of experience has taught me that if you have a Conservative mind, then you are unable to accept anything that contradicts Murdoch. But here goes:

    Tony simply continued Thatcher's politics: much to the chagrin of many in the Labour party. Brown was left with a broken country, entirely dependent upon loans - as Thatcher had sold off all our wealth-generating national assets - but to his praise he was actually beginning to undo the damage inflicted on our economy by Thatcher.

    Unfortunately, Murdoch is a devil worshipper, so Thatcher could do nothing wrong. All the negative consequences of her dictatorship were NEVER reported. We are now nearing the post-Thatcher global slump: which will inevitably result in world-war 3. The USA copied Thatcher's politics: Can you see that they are starting ALL the wars?

    Source(s): Over two decades researching why so many humans openly defend a society that is destroying the very planet that we live on. The reason is easy: it's because Murdoch tells them to!
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  • Anonymous
    9 years ago

    They managed to convince many, many people that they were still the party that helps the low paid despite 13 years worth of of evidence to the contrary.

    You've got to admit - it's a hell of an achievement.

  • 9 years ago

    Winning (if you can call 37% of the vote that) the General election despite their track record (2 wars, record deficit, record cutbacks on HM Forces, doubling the benefits bill, tripling the NHS budget, record immigration, CCTV surveillance, stealth taxes to subsidise all the previous) - comes under "you can fool some of the people all of the time"

  • Anonymous
    9 years ago

    Losing the General election.

  • K
    Lv 6
    9 years ago

    they drastically lowered the quality of life for the majority of the british population.

  • 10 years ago

    There were no great achievements. They were an unremitting disaster for the country.

  • 9 years ago

    Hang On ... there must be one ... hmmmm ... well ...they . they ... or ... sorry what was the question again ?

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