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Favorite Answers10%
  • Does your TV fragment during this spate of bad weather?

    For the past week or so I've found that when the weather is overcast the TV coughs and splutters so much so that it is easier to turn it off than get a headache trying to follow even the simplest of programmes; some of the free-view progs are not even available, however when the clouds weaken there is a chance of some respite.

    I wonder how many of us are experiencing the same/similar problems since we have changed to digital?

    2 AnswersWeather7 years ago
  • Why is all the crap advert postings from India and China porn pushers being listed on this site?

    Today I tuned in on the English portion of the site and the questions where all from India and I think China asking if we were interested in escort ladies why oh why can't yahoo block this trash. I am getting fed up with yahoo and their silly site changes it is dull, dull, dull on here because of them.

    DO SOMETHING YAHOO or I for one am gone.

    4 AnswersAbuse and Spam7 years ago
  • Do you believe you are being censored on this site?

    I have written a legitimate answer and seen the perfectly reasonable Political question deleted therefore wasting my valuable time; if this sort of stuff is going on Yahoo I shall be moving away to a more democratic site.

    This is not the first occasion that this has happened ... they just drop the line and I have to reconnect ... upon my return the question is not there.

    9 AnswersMedia & Journalism8 years ago
  • How many of you aware that with modern tyres and labeling those who have the worst tyres are putting everyone-?

    Including themselves in great danger; If the car in front has the better stopping distance then is he in danger if he brakes hard and the bloke behide with shite tyres can't stop and hits him...BOTH CARS ARE SURELY IN DANGER?

    Do you think it is better to Leave more stopping distance until government has a rethink and forces cheap tyres off the road at MOT time... Would This give an interim period where safe tyres could later prevail.... or do you consider that if all tyres were equal we would return to the status quo?

    1 AnswerOther - Business & Finance9 years ago
  • Are you intending to vote in a new commissioner?

    I have read the details of Kiron and like the look of his qualifications and experience.

    Worth a look do you think?

    3 AnswersCivic Participation9 years ago
  • Who has any thoughts on Kiron for the new police commissioner?

    I think he has the most qualification for this position and intend to vote for him because of his published record.

    3 AnswersCurrent Events9 years ago
  • Do you favour Flushing oil or additives when doing an oil change?

    I intend doing an oil change on my turbo charged Skoda Fabia and would like advice on the best /better method in tackling this project.

    10 AnswersMaintenance & Repairs9 years ago
  • What do you consider as a weird name for a shop or business?

    I would like to know your favourite a set of names or initials which when you read them make you smile or split your sides laughting.

    i.e R.S. CAPE (undertakers).

    2 AnswersPolls & Surveys9 years ago
  • Why is it that after taking time to write something ...?

    Yahoo answers simply wipes my contribution away without so much as an explanation, even though what was written is true and also a good Idea which interferes with no actual company or person.

    I do not like to be censured without true feedback so if it happens once more I shall be gone forever to a site that appreciates good contribution.

    3 AnswersWords & Wordplay10 years ago
  • Why does our Government still allow artificial sweeteners?

    It is known outside the biased manufacturing circles that this stuff has issues.

    15 AnswersVegetarian & Vegan10 years ago
  • Do folk believe I'm a bit cynical today?

    Some of my postings have been thwarted during their birth and I have been left with a cicatrice.

    1 AnswerOther - Society & Culture10 years ago
  • How come yahoo is not quite on the ball this week ?

    Could it be so sensitive a time with the Royal visit and it saves...on censorship accusations.

    3 AnswersCurrent Events1 decade ago
  • What would be your last rational act?

    If you knew you were about to die?.

    9 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • How can I create a backup account?

    I'd like to appear as Wendel Homes on one area and be another name in a forum elsewhere on Yahoo without there being a link back to Wendel.

    Thanks for any help..

    1 AnswerPassword and Sign In1 decade ago
  • Would a Van Allen Belt...?

    Hold up for a rhinestone cowboy?

    3 AnswersJokes & Riddles1 decade ago
  • Public drains , what are her rights here?

    UK... Sefton.

    My Sister owns her own home.

    Outside on the public pavement is a drain cover that stinks to high hell.

    So she called the environmental health that came along and informed her that it is her responsibility to maintain the grids in her street along with other neighbours whom share this inspection gully.

    This does not seem right to me that the council can build faulty drainage gullys and then pass the buck onto unsuspecting householders.

    The drain has had a camera down it and the drain was faulty and made of tarred cardboard.

    Any thoughts?

    4 AnswersOther - Environment1 decade ago
  • WHAT are YOUR THOUGHTS ON:-Visa verification by flashing a debit/credit card?

    I think it’s ill conceived beyond belief,

    I have devised a method to get my groceries for free from virtually any supermarket in the World that allows this new flash the card system to be used.

    All it takes is for two people to pick a mark, (Any persons trolley with a bag in sight) what happens is the bag is taken, I look for the card, find it, pass it to an accomplice, who passes through the checkout flashing the card in payment for a trolley load of goods, then heading for the door where I await to receive the card, I have little trouble seeking out the mark to replace it back into their bag and trolley.

    The mark uses the card at the checkout as ever completely unaware that a scam has taken place, not until the time comes to reconcile their account do they then have a major problem convincing the bank that they must somehow have become victims of a scam which they cannot for the life of them see a likely explanation for; the bank of course is smiling as ever.. . Because if you cannot explain how it happened how are they expected to pay for your groceries!

    FAILING THAT if the bank does pay up, then, why doesn’t everyone pull the scam and get free stuff by letting on that this scam was in fact pulled on them.

    SAY NO TO THIS ILL PLANNED SYSTEM…There are far better ways virtually guaranteed safe that have been registered at the UK PATIENT OFFICE.

    23 hours ago - 3 days left

    2 AnswersCommunity Service1 decade ago
  • WHAT are YOUR THOUGHTS ON:-Visa verification by flashing a debit/credit card?

    I think it’s ill conceived beyond belief,

    I have devised a method to get my groceries for free from virtually any supermarket in the World that allows this new flash the card system to be used.

    All it takes is for two people to pick a mark, (Any persons trolley with a bag in sight) what happens is the bag is taken, I look for the card, find it, pass it to an accomplice, who passes through the checkout flashing the card in payment for a trolley load of goods, then heading for the door where I await to receive the card, I have little trouble seeking out the mark to replace it back into their bag and trolley.

    The mark uses the card at the checkout as ever completely unaware that a scam has taken place, not until the time comes to reconcile their account do they then have a major problem convincing the bank that they must somehow have become victims of a scam which they cannot for the life of them see a likely explanation for; the bank of course is smiling as ever.. . Because if you cannot explain how it happened how are they expected to pay for your groceries!

    FAILING THAT if the bank does pay up, then, why doesn’t everyone pull the scam and get free stuff by letting on that this scam was in fact pulled on them.

    SAY NO TO THIS ILL PLANNED SYSTEM…There are far better ways virtually guaranteed safe that have been registered at the UK PATIENT OFFICE.

    1 AnswerCredit1 decade ago