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FeelingPink asked in PetsRodents · 10 years ago

Two male guinea pigs fighting help?

I have two male guinea pigs. They are supposedly brothers (I don't know because I adopted them form a girl in foster care who couldn't keep them anymore.) They have a pretty small cage. They have been fighting really seriously lately. I don't know what to do because when I separate them like 15 seconds later one starts squealing out of loneliness so that is not an option. I'm really scared they are going to hurt each other seriously.

One has always been the "alpha" and now I guess the other one wants to be??

they have always been really tame and sweet. Also, they really like each other because when I like take them out of the cage they follow each other around and always like to be in the same hut (when outside of their cage)

I don't know what to do!!

thanks in advance

oh yeah

they have always fought but never like this


If I got a two story cage instead of a one story tiny cage, would they be happier and both take a level and visit occasionally.

Also, they REALLY like each and they would not be happy if they were separated

also where can I find a cage that's two levels??? and NNOt a cubes and coroplast one!! no exceptiosn

9 Answers

  • ?
    Lv 6
    10 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    ok, the problem is the CAGE as soon as you said they have a small cage i knew 100% that's why. they are fighting because they don't have room to walk around in their cage and are always together! i don't think you would like being in a tiny room with your sibling your whole life, so that's how they feel, for now give them lots and lots of floor time so they spend close to nothing in their cage. only put them in their cage when your out or sleeping. you need to get them a new cage as soon as possible!! if you don't want to get a CC cage, if your good at wood works, make your own! that's what me and my dad did, i made my guinea pigs a big cage using wood & chicken wire with a door in it and made it in like 8hours! if you don't want to put in that much effort, then i suggest getting a pet pen, i don't know where you live but in cheap stores they are like 30dollars and they are massive! and you can make it into any shape you want, since it comes with no floor, get a piece of ply wood from a hardware store, a meter is like 8dollars, then get a sheet of plastic also bought from the pet shop, cover the plywood with that then put newspaper, then bedding i recommended using fleece as bedding. don't use a two level cage they won't use the top ramp and it will just take up too much space, i think you should do the pet pen cage as its cheap and good size for them, this way they won't fight because they can get away from each other when they want. please get them a new cage as soon as possible. and make sure its no smaller than 100cms in width and 160cms in length, this is why i suggest the pet pen.

    edit - there is no need to seperate them as the ONLY reason they are fighting is because the cage is too small, you said they get along fine when out of the cage so its the cage making them angry, don't listen to people that say males cant be together i have two males and they have never fought because they have a big cage & lots of floor time. get them a new cage asap before they really hurt eachother

  • 10 years ago

    A bigger cage can make all the difference. Guinea pigs need to have their own space. The minimum cage size for 2 males is 10.5 square feet. Bigger is better. Upper levels do not count towards the overall square footage unless the bottom floor meets the minimum requirements.

    Also give them 2 of everything (2 water bottles, 2 food bowls etc). That way they will have less to fight over.

    The only pet store cage that is big enough for 2 males is this but you would need to get 2 of them and connect them

    I think amazon has them for around $30 each.

    It would not be ideas because it would be 2 separate sections but it would work if don't want a c&c cage.

  • 10 years ago

    Don't separate them just yet. Guinea pigs are social animals and are much happier in pairs or groups. Many males can live very happily together, whether they are brothers are not. Many rescues bond unfamiliar males successfully. If they are physically harming each other then separate them, keeping their cages alongside each other. But as your boars are not fighting when outside their cage in more space this suggests it can be fixed.

    You need a bigger cage, in fact get the biggest you can with your budget and space, make sure there are two or more hiding places and if need be two areas for food bowls. This should remedy the situation, in the meantime handle them together on your lap and feed veggies and treats, this will help strengthen their bond. Bear in mind that some squeaking and chasing is normal and to us it seems like bullying but it is normal behavior the concern is if there are injures sustained. Good luck.

    Source(s): Own guinea pigs. Currently have 4 females who live happily together. Previously had boars who exhibited normal pig behaviors and lived happily together. Cages : Try buying a large indoor Rabbit cage or google split level cages if thats what you're after I personally would recommend building your own but thats up to you :)
  • Anonymous
    10 years ago

    Get them a bigger cage.

    They are probably fighting over territory. It's like if you and your sibling had to share a room, you'd probably fight a lot more, even though you love eachother.

    I has 2 guinea pigs that fought quite a bit, but as soon as I got them a bigger cage (it's really just a small animal playpen) they have been getting along great.

    I have 3 male guinea pigs living together with no problems.

    Just because they're male doesn't mean they will fight.

    Look in to getting a bigger cage, you want at LEAST 10.2 square feet of usable cage space, with a preferred range of about 13 square feet.

    My guinea pig cage is 18 square feet and I have 3 in it. They are happy as can be!

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  • 10 years ago

    Male guinea pigs, are really territorial &i suggest you separate them. i believe male guinea pigs should never be kept together, it would be a good idea to get them neuter too.

    I had the same thing happen to me with my female guinea pigs & so i separate them& i do let them hangout once in a while but under my supervision, so it should work the same for you i hope this helps(:

    I think that c&c cage would actually be the best way to keep them separate, just give them some time during the day to hangout & they should be fine

    Source(s): Owner of 2 guinea pigs & 2 rabbits
  • 10 years ago

    Why not get another cage and only put them together when they are put in their play pen each day (or whenever you have them out) with you supervising them. although male guinea pigs are very territorial and the cage should be large if you have two of them so maybe just try and get a bigger cage for them to share.

  • 10 years ago

    You should NEVER EVER put two males together guinea pigs are highly terretorial and will fight to the death it doesnt matter if there brothers and it doesnt make a difference how big the cage is

    my suggestion is seperate them get them neuterd then try introducing two females one to each male this should stop the fighting

    Source(s): Personal experiance and volunteer at a pet rescue centre
  • 10 years ago

    first males don't tend to fight even if they are brother's i have males living together and they are not brothers, if they make each other bleed separate them also i do think getting a bigger much bigger cage will help, when males are to close to each other they can start to fight

  • 10 years ago

    Separate them. Male guinea pigs tend to fight even if they are brothers. This can get very bad for both. They could possibly bite each other or, please don't laugh at this, but also rape each other. I had 2 guinea pigs, it was the father and the son, the son was only 7 weeks old and the father would climb on him and was just disturbing. Please separate them.

    Source(s): Owner of 5 guinea pigs
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