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  • bedding for guinea pigs?

    ive always used fleece and im currently fostering two guinea pigs who make one hell of a mess! and im cleaning the fleece atleast 4 times a day, is there any alternative to fleece, their cage is handmade, wooden so doesnt have high edges like a plastic cage, want to keep cleaning to a minimum

    3 AnswersRodents6 years ago
  • Attachment image

    what should i name my male guinea pigs?

    im fostering to male guinea pigs, they are Himalayan guinea pigs both very sweet, i need a name starting with the letter "H" apparently, any ideas would help

    6 AnswersRodents6 years ago
  • fostering two feral guinea pigs any ideas how to help them adjust?

    im fostering two desexed male guinea pigs probably around 7-8 months old, before being resuced they were on the verge of death, had heat stroke, very much underweight and very frightened, i have put them in their cage and they wont leave their corner, im rather concerned and wondering if anything can be done to make them adjust quicker

    1 AnswerRodents6 years ago
  • will a home pregnancy test work two weeks after missed period?

    my period is about a week and a half if not 2weeks overdue, will a home pregnancy test work? i know with some your suppose to take a pregnancy test the day your period is due etc. thanks :)

    4 AnswersPregnancy7 years ago
  • ants on my guinea pigs!?

    i just had my guinea pigs outside in their hutch while i cleaned their inside cage and when i went back out to get them they had ants all over them!! i shaked them off and put them in their cage and lil ants keep falling off them but i got most off can they hurt my guinea pigs i kind of put my hands through my piggies fur to get them off they keep dropping will they be okay

    1 AnswerOther - Pets7 years ago
  • why wont my guinea pig put on weight?

    hes been quiet ill latley and hes lost 100 grams in 3months, he eats like a normal guinea pig would he drinks lots of water, hes got a few problems concerning his hind legs and hes formed impactions because he cant pass his own feces but besides that, he appears normal, hes not letheragic hes so friendly and still acts happy despite his problems hes only 2 years and 11 months old, although he eats alot he just wont put on weight instead hes loosing weight, what foods or something is good to fatten up my guinea pig... he has a full plate of veggies a day plus veggies throughout the whole day timothy hay and cavy cusine pellets, the vet said hes seriously ill so i need to try to make him as comfortable as possible, ive taken him to 2 different vets about his problems and none of them can give me answers not even as to how he can put on weight feel so hopeless

    1 AnswerRodents7 years ago
  • how can i help my guinea pig?

    my guinea pigs is 2 years and 11 months, hes had some problems with his hind legs and they don't work properly, and now because of that he cannot pass feces without my help, so basically he has an impaction but the vets have done it twice already yesterday and today and im kind of worried to do it myself, ontop of it all hes lost a severe amount of wait for reasons i dont know because the vets here are really **** and don't know anything about guinea pigs even though their exotic vets he eats a fair bit and has a very good diet, but hes lost 100 grams in 3 months and is down to 750 grams :( ,he also drinks alot of water the vet suggested that he may have kidney failure, but hes always drank lots of water i used to give him tap water but then started giving him purifed water and now he drinks that all the time, he also has what she thinks to be an abcess :( they stay on fleece and carpet but they have a little box full of hay with he sometimes sleeps in is it possible the hay could of got stuck in his skin causing an abcess. the vet said hes really ill and needs a specialist opinon before anything else. what can i do to help him put on weight or feel more comfortable or anything. his on pain killers and hes eating okay on his own i just dont want him in pain :(

    2 AnswersRodents7 years ago
  • why wont my guinea pig put on weight?

    my guinea pig is about three years old, hes always been healthy, until one day about 5 months ago, he suddenly got really ill over a 24 hour period,he was hopping and was walking became really strange. he didnt eat he couldn't move he lost a severe amount of weight and looked near death i took him to the vet and they said they didnt know what was wrong, they gave me a pain killer for him and i force fed him over the next few weeks when i took him back agian they thought it was his teeth giving him problems but their fine, while he was under, they checked his back legs and hes legs dont stretch back as far as my other guinea pigs and he walks with his legs up, he eats pellets and hay and has fresh green vegitables every day and a suffiecent amount too, i cant figure out why he wont put his weight back on, he eats just as much as my other guinea pig and my other guinea pig is at a perfect weight, he lives inside, sometimes he'll sit and just seem kind of uncomfortable, he used to lay down on his side now he kid up just sits up. any ideas.

    1 AnswerRodents7 years ago
  • can a urine infection cause bleeding?

    i finished my period about 3 weeks ago and the last few days ive had some spotting not enough to be my period though, is it possible for a urine infection to cause a little bit of bleeding i dont have any symptoms of any kind everything else is normal in that department besides the slight spotting

    4 AnswersWomen's Health7 years ago
  • i broke up with my boyfriend now he wont speak to me?

    me and my boyfriend were together for about two and a half years, and he went away for two months and when he came back we realised were different people, we dont like the same things anymore and hes more conservative and im more outgoing so it was hard to get along at times, a week or so ago he messaged me telling me that we should go our seperate ways etc, then we got back together, and then on saturday i messaged him and said i cant do this anymore and he assumed it was because of another guy which is not the case, i had my phone on silent and he called several times then said if you dont answer this call im never going to speak to you agian, and i messaged him the next morning saying how we don't get along anymore and this is the reason for it and he still hasn't said anything, hes basically cut me out of his life, nethier one of us were happy towards the end of our relationship but i cant just cut somebody out my life that ive been with almost every day for 2 and a half years like he can, what should i do?

    3 AnswersOther - Family & Relationships8 years ago
  • feels like i have a lump in my throat?

    i was sick with a cold for about two weeks, i also lost my voice for about two - three days i took antibiotics, but i had a persistent cough for over the last few days and it feels like i have a lump in my throat behind my tonsil on the left side, and every time i swallow it hurts and my ear like makes a "popping sound" could it be related to the fact i was sick or is it something worse?

    1 AnswerInfectious Diseases8 years ago
  • how to remove a stain off a white dress?

    theres some black stuff on my white dress and its been washed and soaked and it won't come off :( i dont even know what it is, i wore it clubbing and came home with black stuff all over my dress... eugh...

    2 AnswersCleaning & Laundry8 years ago
  • why does my guinea pig not put pressure on his foot?

    my guinea pig was severely ill not to long ago, he lost alot of weight and had difficulty getting up from laying down and was hopping and not putting pressure on his front foot, the vet put him on an anti-inflammatory but couldn't determined what the actual problem was or why he had lost so much weight, hes doing much better now but hes still hoping almost like a bunny, instead of walking he sometimes hops from one spot to another, and before he wasn't putting pressure on his front right foot, but now hes not putting pressure on his front left foot, he keeps lifting it up like it hurts him, his nails are trimmed and the vets checked his feet and their fine, i hardly ever pick him up and theres no way he could of fallen, is there any reason why he does this?

    1 AnswerRodents8 years ago
  • Guinea pig acting out of the ordinary?

    my guinea pig seems to be eating his droppings quiet a bit latley I know it's normal for them to do so but he's doing it a fair bit almost everytime I look at him he's eating his droppings is it okay or is it a sign that something's wrong? He also makes a grunting noise when he bends over to get his droppings he's always done this for as long as I've known but just the frequency is a bit strange because I've never seen him do if so much is it abnormal?

    1 AnswerRodents8 years ago
  • what to do about my guinea pigs teeth?

    my guinea pig is about 3 years old if not younger, he had his back molars were cutting into his cheeks so he had to have them filled down, then just about a couple weeks ago he had spurs and had to get his middle teeth trimmed down hes eating his hay and veggies fine, but hes eating his pellets werid, like their hard to chew hes acting like the pellets getting stuck in his mouth and then he wipes his mouth the same kind of mouth movements he was doing when his teeth were overgrown, hes only eating a couple of his pellets werid then sometimes he eats them without the whole dramatic mouth movements, he's not a big chewer like my other guinea pig the only thing he chews is his hay he doesnt like wooden chew toys, hes over chewing on cardboard i dont know what else to do to keep his teeth down?

    1 AnswerOther - Pets8 years ago