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Is Obama in trouble for re-election?

Obama's approval rating is one of the worst of all time at this point in his term, and it will only get worse. In economic turmoils, the chances of re-election are pretty slim. Not to mention even with the shenanigans of the Republican Party, they are going to sweep Electoral votes from Obama. And then, with Mayor Bloomberg going to announce his candidacy as an independent, and Ron Paul probably branching off too, he can kiss the East Sea board good bye and the 80 votes associated with the border states and New York. Not to mention he BARELY won Virginia and Florida, and New York, if Bloomberg runs, will vote independent more than likely for the first time in decades.

It seems obvious Obama is in serious trouble, even with the meltdown of the opposing party. Bloomberg and Paul are going to destroy the legs of his election, and we might actually see a Republican giving him a run for his money

11 Answers

  • Anonymous
    10 years ago
    Favorite Answer


    What's the color of the sky in your world?

    No chance Bloomberg or Paul go independent...NONE. Your wet dreams aren't reality.

  • Anonymous
    10 years ago

    Yes he is. People need to stop believing everything the media says the big banks own the media, Ron Paul won over 50% of the votes in the straw poles and the media doesn't tell you. He was in second place to Bachman in the Iowa straw pole and the media didn't even mention him. He won the New Hampshire straw pole by a landslide Bachman's home state, on the same day Cain squeaked by for the win in Florida, But no mention of Paul's successes in the media. The cnn debate in South Carolina Paul was only asked 2 questions the 60 minute televised debate totaling 89 seconds of air time. The medias poles reflect what they want you to think, wake up and think for yourselves. And for those of you that think all elections are rigged lets pray they are not this may our last chance to vote someone in because of their ten yer and policies instead of voting someone in like oblabla because they find him attractive or like the way he talks.

  • 10 years ago

    Obama has the lowest poll numbers and rating of any President in history at this stage of his Presidency. He continues to undermine the economy and antagonize job creators, his list of scandals is growing, his foreign policy has failed, domestic policy has failed, his single achievement of Obamacare will be overturned by the courts. Unemployment is likely to continue at record levels as we have no economic growth. The left is unhappy with him, all but 30% of independents have abandoned him, and the rest of the country can't wait to get rid of him.

    To say he is in trouble is like saying he is incompetent - - its a gross understatement. At this point, he will be an underdog to ANY opponent. The Republicans could run a chimp named "Not Obama" against him and win in a landslide. Obama is history. The best thing he could do for the country is to announce that he has changed his mind and is not going to run for re-election.

  • Terrel
    Lv 7
    10 years ago

    Currently it appears he is in trouble. But the election is a very long time away. Things can change quickly in politics. Just look at the Republicans. Perry was on top and now is trailing the pack. Cain looks like he may drop out. Newt came back from nowhere. Obama may become America's darling again and win a second term. That thought makes me want to puke but one has to face reality.

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  • 4 years ago

    The miserably failing economic equipment for starters. He has ruined the indoors maximum sector together with his misguided, marxist-socialist time table. Letting the middle east circulate up in flames together with his cluelessness on national protection subject concerns will injury him, yet no longer as plenty as a results of fact the lamestream media covers various that up for him. (they are in a position to't cover the adverse employment subject over right here, all of us is experiencing it) And that failed gun for Mexican drug cartels application that Darrell Issa is protecting hearings on would tutor to be his downfall in the 2012 campaign if extra human beings start up paying interest. The director of the ATF basically introduced he's stepping down, whether it is not specific the place this would lead yet. This administration truly screwed it up in this one. however the miserably failing economic equipment would be his albatross, needless to say.

  • Anonymous
    10 years ago

    Sadly, the brainwashed idiots of this country will probably try to get him back in. I don't want to even associate with them and I consider them counterfeit Americans.

  • ?
    Lv 6
    10 years ago

    Ron Paul has already stated that if he does not get the GOP nomination he will not run as an independent- even he knows we can not afford 4 more years of this douche bag. Bloomberg is irrelevant. Obama is going to lose and it is his own fault.

  • ?
    Lv 6
    10 years ago

    No, the republicans running are all a joke. I don't like Obama but I feel he's going to win again.

  • Anonymous
    10 years ago


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