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Changing season in me, time when all is frosen and time when a flower breaks through concrete?
What makes us change roads and ways of perceptions , what are all the influences and factors of the meteorology of my soul?
@ Thank you Twistted, I love poésie.
@ Thank you Twistted, I love poésie.
unity to the end such a poet also.
@ #1, just hope you will find your California dream in Ohio
@canon Last month I felt really frozen, my body was sick and even if I try to put my antennas, the radio did not work and all I could hear is the ishhhh interference. Now the body feels better my emetteur et recepteur are working again, of course I am trying to pick up some great music but interferences are common thing here so I have to learn to pick up with a mind over matter system, really I do not know how to find this.
@Generalist , thank you for all the information. It seems to me that it is the intention and the focus that brings similar results in wathever means.
@ Melchize I agree, I have to practice equanimity and be balance in winter and summer days.
7 Answers
- TwistedOwlLv 710 years agoFavorite Answer
When I find out all the reasons
Maybe I'll find another way
Find another day
With all the changing seasons of my life
Maybe I'll get it right next time
And now that you've been broken down
Got your head out of the clouds
You're back down on the ground
And you don't talk so loud
And you don't walk so proud
Any more, and what for?
Well I jumped into the river
Too many times to make it home
I'm out here on my own, and drifting all alone
If it doesn't show give it time
To read between the lines
'Cause I see the storm getting closer
And the waves they get so high
Seems everything we've ever known's here
Why must it drift away and die?
- who WAS #1?Lv 710 years ago
When you come to a fork in the road, take it. ;-)
Usually I like the onset of winter, but not this year. I don't know if it's the politics or loneliness or just the usual annual Christmas madness, but I am not happy. This is my 3d winter in Ohio after a lifetime in So Calif, and I really miss the Beach Boys. But I've got my snow tires on, so I'll deal with it.
- of Me of HimLv 610 years ago
As the love is not for-as-sure is the start a new then. With heart of eyes of wonder do wonder bring its own love.
It’s as a never ending of care for-as-sure in the arms One, All of me, me; were they look to the season one being flower breaks the sky open, where concrete is of him in flowing of his the all gendering one but yet facet is love in the changing season in me, where the bride as a diamond as faceted by every breath in where the penned not the paper (“factors of the meteorology of my soul”)
What is beautiful is the unknown (me) and in it is the treat of Life (me), for All unknowingly (Me) then knowing (me). As if the season is 365.
- canron4peaceLv 610 years ago
Your changing focus determines what you receive. It is like a mind-directed TV receiver.
It can only happen when you decide to switch the dial or when you are ready for the change.
It will never end because life is eternal and constantly expanding.
`` Prendre un ptit coup, c`est agreable. Prendre un ptit coup c`est doux.
Prendre un gros, ca rend l`esprit malade. Prendre un gros coup, c`est fou.``
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- Anonymous10 years ago
Perspectives are usually defended, sometimes to the death.
When a person gives up one perspective, and adopts another, the stimulus usually affects easily changed opinions. For example:
It is a matter of perspective whether a person chooses to look for some power, other than hiser own, to take a lead in life, or wishes to be self-directed. That perspective decides whether a person becomes a devout follower, or not. How many wars have been fought over that shift in perspective?
It usually takes severe trauma to cause a person to change, yet I found out that the process does not have to be either wrenching, or painful.
There is a method of cognitive self-training that enables anyone to change aspects of their personality, or perspective, to suit hiser inner needs.
It is called by several names. i call it the greatest secret human power.
The Greatest Secret Human Power
Win By Using Reality
By Generalist
“Why me?”
“Why is life so painful, unfair, confusing, mysterious, surprising, disappointing?”
“What’s the best way to deal with getting older?”
“How can I overcome compulsions?”
“What can I do?”
“How can I enjoy a refulgent life?”
These questions express people’s real puzzlement, even pain. It is better to use the power everyone has, and few know, than to repeatedly ask these questions.
The knowledge of this power is ordinarily scattered in many philosophies, religions, hopes and aphorisms. That keeps it secret.
Here, the essence is unified into a single practice that enables anyone to manifest his-er power
In ancient India, one man wondered if there weren’t a way to use the power inherent in everyone and end suffering. He set out on an intense exploration of the learning and practices available. They were all inadequate to help everyone and anyone. He determined to find the path himself.
He did, and began to teach. His teaching worked for some, and was hard for others to understand.
Then, Nichiren, in thirteenth century Japan, connected all the dots and came up with a method whereby anyone can optimize lifel. He recognized that the way to use the secret power was to move on with determination to clear the mind and improve life. To enable the clearing of the mind, and replacing error with wisdom, the element of focus, determination, respect had to be added to the expression that contains all the elements of life. In Japanese, that is Myoho Renge Kyo. He used the Sanskrit term namas, shortened to nam.
This activates the secret power and makes it public.
What Isaac Newton did for gravity, Nichiren did for all of life.
I have listed the main points and the words in Japanese. They are capitalized for clarity.
1-Things are always changing, yet the underlying realities common to all life do not change. -KYO
2- -Causes produce effects. Sometimes this is not obvious because of the time lag between cause and perceived effect. RENGE -Renge also means that we can choose to release limitations at any time like the opening of a perfect lotus growing in mud.
3-Life is both physical and non-physical. –MYOHO This is the term that includes the limited aspect of the tangible and the unlimited aspects of the intangible, and their inseparability.
4-Humans have the ability to respect the truth, to focus their minds, and achieve great results. -NAM
The practice is founded on the repeated speaking of the sentence Nam Myoho Renge Kyo alone, and with others. This strengthens synaptic connections based on recognized truth and weakens those based on distortions. The mind-heart-body is unified in the effort.
Nichiren’s method works for all of life, whether people believe in it, or not, as long as they try it with a focus on improvement.
My own experiences: phenomenal changes as a result of reciting the formula and working with the SGI for peace, culture and happiness. Caution, translation difficulties and cultural usages tend to cause many people to regard using their secret power as a religion because it is called Buddhism. The original documents show that Nichiren did not intend for people to rely on a power beyond their own capacities for transcending limitations.
If you wish further information, use the links.
- ?Lv 610 years ago
I sent my Soul through the Invisible,
Some letter of that After-life to spell,
And after many days my Soul return'd
And said, "Behold, Myself am Heav'n and Hell."
Source(s): Rubaiyat Of Omar Khayyam. - maricimarajLv 710 years ago
ah ben ça c'est justement la base de ce qu'on appelle l'ésotérisme qui est en train de se révéler mais tout doucement quand même et même si les gens commencent un peu à l'entendre, ils ne commencent pas encore à l'intégrer,
c'est que l'homme est fait à l'image de dieu, à l'image de l'atome, à l'image d'une planète, tout est fabriqué dans le même moule, et tout est fait avec les mêmes éléments, terre, eau, air et éther, pour ce qui est de la matière,
l'âme et l'esprit qui sont la lumière et l'énergie, animant cet ensemble de corps composés des éléments ......
au sein de la personnalité, le corps physique est fait de matière solide, la terre, le corps émotionnel est fait de matière liquide, l'eau et le corps mental est fait de matière gazeuse, l'air, et voilà le secret en quelque sorte, le corps émotionnel est fait des éléments les plus subtils de l'élément eau, les humeurs comme on disait autrefois, et le corps mental est fait des éléments les plus subtils de l'élément air ... ces deux corps forment comme exactement une atmosphère qui réagit exactement comme l'atmosphère de la terre, avec ses périodes de calme où le soleil brille (la présence) et ses périodes d'agitation où les tempêtes intérieures cachent la réalité de la vie ...
c'est pour ça qu'on dit tout le reste,
première chose à faire pour méditer : calmez-vous ! parce que lorsque le calme est établi les énergies circulent, elles rétablissent l'équilibre dans les corps et on voit la lumière réapparaître quand la présence peut se contempler dans le miroir de l'âme, c'est ça qu'on appelle méditer quand le soleil se reflète dans l'océan apaisé ...
cette atmosphère humaine,est soumise aux mêmes aléas que l'atmosphère terrestre, forcément puisqu'elle en fait partie, et qu'elle y participe,
ceci répond aussi en partie à la question que tu poses par ailleurs, l'homme qui peut apaiser - on dit aussi maîtriser - ses pensées et ses émotions dégage une énergie radiante très puissante qui agit sur son environnement tout comme l'agitation est communicative, et plusieurs personnes ensemble multiplient cette action, maharishi et son équipe a expliqué que un pour cent d'une population pouvait aimanter une population toute entière, tout comme une barre de fer qui est aimantée à un pour cent de ses molécules étend cette aimantation à la barre de fer toute entière ...
paix et sourires joyeux ...
PS - je reviens passque j'ai parlé de la radiation et du coup j'ai oublié la fin de l'explication ...
j'en étais au moment où le mental participe de l'atmosphère terrestre, et par suite de ses changements qui sont consécutifs au voyage de la terre à travers l'espace, la terre recevant elle-même les radiations des planètes et des constellations qui l'entourent,
c'est la base de l'astrologie, qui prétend pouvoir prévoir des évènements, c'est pas tout à fait juste, mais les planètes et les constellations agissent sur l'atmosphère en déterminant avec l'influence de la lune les saisons,
le calendrier soli lunaire est riche d'enseignement sur ce sujet, on peut passer des années à regarder les arbres et le ciel en comparant leurs modifications avec la course du soleil et de la lune ensemble, c'est magique ! un philosophe nommé paracelse a passé sa vie à cette étude et a écrit un livre qui s'appelle le livre des douze clés,
clé est un mot à double sens qui signifie aussi solution, et les douze clés sont les douze solutions chimiques successives qui forment l'histoire de l'atmosphère terrestre au cours d'une année ...
j'ai jamais réussi à trouver ce bouquin, alors je me suis contenté de passer mon temps assis sur le banc d'un magnifique jardin ...
paix et sourires ...