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Does anyone else find it a bit disturbing when people spend their lives and time focused solely -?

on berating, criticizing, demeaning and trying to convince others how WRONG someone else's church or beliefs are? Even going so far as to have their own "SHOW" on youtube trying to make themselves a celebrity of sorts. I saw one such yesterday....really is upsetting to me. The underlying MOTIVES of such a thing seems so clearly malicious and hateful. I don't get such people and those who BELIEVE such either. Your views?

28 Answers

  • Anonymous
    10 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    All we can do is avoid such people. Jesus came to cause those who see to be blind.

    And that is what I see in this.

    How can we ever 'think on what is good' if we are being polluted by these things that

    exist everywhere?

    Pollution takes so many forms, doesn't it? And think what it does to the brain!!

    Everything that we 'receive' changes us. This has been demonstrated scientifically.

    Scientists found that our genes actually change by everything we do/think.

    So, that's them, right?

    The bible calls all of it 'the mystery of iniquity'. We cannot understand a mystery.

    It won't be a mystery to the Lord, but to us, it is.

    If we are to 'walk in the light AS He is in the light', we must stay out of dark paths.

    That is a dark path.

    You are right, but what can you do about this?

    I remember a caregiver I had saying that he wished the newspapers didn't

    print crimes because it gave the people attention. I think we should not

    give them attention, don't you?

  • 10 years ago

    Well, LDS missionaries do the same thing, in a nice way. What do you think is the reason for the 60,000 missionaries riding bikes around all day every day? They're out there to convince other people that they should convert to Mormonism.

    I don't think it's malicious or hateful. People do it because they honestly feel that their views are right and they want to convince others of that. LDS missionaries are the same way, as are all LDS "member missionaries". I get reminded every Sunday that the stake has a goal for every member to invite one of their friends to hear the missionary discussions by the end of the year. Isn't this basically the same thing? Convincing my friends that their beliefs are not correct, that they should listen to my church's version of Jesus? Can you see how others probably view our church the same way that you view this internet guy?

    Source(s): Lifelong Mormon
  • ?
    Lv 4
    10 years ago

    I don't find it disturbing at all, I expect it. It's just a cycle. People come up with claims that they have the truth and the only truth, and the reaction is an argument against that claim. Some arguments are well thought of, articulate, and make sense. Others are made by individuals that have created a thought process that is uneducated, based off of perceptional lies or fallacies, and are backed by hatred and blind passion. Churches make claims that they have a single absolute truth. Some people disagree with varying levels of passion.

    Missionaries (not just those that are opposed to them), spend a lot of their lives trying to convince others how wrong they are.

  • ?
    Lv 7
    10 years ago

    I think it is the exact same as the evangelism of people who go around spending their lives trying to convince people that their views and beliefs are RIGHT. It's the same exact mentality.

    I could care less what anyone else believes as long as they keep it to themselves.

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  • 10 years ago

    that is why we need to get into the bible for our selves then when some speaks error we will spot it right away. Jesus died on a cross two thousand years ago to take away the sins of the whole world never to see them again, this showld be good news to anyone in this fallen world, where is forgiveness found in Jesus. receiving the offer of Life (1 john 5:11,13)

  • Anonymous
    10 years ago

    Yes, the people are obviously obsessed and/or sick. People like that are insecure as well. One should have a much more relaxed attitude and be mature enough to accept that there are different view points.

  • ?
    Lv 6
    10 years ago

    It is sad that some demean and attack people. It makes it harder for people to open up and discuss with respect very important issues. And it makes this important message harder for some to respond to. Yet it is a command from our king, may we follow Christ example as he delivered the Good News with love for his father and for others.

    Mark 16:15 And he said to them: “Go into all the world and preach the good news to all creation.

    Here is a link that goes into detail about the blessings that await faithful mankind under God's Government with Jesus as king.

    What Is God’s Kingdom?

  • 10 years ago


    Then I read The God Delusion, and realized that believing things that are NOT real has an effect on my life too. And tho I have no problem with folks who self-delude, they ought to do that in private.

    I'm one who believes in "live and let live", but don't force your religious ideas in my government or in my public those ideas Islamic, Judaism, or Christianity.

    Just as an aside, I find the religious ones on there the least educated, and most rude.

  • 10 years ago

    Christians killed us for our beliefs. It's hard to even say the A word in public without people staring, gasping and pulling their children away from us. We're treated worse than lepers. I consider that a "Get out of jail free" card.

  • Anonymous
    10 years ago

    Westboro Baptist Church for a prime example. If they hate all of us so much, they should just leave America and go to freaking Antartica or something..

    Here on R&S, it's coming from both sides.

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