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When do points lie on a (hyper)hemisphere?

Given m points on the surface of the unit hypersphere in Euclidean n-space, how can one determine if those points lie on a hemisphere (including the boundary, say)? It seems like this problem should have been studied already, but I'm unsure where to look.

Of course, it's helpful to think of the n=1, 2, and 3 cases. I actually have an algorithm in mind, though it's slow.


@Jonty: You're given the coordinates of the points. The hypersphere is simply the unit hypersphere, so the equation is just x1^2 + ... + xn^2 = 1.

Update 2:

@Scythian: Done.

Thank you for the other answers so far as well. Changing it to a linear feasibility problem is certainly a valid and apparently standard solution. I'm unsure about the spherical triangle idea. My own original solution is similar and a bit simpler, so I haven't thought it through very far.

5 Answers

  • 9 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    Each point on the surface of the unit hypersphere has a corresponding ray which starts at the origin and goes through the point. A set of points on the hypersphere will lie in a hemisphere iff the convex hull of the corresponding rays does not contain the whole space. This is because a (possibly unbounded) convex polyhedron in Euclidean space can be described either as a convex hull of points and rays, or as an intersection of half-spaces. So, if a set of rays lies in no half-space, the convex hull must be the intersection of no half-spaces, i.e., equal to all of space.

    Another way of looking at the problem is that a half-space whose boundary plane goes through the origin can be expressed by a vector through the origin which is normal to the plane which bounds the half-space and points into the half-space. So, if we express the rays we are given as vectors v_1, ..., v_n, they will lie in a half-space iff there is a nonzero vector w such that <w, v_1> ≥ 0, ..., <w, v_n> ≥ 0. This is also a polyhedral computation problem as it is asking whether a polyhedron defined by a set of inequalities in w-space contains any points other than the origin.

    There are a number of algorithms and programs which will go between the dual representations of a polyhedron. One usable system is cddlib (see below.)

  • david
    Lv 6
    9 years ago

    For n=3, it seems that m points lie in the same hemisphere if and only if none of the m antipodes-points lie within any of the mC3 spherical triangles defined by the m points. Any algorithm to check this would need a sub-algorithm to decide if a point lies within a given spherical triangle. It seems this would be difficult but not impossible. The number of checks would be mC3 triangles * (m-3) antipodes points which is of order m^4.

    It seems this might generalize up in dimension, but I can't visualize it.

    Is your method more efficient that that?

  • Anonymous
    9 years ago

    Interesting question - how would an instance of the problem be given? Do we know the co-ordinates of points P1,...,Pm and an equation that represents the hypersphere?

  • pabst
    Lv 4
    5 years ago

    Catholicism isn't Christian. Catholicism teaches a faux gospel of works that finally ends up in eternal torment in hell (Galatians a million:6-9). it is sparkling from the e book of Acts interior the Bible that catholics did no longer even exist in the process the days of Acts. those interior the e book of Acts are the 1st Christians, and that they believed what could be suggested as fundamentalist doctrine immediately. all of us can study the e book of Acts for themselves and notice. Had catholicism existed in the process the time of Acts, the 1st Christians could have rejected catholicism thoroughly. additionally right here is Christians that suggested as the "pope" the antichrist, and who additionally thoroughly rejected catholicism, long earlier Martin Luther replaced into even born: c. 1310 Dante Alighieri c. 1331 Michael of Cesena c. 1345 Johannes de Rupescissa c. 1350 Francesco Petrarch c. 1367 John Milicz c. 1379 John Wycliffe c. 1388 Matthias of Janow c. 1389 R. Wimbledon c. 1390 John Purvey c. 1393 Walter Brute c. 1412 John Huss c. 1497 Girolamo Savonarola So no longer in basic terms is it fake to assert that "catholics have been the 1st Christians", yet this checklist blows away the catholic declare that "no churches existed different than the catholic church, till Martin Luther". there have been continually saved believers outdoors the catholic cult, who knew catholicism won't be able to save all of us. Catholicism won't be able to save. in basic terms believing in Jesus on my own for salvation, is what saves. it is a notably bogus lie.

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  • 9 years ago

    oh why don't you extend this, I'm still thinking about it

    Edit: Josh, better pick a BA pretty soon, I don't think I'll be able to enter my answer in time.

    Edit 2: If Josh misses the BA deadline, I'll vote for nudnik0's polyhedral answer as maybe the best way to go at present.

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