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Does anyone else find FOX's clearly biased coverage of Ron Paul sickening?

Even if you don't support Ron Paul, as a conservative, you should be sickened by the actions of Fox news and their clearly biased reporting, which they are using to try and influence you. They are not as fair and balanced as they claim to be. For example, just this morning I was watching and they were showing Iowa polling numbers of support for the candidates. They claim that Gingrich is at 25%, Ron Paul is at 18%, Romney is at 16%, Bachmann is at 8%, etc, etc, etc and that is of LIKELY GOP voters. According to their own numbers, Ron Paul is now second in the running, yet the show's anchor goes on to say and I quote, "Now with a month left until the Iowa GOP caucus, the 2012 Republican presidential field appears to be narrowing to a two man race between Gingrich and Romney". What? I had to do a double take. Do they think we are idiots? When Romney is in third place, how the hell is it narrowing to a contest between Gingrich and Romney? They could have claimed it was narrowing to a three way race, but to completely disregard the candidate in second place is just wrong. Open your eyes my fellow conservative/libertarians. Fox is nothing more than a propaganda machine for neo-cons in the Republican party. They are trying to influence you into voting for a candidate, namely Gingrich, that will continue taking us down the road of more wars, more spending and intrusion into our private lives. Haven't you heard enough lies? Don't you want a candidate with some integrity, that when he or she promises something, you can actually believe they will try to follow through?

17 Answers

  • 9 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    It wasn't just Fox

    MSNBC, CBS, ABC, CNN all gave Ron Paul lesser time and treated him like a candidate not worth talking about

  • Anonymous
    9 years ago

    Yes . There is another matter that they choose to hide also . In the bid for anyone but Romney the choices have come and gone according to money and scandal . Clearly SOME of the candidates pander to the religious right and the failing tea party . HOWEVER , the polls show and especially the straw polls of actual voters , and a month by month growth of support for Ron Paul . Romney still has the same 22 % he had 5 years ago and for every vote he adds if made the candidate he makes one more voter stay at home and not vote . The sooner the republicans ( voters ) not lemmings , realize Ron Paul can beat Obama the better off they will be . Gingrich is as the one man said , " an embarrassment to the party " ... Fox has a script . Go outside that and lose your job . If Hannity is political news then I am the man in the moon . On the upside , we have more media than the propaganda box .

  • Anonymous
    5 years ago

    i think of this media attitude against Ron Paul is surely assisting him interior the donation branch, everytime I hear something damaging interior the reporting , I frequently have a examine interior the mail day after today to Ron's marketing campaign, i'd think of the media does not discover's the form too be an considerable undertaking like something human beings....i'm confident the media won't instruct the genuine consequences, by using fact it reflects a very different image of the outcomes. and that i think of quite some yankee's are disconnected with questioning for themselves and taking thier que's from the media, and that would clarify why any moron would even think of approximately Romney or Rudy 911ony.

  • I'm sickened by the media completely. When reporting on the occupiers they only report on how much it cost, not what they're occupying about. When reporting on Ron Paul they only claim he is unelectable, despite the fact that he has won 11 elections. The American people can live in denial but they do so at their own peril.

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  • Anonymous
    9 years ago

    At least Fox reported on Obama's planned 17 day holiday vacation in Hawaii in the big villa. But I guess that's OK since nothing important, such as the expiration of the payroll tax holiday on Dec 31 or the possible collapse of the European economy, or Israel getting ready to bomb Iraq is happening in DC.

  • Anonymous
    9 years ago

    Yes but this was the absolute worst in my opinion;

    "as far as you have any sir?"

    That was the most disgusting display by an "unbiased" news agency.

    They are coming around though. I got this from Mox News, I DON'T watch Fox anymore. Not since 1-10-08 anyway.

  • Anonymous
    9 years ago

    I believe it all comes down to money. You might hear alot about romney, perry, gingrich because the campaign is support buy lobbist that work for some big corporations. So if you have enough money to pay fox they will make you look good to.

  • Anonymous
    9 years ago

    I find Fox sickening period. I have watched them just to verify the negativity I have heard about them, and it is true. They just lie all the time. It's not even spin. Especially Hannity, the wannabe quarterback. Just like a kid who is about to lie says, "Ummm...well see.. I ...I...ummm", you know a lie is coming when you hear any of them start with, "People have said ...." or "Some people say ....".


  • Anonymous
    9 years ago

    I find Fox News as a whole Sickening.

  • Anonymous
    9 years ago

    The GOP is the party of big business, neoconservatives, and social/religious conservatives. The GOP will NEVER allow someone who opposes the wars Bush started, favors legalizing drugs and hookers, and is anti-Israel to be their nominee. Never ever.

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