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Does DNA have all the source of our?

Dreams only 1% of DNA is used to create a body

If a module of DNA can make an eye another module a heart and all the other parts of the body

DNA also has all the memory of who our ancestors were and what they did

That is how Moses was able to have a dream of creation that no one question

Yes we could all each one of us have a module of DNA memory what Adam and Eve did

And a little of us goes on to our children in dreams they can have


I am asking if DNA module has the memory of our dreams and our mind knows how to read them to make dreams become real when we are having them

3 Answers

  • 9 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    "Dreams only 1% of DNA is used to create a body"

    Untrue. Roughly 2% of human DNA codes for proteins, but much of the rest of it has been shown to have other purposes.

    "If a module of DNA can make an eye another module a heart and all the other parts of the body"

    This is a very simplistic and largely incorrect understanding of how genetics works.

    "DNA also has all the memory of who our ancestors were and what they did"

    Cite? As far as I am aware, there is zero evidence of this anywhere. I would go so far as to call it laughably silly.

    "That is how Moses was able to have a dream of creation that no one question"

    No one questions that? I think you'll find that not to be the case. Indeed, if you were to propose such an idea to any gathering of biology experts, I would predict that not a single one of them would allow that to go past without questioning it. Because it is not supported by any shred of evidence or allowed by our current understanding of biology.

    "Yes we could all each one of us have a module of DNA memory what Adam and Eve did"

    You would have to prove that such a thing as "a module of DNA memory" is an actual real thing, instead of something you just made up, before this statement could be evaluated. Some evidence that Adam and Eve were real would be helpful, too (NOTE: mitochondrial Eve and Y-chromosome Adam are NOT the same thing).

    "And a little of us goes on to our children in dreams they can have"

    What evidence do you have to back this up? I suspect none.

    "I am asking if DNA module has the memory of our dreams"

    No. Because that sentence makes no biological sense.

    "and our mind knows how to read them to make dreams become real when we are having them"


  • 9 years ago

    Clarify the question a bit. Who says DNA has all the memory of our ancestors? If so they are not talking about mental memory. I think they are talking about physical memory. The DNA "remembers" how to replicate. What does dreaming and religion have to do with DNA?

  • khard
    Lv 6
    9 years ago

    DNA (plus the environment) is what shapes our brain, which in turn produces dreams based on randomly firing neurons. DNA tells cells how to grow, etc, but does not contain "memories." I think the short answer to your question is no.

    Source(s): Here's a good source if you want to learn about dreams.
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