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Western Sudanese Immigrants In utah still to say about jobs and life In united states?

what will we do to find money In united states the jobs are real somewhere still need agreat patience to find out the complecated warehouse jobs that are or manufacturing jobs to put our applications on right view for future look or near Idea for Hire it's something I can apprecaite as Immigrants jobs seeker to deside the weather how can find the work soon may fit my plan for life style as aguy look the life style In united states is something need alot of money to spent it could be the work very Important .if you look the main street media In united states today there is alot of things to look for us ajobs seeker or immigrants one of them could be like for example ;living some one wanted to take atransportations In utah about 25 miles or more what would you expect to pay ? I thing you may be spent around $10 or more that would be with tax or regular transportations so the main Idea with that is just for quicke transport to some where else . so something In united states we do not very much agree as Immigrants to stay and afford right Now it's the poverty because what we see us immigrants make our like so horible however because of the life is so difficult we need to care apossible astrealegy that is giving immigrants their Important rights of life anywhere else for example if someone work right Now he wants to have the money right Now to go to do something else that maybe helpfull for the day and maybe for future .

for example mohamed is an student from egypt came Immigrants to united states for seasonal work his Idea is to rent apartments it depends on how much money he has Ithing he found the united states jobs market does Not hire people at all so he applied many applications but he does not get satisfy with it because of the way he live he get's ahomeless he demands rescue but failure for it so it was amazing situations he ever get it before .so he Obligated to go back to egypt for ever he will return back . we as western Sudanese Immigrants In united states Special In state of utah we are very much wanted to say the united states without agood Idea does not make sence at all we Need to always look for where is the money or work some thing we could not be satisfy with I thing it's the jobs jobs market Idea that put us In avery bad situations looks like ahomeless and poverty I thing this kind of two Issues are something are warning In to human development I do believe we need to commit as Immigrants community In state of utah with the states jobs board it's to find out why we are the immigrants populations come from far away could be western sudan does not geting the jobs at this time live ahomeless In utah I thing It's amazing bad Idea so we also wanted to tell the president of united states In utah we as Immigrant's from darfur our life In utah is very difficult we need your help with the conversations about why we are here in utah when the jobs maket did reject our Idea for hire In the jobs market In manufacturing companies or Instructions jobs ? we as the immigrants nations we need to have avery Important care In the way we look with avery Important life basics that I could summerise On this numbers :

1- as Immigrants community Unemployment we need to have medical help from the states as well what ever it takes from the workforce service because of the situations we live it's Importants

2- we as immigrants from western sudan In utah we need to have housing services for free we reject homeless because we live more than six years homeless and our life right Now is so difficult .

3- we as Immigrants from western sudan (darfur ) we need to have money for transportations In the workforce center because the way we live today absolutely we walk on foot .

4- we as immigrants we need to have pocket money to spent for our daily expences to protect our life.

thank you

reported from - suliman abdalla saadelnour - salt lake city -utah

3 Answers

  • Alex G
    Lv 6
    9 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    You can always return to Sudan, Suliman, if you don't like it in the US.

    Congratulations for what might be the longest sentence in English in the world.

  • Jan
    Lv 7
    9 years ago

    Why do you think you are entitled to anything you don't work for?

    Please go home if you do not like it here. It is not the citizens of this country obligation to give you anything for free. Anything you want in this country you are supposed to work for, not have it handed to you.

    Our own citizens come first when a job is available.

  • Raelyn
    Lv 7
    9 years ago

    If life in the US isn't working out for you, then leave. The YA Immigration section is not an online forum for panhandling.

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