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Peter Andre with Piers Morgan interview on TV regarding divorced Dads?

When Piers Morgan interviewed Peter Andre, Peter described how he felt emotionally when he said that his kids were living with another man being Katie Price's partner, that he felt so distraught and that it absolutely killed him, but don't you think that he was answering on behalf of every single divorced Dad that has children as I believe that every father feels exactly the same after a marriage break up?

4 Answers

  • 9 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    Yes, I believe so, being shifted to the sidelines would be difficult for any father.

  • ?
    Lv 4
    5 years ago

    i think of she planned it. she knew they have been going to be showing Dwight Yorke complaining approximately Peter asking to undertake Harvey, so it might persist with that she substitute into going to ask Peter the comparable, now that Alex is now in Peters' place. yet there's a huge difference as Peter is a hands on father and spot's them on a prevalent foundation, while Dwight Yorke has by no potential been seen with Harvey. so attempting to make out that Alex might decide to undertake Peters' young ones, substitute into completely pointless. it substitute into finished for result, and regrettably Peter did what any loving dad might do, if asked approximately yet another guy taking on the care of his young ones. danger is, Peter had already had those suggestions going around in his head, stressful him, and Kay Burley hit a uncooked nerve. yet i does not placed something previous Katie cost, she is in all danger thinking Alex adopting the little ones aanyway just to harm Peter the place it hurts.

  • 9 years ago

    Yes, I think most dads in that situation could relate to what Peter said. He chose his words very well and didnt offend Katie or her partner so that was good of him. I love peter <3

  • D
    Lv 7
    9 years ago

    Peter spoke well unfortunately I don't believe that ever divorced Dad feels the same as him.

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