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Have my fellow Seniors noticed how ?

in effective medications become when you take them for too long a time. Remember the first time I took the cold medication "Contact" couldn't get over how effective it was - about six months later when I took it again it hardly worked at all - about the only pills I currently take aside from vitamins & some herbs are aspirin and some times Alive and then only sparingly - think this holds true with prescription medications as well - what are your thoughts on the subject.


I'm 70 years old

7 Answers

  • ?
    Lv 7
    9 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    Your body may build up a resistance to something.

    I don't notice a problem with that.

    I do know that no matter what anyone says , only aspirin works for me and I never use it unless I just have to. Aleve works but only if I take at least 3 at a time. My doctor told me to use it and that now that it has become an over the counter med they have weakened the strength and I can use a lot before it would ever cause a problem.

  • ?
    Lv 6
    9 years ago

    Hi Dave,

    I don't know how old you are but regarding the common cold there is nothing you can take for it because it is a virus and you can take things to relieve the pain and congestion but it is your immune system that fights the virus. Antibiotics however can be taken if and when you get a secondary infection.

    Therefore you need to stay healthy and you may find that generally speaking you were in better health the first time and maybe a little more run down the second time.

    Keep taking your vitamens buddy and plenty of sleep and don;t push yourself too hard.

    I'm only a spring chicken at 68 - you never mentioned your age.

    Hang in there and have a happy holiday season

    regards Mike D


  • ?
    Lv 7
    9 years ago

    Many cold remedies had to change their recipes because meth heads were buying up anything with psuedophedrine, which helps manage sinus clogs, in it. They put this new stuff in OTC cold meds that doesn't work for a whole lot of people and if you want the stuff with real psuedophedrine in it, you have to get it at the pharmacy counter, sign for it, and you can only get a limited amount each month (theoretically so you can't cook meth). A lot of good drugs have been pulled because drug addicts abused the OTC versions--for a while you couldn't get medicines to treat tropical fish from the aquarium stores because the druggies were using them on themselves.

    Haven't had a cold in a long time but last time I just sweated it out--drank lots of water, took extra Vit. C, slept a lot, didn't take any meds so my body could fight it all by itself. I have no idea if drugs have gotten weaker--the prescription ones I take seem to be doing their job and haven't had to change the prescripts in all these years. I know the price of drugs has gone up significantly.

  • ?
    Lv 6
    9 years ago

    I was cut down to taking the following prescription medications after cardiac surgery last May. The dosage levels change occasionally.

    Warfarin - As given weekly schedule after level tests

    Furesomide 40 mg - One per day, mornings

    Bisoropol 2.5 mg - One in morning

    Ramipril 1.25mg (Down from 5 mg) Two a day am/pm

    Simvastin 40 mg - One a day at night

    Omeprazole 20mg

    Codeine Phosphate - 30 mg – As required

    Paracetomol - 500 mg - Four times a day

    Iboprufen Pain Gel - Apply to knees twice daily (Arthritis)

    Over counter:

    Senakot – As required

    Omega3 fish oil 1000mg – One daily when not having herrings or kippers to eat that day.

    I'd like to warn anyone going on Furesomide water tablets, if you are going anywhere that is not within a 50 second reach of a toilet, take a bottle with you!


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  • -
    Lv 7
    9 years ago

    It happened with an allergy medication I was taking. Worked good for a year or so and then it seemed not to be effective any longer. I try not to take any synthetic medications but if I have to then take it for the least amount of time that I can get by with.

    I use natural things for colds, lemon juice (from a whole lemon) each day, fresh garlic baked or cooked with food, mushrooms (raise the level of white blood cells), etc. Celestial Seasonings Red Teas are made using Rooibos which helps to increase white blood cells which kill germs.

  • 9 years ago

    I only have one medication which I take for sleep, but rather than becoming ineffective, it seems that I can take less of it now than I did. I have taken it since it was determined that I had trouble sleeping after years of not being able to sleep without dreaming and waking all hours of the night. (I already knew it).

    Source(s): Me.
  • 9 years ago

    Not really, but then I don't use over the counter medications - never have. Grandma's remedies work so I use them.

    Source(s): Sr. citizen
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